166 research outputs found

    Alterations of alveolar type II cells and intraalveolar surfactant after bronchoalveolar lavage and perfluorocarbon ventilation. An electron microscopical and stereological study in the rat lung

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Repeated bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) has been used in animals to induce surfactant depletion and to study therapeutical interventions of subsequent respiratory insufficiency. Intratracheal administration of surface active agents such as perfluorocarbons (PFC) can prevent the alveolar collapse in surfactant depleted lungs. However, it is not known how BAL or subsequent PFC administration affect the intracellular and intraalveolar surfactant pool.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Male wistar rats were surfactant depleted by BAL and treated for 1 hour by conventional mechanical ventilation (<it>Lavaged-Gas</it>, n = 5) or partial liquid ventilation with PF 5080 (<it>Lavaged-PF5080</it>, n = 5). For control, 10 healthy animals with gas (<it>Healthy-Gas</it>, n = 5) or PF5080 filled lungs (<it>Healthy-PF5080</it>, n = 5) were studied. A design-based stereological approach was used for quantification of lung parenchyma and the intracellular and intraalveolar surfactant pool at the light and electron microscopic level.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared to <it>Healthy</it>-lungs, <it>Lavaged</it>-animals had more type II cells with lamellar bodies in the process of secretion and freshly secreted lamellar body-like surfactant forms in the alveoli. The fraction of alveolar epithelial surface area covered with surfactant and total intraalveolar surfactant content were significantly smaller in <it>Lavaged</it>-animals. Compared with <it>Gas</it>-filled lungs, both <it>PF5080</it>-groups had a significantly higher total lung volume, but no other differences.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>After BAL-induced alveolar surfactant depletion the amount of intracellularly stored surfactant is about half as high as in healthy animals. In lavaged animals short time liquid ventilation with PF5080 did not alter intra- or extracellular surfactant content or subtype composition.</p

    Completeness in the Mackey topology

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    Bonet and Cascales [Non-complete Mackey topologies on Banach spaces, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 81, 3 (2010), 409-413], answering a question of M. Kunze and W. Arendt, gave an example of a norming norm-closed subspace N of the dual of a Banach space X such that mu(X, N) is not complete,where mu(X, N) denotes the Mackey topology associated with the dual pair aEuroX, NaEuro parts per thousand. We prove in this note that we can decide on the completeness or incompleteness of topologies of this form in a quite general context, thus providing large classes of counterexamples to the aforesaid question. Moreover, our examples use subspaces N of X* that contain a predual P of X (if exists), showing that the phenomenon of noncompleteness that Kunze and Arendt were looking for is not only relatively common but illustrated by "well-located" subspaces of the dual. We discuss also the situation for a typical Banach space without a predual-the space c (0)-and for the James space J.The first author is supported in part by MICINN and FEDER (project no. MTM2008-05396), by Fundacion Seneca (project no. 08848/PI/08), by Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2010/036), and by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (project no. PAID-06-09-2829). The second author is supported in part by MICINN project no. MTM2011-22417, by Generalitat Valenciana (GV/2010/036), and by Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (project no. PAID-06-09-2829).Guirao Sánchez, AJ.; Montesinos Santalucia, V. (2015). Completeness in the Mackey topology. Functional Analysis and Its Applications. 49(2):97-105. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10688-015-0091-2S97105492J. Bonet and B. Cascales, “Non-complete Mackey topologies on Banach spaces,” Bull. Aust. Math. Soc., 81:3 (2010), 409–413.M. Fabian, P. Habala, P. Hájek, V. Montesinos, and V. Zizler, Banach Space Theory. The Basis for Linear and Nonlinear Analysis, CMS Books in Math., Springer-Verlag, New York, 2011.P. Pérez-Carreras and J. Bonet, Barreled Locally Convex Spaces, North-Holland Mathematical Studies, vol. 131, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987.P. Civin and B. Yood, “Quasi-reflexive spaces,” Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 8:5 (1957), 906–911.J. Diestel, Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces, Graduate Text in Math., vol. 92, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1984.K. Floret, Weakly Compact Sets, Lecture Notes in Math., vol. 801, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1980.G. Godefroy, “Boundaries of convex sets and interpolation sets,” Math. Ann., 277:2 (1987), 173–184.R. C. James, “On nonreflexive Banach space isometric with its second conjugate,” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 37 (1951), 174–177.G. Köthe, Topological Vector Spaces I, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1969

    Twisted convolution and Moyal star product of generalized functions

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    We consider nuclear function spaces on which the Weyl-Heisenberg group acts continuously and study the basic properties of the twisted convolution product of the functions with the dual space elements. The final theorem characterizes the corresponding algebra of convolution multipliers and shows that it contains all sufficiently rapidly decreasing functionals in the dual space. Consequently, we obtain a general description of the Moyal multiplier algebra of the Fourier-transformed space. The results extend the Weyl symbol calculus beyond the traditional framework of tempered distributions.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, no figure

