14 research outputs found

    Moral Principles in Bama’s Short Story ‘Anthi’

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    Bama, is a prominent leading author of Dalit literature. Her novel Karuku written in 1992 became famous because of its autobiographical elements. She used the language of Dalit people in her writings and it is considered to have paved a new path. She works as a teacher. Her novel Karuku has been translated into English by Lakshmi Holmstrom. She received the 'Cross Wordbook Award' of the year 2000. Bama, who was born in the sixties in Tamil Nadu is currently working as a teacher. Her novels Karuku (1992) and Sangathi (1994) are two of the best Dalit novels. Karuku (Novel-1992), Sangathi (Novel-1994), Vanmam (Novel-2002), Kisumbukkaran (Short Story- 1996), Manushi (Novel) and Thavutu Kuruvi (2019 short- stories) bear great moral thoughts. A short story called ‘Anthi’ has been taken up for analysis in the short stories of Daututuk Kuvi. In this story Bama highlighted the sufferings of lonely old people. Anthi is a short story that captures the life style of the people living with goats and cows. Bama points dignified lifestyle through the lifestyle of Thavasi grandma. In the short story ‘Anthi’ Bama has created a character Thavasi grandma who want to live her life by herself without depending on others. Morality is of the views regarding how one should behave in society. It can be defined as the set of behaviors accepted by a society regarding what is good and what is bad. Morals are not the same in all societies as can be seen in the short story of Anthi through Thavasi grandma. As the problems are different from time to time, according to the development of the society, the stories are created from a critical point of view. This article is about the life style of Thavasi grandma as mentioned in the story ‘Anthi’ by Bama

    Estimation of soil carbon pools under major cropping systems of Mayiladuthurai district of Cauvery Delta Zone, Tamil Nadu, India

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    Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a potential indicator of soil quality and ecosystem sustainability. The present study aimed to evaluate SOC pools under major cropping systems of Mayiladuthurai district of Tamil Nadu. The composite samples were collected from two depths (0-15 and 15-30 cm) by stratified random sampling and were analysed for pH, EC (Electrical conductivity), C fractions, inorganic carbon and permanganate oxidisable carbon by standard procedures. The SOC content under different land use was in the order of Forestry > Rice – pulses > Rice – cotton > Sugarcane > Uncultivated. The mean SOC content of the study area was 12.58 Mg ha-1, where the majority of the area falls under low to medium rating of SOC. Hence, cultivation practices should incorporate activities that increase SOC to maintain soil quality. SOC was positively correlated with fractions of carbon – CVL (r = 0.37**), CL (r = 0.65**) and CLL (r = 0.58**), indicating changes in land use would affect the carbon dynamics of the ecosystem. The root biomass, aeration status, microbial activity, nutrient reserves and inherent soil characteristics influenced SOC to decrease with depth. The PCA analysis revealed that the variation in carbon dynamics of the study area was influenced by SOC, CLC, CLL and non-labile carbon due to differences in land management practices. Therefore, such soil management practices will be a powerful tool to sequester carbon, which supplements climate change mitigation

    Comparative evaluation of sulphur sources on growth, yield and quality of garlic (Allium sativum L.)

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    Sulphur is a prime nutrient in Allium crops. Garlic fertilization with ammonium-based sulphur fertilizers in low pH soils is being practiced by farmers that culminate the soil acidity, which has an adverse effect on plant growth. Hence a field experiment was conducted at Horticultural Research Station, Woodhouse farm, Ooty, the Nilgris in 2021 to evaluate the appropriate sulphur sources and their levels for garlic at acidic hilly soil using four sulphur sources viz., potassium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, zinc sulphate and ammonium phosphate sulphate and three levels viz., 0, 40, 60 kg ha-1. Garlic variety Ooty 2 was used as test crop. The results revealed that application of magnesium sulphate @ 60 kg ha-1 produced the highest plant height, leaf numbers, clove numbers bulb-1, neck thickness, polar diameter, equatorial diameter, the weight of 10 cloves, fresh weight, dry weight and bulb yield (16.78 t ha-1) of garlic. Quality parameters viz., total soluble solids, ascorbic acid and total phenols of garlic bulbs were improved by the application of potassium sulphate @ 60 kg ha-1. Sulphur source of Magnesium sulphate had a minimal effect of rendering acidity to soil measured in terms of pH (4.74) and exchangeable acidity (0.22 meq 100 g-1). Hence, the promising source for acidic hilly soil and garlic crop was found to be magnesium sulphate @ 60 kg ha-1 followed by potassium sulphate @ 60 kg ha-1. This particular investigation focuses not only on yield improvement but also on maintaining soil quality of the area

