390 research outputs found

    Stasheff polytopes and the coordinate ring of the cluster X-variety of type A_n

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    We define Stasheff polytopes in the space of tropical points of cluster A-varieties. We study the supports of products of elements of canonical bases for cluster X-varieties. We prove that, for the cluster X-variety of type A_n, such supports are Stasheff polytopes.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure


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     Meat is part of duck carcass mostly consumed by humans compared to other parts. This study aimed toanalyze the heavy metal bioaccumulation factor (BAF) of duck meat and its possible risks to human health. Atotal of 25 duck samples with their drinking water and feed were taken from five intensive duck farms in CentralJava Province, i.e., Semarang (A), Temanggung (B), Magelang (C), Pati (D) and Salatiga (E). Heavy metalsconcentration (As, Cd, Hg, and Pb) were measured following the ICP-OES method. Heavy metals concentrationdata obtained were then compared with the quality standard. The BAF value was calculated and the risks tohuman health were assessed. Our study found that drinking water provided for ducks in all farms containedheavy metals (As, Cd, Hg, and Pb) concentrations exceeding the quality standards. Hg concentration of 0.089 -5.01 ppm in duck feed exceeded the quality standard. Concentrations of Cd (0.0713 - 0.075 ppm) and Hg (3.1 -4.84 ppm) in duck meat exceeded the quality standard. The average of BAFduck meat values was in the range of0.443 - 0.955. The EDI value of heavy metals (As, Cd, Hg, and Pb) for adults and children through consumptionof duck meat in the Central Java region was lower than RfD. This study showed that the health risk parameters(EDI, HQ, and HI) were within safe limits. Exposure to heavy metals through duck meat consumption both inadults and children was unlikely to cause adverse health effects

    Energy Consumption of Lactating Mothers: Current Situation and Problems

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    Recommendations on the adequacy of nutrient intake indicate that lactating mothers have higher nutritional needs than do pregnant mothers. High nutrient intake is necessary to help mothers recover after childbirth, produce milk, and maintain the quantity and quality of breast milk. It also prevents maternal malnutrition. Research has shown, however, that the dietary energy consumption of mothers during lactation was significantly lower than that during pregnancy. The current study explored the factors associated with decreased nutritional intake during maternal lactation. The study was conducted in March–April 2013, and the subjects were mothers with infants aged >6 months. Results revealed that the factors causing low dietary energy consumption among breastfeeding mothers were poor nutritional knowledge and attitude toward high energy intake requirements during lactation, lack of time to cook and eat because of infant care, reduced consumption of milk and supplements, dietary restrictions and prohibitions, and suboptimal advice from midwives/health personnel. Beginning from the antenatal care visit, health personnel should conduct effective counseling on the importance of nutrient intake during lactation. Advice should be provided not only to mothers, but also to their families to enable them to thoroughly support the mothers as they breastfeed their infants

    Engineering Responses to Pandemics

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    Focusing on pandemic influenza, this chapter approaches the planning for and response to such a major worldwide health event as a complex engineering systems problem. Action-oriented analysis of pandemics requires a broad inclusion of academic disciplines since no one domain can cover a significant fraction of the problem. Numerous research papers and action plans have treated pandemics as purely medical happenings, focusing on hospitals, health care professionals, creation and distribution of vaccines and anti-virals, etc. But human behavior with regard to hygiene and social distancing constitutes a first-order partial brake or control of the spread and intensity of infection. Such behavioral options are “non-pharmaceutical interventions.” (NPIs) The chapter employs simple mathematical models to study alternative controls of infection, addressing a well-known parameter in epidemiology, R0, the “reproductive number,” defined as the mean number of new infections generated by an index case. Values of R0 greater than 1.0 usually indicate that the infection begins with exponential growth, the generation-to-generation growth rate being R0. R0 is broken down into constituent parts related to the frequency and intensity of human contacts, both partially under our control. It is suggested that any numerical value for R0 has little meaning outside the social context to which it pertains. Difference equation models are then employed to study the effects of heterogeneity of population social contact rates, the analysis showing that the disease tends to be driven by high frequency individuals. Related analyses show the futility of trying geographically to isolate the disease. Finally, the models are operated under a variety of assumptions related to social distancing and changes in hygienic behavior. The results are promising in terms of potentially reducing the total impact of the pandemic

    Stopping Pandemic Flu: Government and Community Interventions in a Multi-Community Model