    Duals of variable exponent Hörmander spaces (0<pp+10< p^- \le p^+ \le 1) and some applications

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    In this paper we characterize the dual \bigl(\B^c_{p(\cdot)} (\Omega) \bigr)' of the variable exponent H\"or\-man\-der space \B^c_{p(\cdot)} (\Omega) when the exponent p()p(\cdot) satisfies the conditions 0<pp+10 < p^- \le p^+ \le 1, the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator MM is bounded on Lp()/p0L_{p(\cdot)/p_0} for some 0<p0<p0 < p_0 < p^- and Ω\Omega is an open set in Rn\R^n. It is shown that the dual \bigl(\B^c_{p(\cdot)} (\Omega) \bigr)' is isomorphic to the H\"ormander space \B^{\mathrm{loc}}_\infty (\Omega) (this is the p+1p^+ \le 1 counterpart of the isomorphism \bigl(\B^c_{p(\cdot)} (\Omega) \bigr)' \simeq \B^{\mathrm{loc}}_{\widetilde{p'(\cdot)}} (\Omega), 1<pp+<1 < p^- \le p^+ < \infty, recently proved by the authors) and hence the representation theorem \bigl( \B^c_{p(\cdot)} (\Omega) \bigr)' \simeq l^{\N}_\infty is obtained. Our proof relies heavily on the properties of the Banach envelopes of the steps of \B^c_{p(\cdot)} (\Omega) and on the extrapolation theorems in the variable Lebesgue spaces of entire analytic functions obtained in a precedent paper. Other results for p()pp(\cdot) \equiv p, 0<p<10 < p < 1, are also given (e.g. \B^c_p (\Omega) does not contain any infinite-dimensional qq-Banach subspace with p<q1p < q \le 1 or the quasi-Banach space \B_p \cap \E'(Q) contains a copy of lpl_p when QQ is a cube in Rn\R^n). Finally, a question on complex interpolation (in the sense of Kalton) of variable exponent H\"ormander spaces is proposed.J. Motos is partially supported by grant MTM2011-23164 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The authors wish to thank the referees for the careful reading of the manuscript and for many helpful suggestions and remarks that improved the exposition. In particular, the remark immediately following Theorem 2.1 and the Question 2 were motivated by the comments of one of them.Motos Izquierdo, J.; Planells Gilabert, MJ.; Talavera Usano, CF. (2015). Duals of variable exponent Hörmander spaces (0<pp+10< p^- \le p^+ \le 1) and some applications. Revista- Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie a Matematicas. 109(2):657-668. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-014-0209-zS6576681092Aboulaich, R., Meskine, D., Souissi, A.: New diffussion models in image processing. Comput. Math. Appl. 56(4), 874–882 (2008)Acerbi, E., Mingione, G.: Regularity results for stationary electro-rheological fluids. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 164(3), 213–259 (2002)Bastero, J.: lql^q l q -subspaces of stable pp p -Banach spaces, 0<p10 < p \le 1 0 < p ≤ 1 . Arch. Math. (Basel) 40, 538–544 (1983)Boas, R.P.: Entire functions. Academic Press, London (1954)Boza, S.: Espacios de Hardy discretos y acotación de operadores. Dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona (1998)Cruz-Uribe, D., Fiorenza, A.: Variable Lebesgue spaces, foundations and harmonic analysis. Birkhäuser, Basel (2013)Cruz-Uribe, D.: SFO, A. Fiorenza, J. M. Martell, C. Pérez: The boundedness of classical operators on variable LpL^p L p spaces. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 31, 239–264 (2006)Diening, L., Harjulehto, P., Hästö, P., Růžička, M.: Lebesgue and sobolev spaces with variable exponents. lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 2007. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2011)Hörmander, L.: The analysis of linear partial operators II, Grundlehren 257. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1983)Hörmander, L.: The analysis of linear partial operators I, Grundlehren 256. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1983)Kalton, N.J., Peck, N.T., Roberts, J.W.: An FF F -space sampler, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes, vol. 89. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1985)Kalton, N.J.: Banach envelopes of non-locally convex spaces. Canad. J. Math. 38(1), 65–86 (1986)Kalton, N.J., Mitrea, M.: Stability results on interpolation scales of quasi-Banach spaces and applications. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 350(10), 3903–3922 (1998)Kalton, N.J.: Quasi-Banach spaces, Handbook of the Geometry of Banach Spaces, vol. 2. In: Johnson, W.B., Lindenstrauss, J. (eds.), pp. 1099–1130. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2003)Köthe, G.: Topological vector spaces I. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (1969)Motos, J., Planells, M.J., Talavera, C.F.: On variable exponent Lebesgue spaces of entire analytic functions. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 388, 775–787 (2012)Motos, J., Planells, M.J., Talavera, C.F.: A note on variable exponent Hörmander spaces. Mediterr. J. Math. 10, 1419–1434 (2013)Stiles, W.J.: Some properties of lpl_p l p , 0<p<10 < p < 1 0 < p < 1 . Studia Math. 42, 109–119 (1972)Triebel, H.: Theory of function spaces. Birkhäuser, Basel (1983)Vogt, D.: Sequence space representations of spaces of test functions and distributions. In: Zapata, G.I. (ed.) Functional analysis, holomorphy and approximation theory, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 83, pp. 405–443 (1983