    Agronomic biofortification of calcium in cabbage (Brassica Oleracea var capitata) applied with different sources of liming in Ca deficient acidic soil of Coonoor, The Nilgiris (Typic Dystropept)

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    The human body needs calcium (Ca) to maintain strong bones and teeth and to build a strong structure, helping muscles contract and playing a crucial role in the structural and signalling process. However, low calcium consumption in the diet has related to a variety of disorders in humans, which can have long-term health repercussions. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the Ca biofortification capacity of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var capitata) supplied with different Ca-supplying inorganic fertilizer sources at various fixed levels based on soil liming potential grown in open field conditions where four hybrids of cabbage grown in Ca deficient acidic soil. Ca applied as Limestone (CaCO3) (150% and 175% liming potential) and Dolomitic limestone [CaMg(CO3)2]150% liming potential yield high Ca content in cabbage head and foliage (61.3 mg 100 g-1), high glucosinolates content (53.12 mg 100 g-1) and lower oxalate(0.31 mg 100 g-1) that produced firmer head as compared with Ca untreated control which also promoted high market value for Ca biofortified ones. On the other hand, Ca addition leads to lower Fe and Mg content in the cabbage tissues due to an antagonistic effect. All four hybrids of cabbage studied using the agronomic method of biofortification significantly(p≤0.05) improved Ca enrichment (20% more compared to control) without showing any toxicity symptoms making possibility to obtain Ca biofortified cabbage in acidic soil of a hilly ecosystem by application of liming.

    Greenhouse gas emissions in saline and waterlogged

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    An experiment was conducted to study the impact of water logging and addition of organic amendments on green house gas (GHG) emissions in a saline soil. The treatments comprised of water levels maintained at three levels viz., complete saturation, 10 cm and 15 cm below the soil surface. Organic amendment at the rate of 7.5 t ha -1 was added. Gas samples were collected at periodic intervals and analysed. The results revealed that CO 2 , N 2 O and C 2 H 2 emissions were lower under a water logged condition and were found to be higher at water levels 10 cm / 15 cm below the soil surface. There was an increase in emissions from 100 to 400 mg kg -1 at 7 days after incubation (DAI). Methane emission was found to be higher in completely saturated soil. Soils at 10 cm water level and amended with the organic material registered a higher value of soil microbial biomass – C of 1320 mg kg -1. Emissions of GHG were enhanced with the addition of organic material. This suggests that lack of C substrate is the dominant limitation for GHG emissions on saline soil. Lower q CO2 values in water logged soils indicate low microbial activit

    Screening of Groundnut Genotypes for Sulphur Utilization Potential

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    A microplot experiment was conducted on a medium black soil for screening of groundnut genotypes for improved S utilization. From this experiment four different S sources viz., Gypsum, SSP, FeSO4, and ZnSO4, were applied at four levels (S @ 0, 20, 30, and 40 kg ha-1). The results revealed that the addition of 40 kg S ha-1 as FeSO4 substantially increased the dry matter production and sulphur uptake irrespective of groundnut genotypes. Sulphur application in the form of SSP enhanced the root length and number of pods per plant. Groundnut genotypes CO7, VRI 8, and TMV 14 were categorized as efficient S utilizers, while BSR 2 and ALR 3 were recorded to be inefficient S utilizers