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    Focusing on mitigation strategies for global pandemic influenza, we use elementary mathematical models to evaluate the implementation and timing of intervention strategies such as travel restrictions, vaccination, social distancing and improved hygiene. A spreadsheet model of infection spread between several linked heterogeneous communities is based on analytical calculations and Monte Carlo simulations. Since human behavior will likely change during the course of a pandemic, thereby altering the dynamics of the disease, we incorporate a feedback parameter into our model to reflect altered behavior. Our results indicate that while a flu pandemic could be devastating; there are coping methods that when implemented quickly and correctly can significantly mitigate the severity of a global outbreak

    Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Penderita Tuberkulosis Paru

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    Tuberkulosis paru (TB) merupakan penyakit kronik yang dapat memengaruhi kualitas hidup seseorang.Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) merupakan salah satu terapi non-farmakologis untukmengatasi hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh terapi SEFT terhadap peningkatanQuality of Life (QoL) pada penderita TB di Puskesmas Perak Timur Surabaya. Metode yang digunakandalam penelitian ini adalah quasi-eksperimental dengan jumlah sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusisebanyak 22 orang. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji Wilcoxon dan Mann Whitney dengantingkat kemaknaan α<0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien TBsecara signifikan pada aspek kesehatan fisik (p=0,003), psikologis (p=0,003), dan sosial (p=0,046) setelahdilakukan intervensi SEFT. Sedangkan hasil tidak signifikan terdapat pada aspek lingkungan (p=1,000).Pada uji Mann Whitney didapatkan hasil signifikan pada aspek kesehatan fisik (p=0,000), aspek psikologis(p=0,000), dan aspek fungsi sosial (p=0,015). Hasil uji Mann Whitney tidak signifikan pada aspek lingkungan(p=0,167). Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah SEFT mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup responden secaraumum, karena mampu mengatasi “psychological reversal” dan karena pengaruh dari “electrical active cells”

    Perawatan Diri Pasien Kusta

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    . Leprosy is a general health problem because can be causes of disability. Routine Self-care is needed prevent existing defects. This study is aim to describe self-care of leprosy patients in work area of Bendan and Jenggot Primary Health Care Pekalongan City, 2015. This study used descriptive study. Populations in this study were all of leprosy patients in work area of Bendan and Jenggot Primary Health Care about 42 patients. To select certain participant used total sampling technique. Result of this study showed 19 (52.8%) do not perform self-care and 17 (47.2%) perform self-care. Self-care is an act to maintain cleanliness and health of a personal's well-being, both of physical and psychological. Interest in self-care is no more affected than the desire itself and did not need any help from the family. They believe when self-care is done regularly will reduce the risk of a more severe disability. More families are expected to motivate lepers to always perform self-care by providing information about leprosy in particular on self-care

    Validity of the weakly nonlinear solution of the cauchy problem for the boussinesq-type equation

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    We consider the initial-value problem for the regularized Boussinesq-type equation in the class of periodic functions. Validity of the weakly nonlinear solution, given in terms of two counterpropagating waves satisfying the uncoupled Ostrovsky equations, is examined. We prove analytically and illustrate numerically that the improved accuracy of the solution can be achieved at the timescales of the Ostrovsky equation if solutions of the linearized Ostrovsky equations are incorporated into the asymptotic solution. Compared to the previous literature, we show that the approximation error can be controlled in the energy space of periodic functions and the nonzero mean values of the periodic functions can be naturally incorporated in the justification analysis. © 2014 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Radiating solitary waves in coupled Boussinesq equations

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    In this paper we are concerned with the analytical description of radiating solitary wave solutions of coupled regularised Boussinesq equations. This type of solution consists of a leading solitary wave with a small-amplitude co-propagating oscillatory tail, and emerges from a pure solitary wave solution of a symmetric reduction of the full system. We construct an asymptotic solution, where the leading order approximation in both components is obtained as a particular solution of the regularised Boussinesq equations in the symmetric case. At the next order, the system uncouples into two linear non-homogeneous ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients, one correcting the localised part of the solution, which we find analytically, and the other describing the co-propagating oscillatory tail. This latter equation is a fourth order ordinary differential equation and is solved approximately by two different methods, each exploiting the assumption that the leading solitary wave has a small amplitude, and thus enabling an explicit estimate for the amplitude of the oscillating tail. These estimates are compared with corresponding numerical simulations

    Scattering in an environment

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    The cross section of elastic electron-proton scattering taking place in an electron gas is calculated within the Closed Time Path method. It is found to be the sum of two terms, one being the expression in the vacuum except that it involves dressing due to the electron gas. The other term is due to the scattering particles-electron gas entanglement. This term dominates the usual one when the exchange energy is in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. Furthermore it makes the trajectories of the colliding particles more consistent and the collision more irreversible, rendering the scattering more classical in this regime.Comment: final version to appear in Phys. Rev.
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