    Weighted composition operators on Korenblum type spaces of analytic functions

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    [EN] We investigate the continuity, compactness and invertibility of weighted composition operators W-psi,W-phi: f -> psi(f circle phi) when they act on the classical Korenblum space A(-infinity) and other related Frechet or (LB)-spaces of analytic functions on the open unit disc which are defined as intersections or unions of weighted Banach spaces with sup-norms. Some results about the spectrum of these operators are presented in case the self-map phi has a fixed point in the unit disc. A precise description of the spectrum is obtained in this case when the operator acts on the Korenblum space.This research was partially supported by the research project MTM2016-76647-P and the grant BES-2017-081200.Gomez-Orts, E. (2020). Weighted composition operators on Korenblum type spaces of analytic functions. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales Serie A Matemáticas. 114(4):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-020-00924-1S1151144Abramovich, Y.A., Aliprantis, C.D.: An invitation to operator theory. Graduate Studies in Mathematics. Amer. Math. Soc., 50 (2002)Albanese, A.A., Bonet, J., Ricker, W.J.: The Cesàro operator in the Fréchet spaces p+\ell ^{p+} and LpL^{p-}. Glasgow Math. J. 59, 273–287 (2017)Albanese, A.A., Bonet, J., Ricker, W.J.: The Cesàro operator on Korenblum type spaces of analytic functions. Collect. Math. 69(2), 263–281 (2018)Albanese, A.A., Bonet, J., Ricker, W.J.: Operators on the Fréchet sequence spaces ces(p+),1pces(p+), 1\le p\le \infty . Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 113(2), 1533–1556 (2019)Albanese, A.A., Bonet, J., Ricker, W.J.: Linear operators on the (LB)-sequence spaces ces(p),1pces(p-), 1\le p\le \infty . Descriptive topology and functional analysis. II, 43–67, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 286, Springer, Cham (2019)Arendt, W., Chalendar, I., Kumar, M., Srivastava, S.: Powers of composition operators: asymptotic behaviour on Bergman, Dirichlet and Bloch spaces. J. Austral. Math. Soc. 1–32. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1446788719000235Aron, R., Lindström, M.: Spectra of weighted composition operators on weighted Banach spaces of analytic funcions. Israel J. Math. 141, 263–276 (2004)Bierstedt, K.D., Summers, W.H.: Biduals of weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions. J. Austral. Math. Soc., Ser. A, 54(1), 70–79 (1993)Bonet, J.: A note about the spectrum of composition operators induced by a rotation. RACSAM 114, 63 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-020-00788-5Bonet, J., Domański, P., Lindström, M., Taskinen, J.: Composition operators between weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions. J. Austral. Math. Soc., Ser. A, 64(1), 101–118 (1998)Bourdon, P.S.: Essential angular derivatives and maximum growth of Königs eigenfunctions. J. Func. Anal. 160, 561–580 (1998)Bourdon, P.S.: Invertible weighted composition operators. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 142(1), 289–299 (2014)Carleson, L., Gamelin, T.: Complex Dynamics. Springer, Berlin (1991)Cowen, C., MacCluer, B.: Composition Operators on Spaces of Analytic Functions. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL (1995)Contreras, M., Hernández-Díaz, A.G.: Weighted composition operators in weighted Banach spacs of analytic functions. J. Austral. Math. Soc., Ser. A 69, 41–60 (2000)Eklund, T., Galindo, P., Lindström, M.: Königs eigenfunction for composition operators on Bloch and HH^\infty spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 445, 1300–1309 (2017)Hedenmalm, H., Korenblum, B., Zhu, K.: Theory of Bergman Spaces. Grad. Texts in Math. 199. Springer, New York (2000)Jarchow, H.: Locally Convex Spaces. Teubner, Stuttgart (1981)Kamowitz, H.: Compact operators of the form uCφuC_{\varphi }. Pac. J. Math. 80(1) (1979)Korenblum, B.: An extension of the Nevanlinna theory. Acta Math. 135, 187–219 (1975)Köthe, G.: Topological Vector Spaces II. Springer, New York Inc (1979)Lusky, W.: On the isomorphism classes of weighted spaces of harmonic and holomophic functions. Stud. Math. 75, 19–45 (2006)Meise, R., Vogt, D.: Introduction to functional analysis. Oxford Grad. Texts in Math. 2, New York, (1997)Montes-Rodríguez, A.: Weighted composition operators on weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions. J. Lond. Math. Soc. 61(3), 872–884 (2000)Queffélec, H., Queffélec, M.: Diophantine Approximation and Dirichlet series. Hindustain Book Agency, New Delhi (2013)Shapiro, J.H.: Composition Operators and Classical Function Theory. Springer, New York (1993)Shields, A.L., Williams, D.L.: Bounded projections, duality and multipliers in spaces of analytic functions. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 162, 287–302 (1971)Zhu, K.: Operator Theory on Function Spaces, Math. Surveys and Monographs, Amer. Math. Soc. 138 (2007