    Assessment of compatibility of intercrops in Dalbergia sissoo based Hortisilvicultural system in Mondipatty, Manapparai block of Trichy district, Tamil Nadu

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    Attention to intercropping for sustainable agriculture is increasing, and scientific studies on intercropping have also grown in recent years. Agroforestry Systems, which combine annual crops with trees, are used widely in semiarid regions to reduce wind erosion and improve the efficiency of resources such as water and nutrients. Field experiments were conducted at Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited Farm, Mondipatty, Tamil Nadu, to study the compatibility of intercropping systems in the Dalbergia sissoo-based Horti-silvicultural system for two years during 2016 and 2017. The experiments were conducted in a split-plot design with four replications.The main plot treatments were M1: Cassava M2:Chillies and the subplot treatments were five nutrient management packages viz., S1: Untreated control, S2: 100 % Recommended Dose of Fertilizers (Cassava: 90: 90: 240 and Chillies: 60: 80: 80),S3: 125 % Recommended Dose of Fertilizers (Cassava: 112.5: 112.5: 300 and Chillies: 75: 100: 100), S4:150 % (Cassava: 135: 135: 360 and Chillies: 90: 120: 120) Recommended Dose of Fertilizers, S5: Soil Test Crop Response studies - Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System -based recommendation (as per soil test value). The results indicated that the Horti-Silvicultural system of growing Cassava and Chillies along with D. sissoo performed well. It was observed that statistically significant    (p ≤ 0.05)  higher yields of 17.8 tha-1 and 1.6 tha-1 were recorded in Cassava and Chillies, respectively, in treatment S5, where the fertilizer was applied based on the Soil Test Crop Response studies - Integrated Plant Nutrient Supply System. In addition, the soil fertility status was also sustained in this plot. The fertilizers applied to the intercrops have contributed to the nutrient requirement of the tree crop and thereby reduced the cost of cultivation in the agroforestry system

    Reliability and validity of the CONFbal scale in patients with hemiparesis following stroke

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    Background: The 10-item CONFbal scale is a measure used to assess balance confidence in geriatric population. However, its measurement properties have not been studied in the poststroke population. Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of the CONFbal scale in poststroke patients. Methods: We did a cross-sectional study of 80 poststroke patients with hemiparesis attending the Neurology Outpatient Department, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. Participants completed the CONFbal scale and the activities-specific balance confidence (ABC) scale in a random order to assess balance confidence. Results: The Cronbach's alpha for CONFbal scale was 0.894, which showed that the items of the scale were internally consistent. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) for CONFbal and ABC scales was −0.702, which showed that there was a moderate association between the two scales. Conclusion: The CONFbal scale is a reliable and valid scale to assess balance confidence in poststroke patients

    Green Nanotechnology: Harnessing Rice Husk Ash for Nano-Silica and Characterization Insights

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    In the form of nanoparticles, silica is a significant inorganic component of rice husk. Consequently, it is feasible to extract high purity amorphous silica nanoparticles by straightforward thermo-chemical processes. So, in this study, an eco-friendly chemical treatment method (Green Synthesis) was used to try and manufacture amorphous silica nanoparticles from rice husk ash. I had done synthesizing silica nanoparticle in Dept. of Soil Science and Agricultural chemistry, TNAU, Coimbatore in the year 2023 and the aim of this study is to characterize the silica nano particle and use it on agricultural crops. Selected region from X-ray diffraction analysis and Transmission Electron Microscopy, silica sample exhibited amorphous behaviour as seen in the electron diffraction patterns, whereas the Fourier-transform infrared Spectroscopy spectra primarily contained siloxane and silanol groups. Images obtained in Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed the existence of primary nanoparticles with secondary microparticles, possibly as a result of their agglomeration. These silica nanoparticles can therefore be used in the fields of microelectronics, sensors, nano-additives and will be suitable on implication on agricultural crops