    Algebraic entropy in locally linearly compact vector spaces

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    We introduce algebraic entropy for continuous endomorphisms of locally linearly compact vector spaces over a discrete field, as a natural extension of the algebraic entropy for endomorphisms of discrete vector spaces studied in Giordano Bruno and Salce (Arab J Math 1:69\u201387, 2012). We show that the main properties continue to hold in the general context of locally linearly compact vector spaces, in particular we extend the Addition Theorem

    Properties of field functionals and characterization of local functionals

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    Functionals (i.e. functions of functions) are widely used in quantum field theory and solid-state physics. In this paper, functionals are given a rigorous mathematical framework and their main properties are described. The choice of the proper space of test functions (smooth functions) and of the relevant concept of differential (Bastiani differential) are discussed. The relation between the multiple derivatives of a functional and the corresponding distributions is described in detail. It is proved that, in a neighborhood of every test function, the support of a smooth functional is uniformly compactly supported and the order of the corresponding distribution is uniformly bounded. Relying on a recent work by Yoann Dabrowski, several spaces of functionals are furnished with a complete and nuclear topology. In view of physical applications, it is shown that most formal manipulations can be given a rigorous meaning. A new concept of local functionals is proposed and two characterizations of them are given: the first one uses the additivity (or Hammerstein) property, the second one is a variant of Peetre's theorem. Finally, the first step of a cohomological approach to quantum field theory is carried out by proving a global Poincar\'e lemma and defining multi-vector fields and graded functionals within our framework.Comment: 32 pages, no figur

    New Protocetid Whale from the Middle Eocene of Pakistan: Birth on Land, Precocial Development, and Sexual Dimorphism

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    BACKGROUND: Protocetidae are middle Eocene (49-37 Ma) archaeocete predators ancestral to later whales. They are found in marine sedimentary rocks, but retain four legs and were not yet fully aquatic. Protocetids have been interpreted as amphibious, feeding in the sea but returning to land to rest. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Two adult skeletons of a new 2.6 meter long protocetid, Maiacetus inuus, are described from the early middle Eocene Habib Rahi Formation of Pakistan. M. inuus differs from contemporary archaic whales in having a fused mandibular symphysis, distinctive astragalus bones in the ankle, and a less hind-limb dominated postcranial skeleton. One adult skeleton is female and bears the skull and partial skeleton of a single large near-term fetus. The fetal skeleton is positioned for head-first delivery, which typifies land mammals but not extant whales, evidence that birth took place on land. The fetal skeleton has permanent first molars well mineralized, which indicates precocial development at birth. Precocial development, with attendant size and mobility, were as critical for survival of a neonate at the land-sea interface in the Eocene as they are today. The second adult skeleton is the most complete known for a protocetid. The vertebral column, preserved in articulation, has 7 cervicals, 13 thoracics, 6 lumbars, 4 sacrals, and 21 caudals. All four limbs are preserved with hands and feet. This adult is 12% larger in linear dimensions than the female skeleton, on average, has canine teeth that are 20% larger, and is interpreted as male. Moderate sexual dimorphism indicates limited male-male competition during breeding, which in turn suggests little aggregation of food or shelter in the environment inhabited by protocetids. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Discovery of a near-term fetus positioned for head-first delivery provides important evidence that early protocetid whales gave birth on land. This is consistent with skeletal morphology enabling Maiacetus to support its weight on land and corroborates previous ideas that protocetids were amphibious. Specimens this complete are virtual 'Rosetta stones' providing insight into functional capabilities and life history of extinct animals that cannot be gained any other way