11 research outputs found

    Escenarios y modelo de usos-suelo dentro de una área natural protegida: ejido de san Antonio Acahualco

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    Prospective is an approach to planning that offers future alternatives of fact scenarios, taking into consideration aspects that influence the behavior of the phenomenon being studied. Therefore, it is useful for the design of strategies of actions based on proactivity and on theoretical models, to reverse socio-territorial costs. This study presents three future alternatives regarding land requirements for agricultural, housing and green area uses, sustained on territorial fragmentation, which has fostered a disproportionate growth of the three productive sectors, mostly in the decline of activities from the primary sector and the creation of gray spaces. The first scenario is the catastrophic, which evidences that the availability of land will be affected in 20 years. The second scenario is the trending and it projects that in 30 years there will be a land deficit for agricultural, housing and green area uses; and the third scenario is the desirable and feasible, which postpones the land deficit to 60 years. Faced with these prospective behaviors, traditional knowledge is reconsidered proactively for applying agro-forestry and conserving agro-biodiversity, to reverse the socio-territorial costs that social and economic welfare implies for peasant families.La prospectiva es un enfoque de la planeación que ofrece alternativas futuras de hechos a través de escenarios, considerando aspectos que influyen en el comportamiento del fenómeno estudiado. Por tanto, es útil para el diseño de estrategias de acciones fundamentadas en la proactividad y en modelos teóricos, para revertir costos socio-territoriales. El presente trabajo presenta tres alternativas de futuro sobre requerimientos de suelo para uso agrícola, vivienda y área verde, sustentados en la fragmentación territorial; la cual ha propiciado un crecimiento desproporcionado de los tres sectores productivos, principalmente en la declinación de las actividades del sector primario y la creación de espacios grises. El primer escenario es el catastrófico, que evidencia que la disponibilidad de tierra se verá afectada dentro de 20 años. El segundo escenario es el tendencial y proyecta que en 30 años habrá déficit de suelo para los usos agrícola, vivienda y área verde; y el tercer escenario es el deseable y factible, que pospone el déficit de suelo a 60 años. Ante estos comportamientos prospectivos, se reconsidera el conocimiento tradicional proactivamente para la práctica de la agroforestería y la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad, para revertir los costos socio-territoriales que implica el bienestar social y económico de las familias campesinas

    NAD-Independent L-Lactate Dehydrogenase Is Required for L-Lactate Utilization in Pseudomonas stutzeri SDM

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    BACKGROUND: Various Pseudomonas strains can use L-lactate as their sole carbon source for growth. However, the L-lactate-utilizing enzymes in Pseudomonas have never been identified and further studied. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: An NAD-independent L-lactate dehydrogenase (L-iLDH) was purified from the membrane fraction of Pseudomonas stutzeri SDM. The enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of L-lactate to pyruvate by using FMN as cofactor. After cloning its encoding gene (lldD), L-iLDH was successfully expressed, purified from a recombinant Escherichia coli strain, and characterized. An lldD mutant of P. stutzeri SDM was constructed by gene knockout technology. This mutant was unable to grow on L-lactate, but retained the ability to grow on pyruvate. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: It is proposed that L-iLDH plays an indispensable function in Pseudomonas L-lactate utilization by catalyzing the conversion of L-lactate into pyruvate

    Isolation and characterization of gallium resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutants

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 cells resistant to the novel antimicrobial gallium nitrate (Ga) were developed using transposon mutagenesis and by selecting spontaneous mutants. The mutants showing the highest growth in the presence of Ga were selected for further characterization. These mutants showed 4- to 12-fold higher Ga minimal inhibitory growth concentrations and a greater than 8-fold increase in the minimum biofilm eliminating Ga concentration. Both types of mutants produced Ga resistant biofilms whereas the formation of wild-type biofilms was strongly inhibited by Ga. The gene interrupted in the transposon mutant was hitA, which encodes a periplasmic iron binding protein that delivers F

    Recomendaciones específicas para enfermería sobre el proceso de terapia endovenosa

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    Intravenous therapy includes among other actions, the installation procedures, handling and retirement of the catheter, procedures that the nurses carries out in a frequent way in the institutions of health. Nurses intervenes in the doctortherapeutic plan and they are responsible for maintaining a level of experience and specific knowledge to provide the necessary cares indicated in the therapeutic plan and in attention to the conditions of each patient. Derived of the Recommendations to improve attention in nursing, these specific recommendations are emitted related with the intravenous therapy, directed to prevent conflicts in the nursing attention and to improve the communication with the patient. Due to the importance of this topic National Medical Arbitration Commission of Mexico (CONAMED) and the External Validation Group coordinated by the Nursing Interinstitutional Commission of Mexico, emit these recommendations: 1) Establish a good nurse-patient relationship; 2) Avoid complications in the catheter installation; 3) Watch over the intravenous therapy to prevent complications; 4) Move away the catheter avoiding risks in the physical integrity of the patients and 5) Diminish the risk factors for the intravenous therapy responsible personnel.La terapia endovenosa incluye entre otros, los procedimientos de instalación, manejo y retiro del catéter, procedimientos que el personal de enfermería realiza de manera frecuente en las instituciones de salud. El personal de enfermería interviene en el plan médico-terapéutico y es responsable de mantener un nivel de experiencia y conocimientos específicos para proporcionar los cuidados necesarios indicados en el plan terapéutico y en atención a las condiciones particulares de cada paciente. Derivado de las Recomendaciones para mejorar la atención en enfermería, se emiten estas recomendaciones específicas relacionadas con la terapia endovenosa, estas recomendaciones están dirigidas para prevenir conflictos en la atención de los pacientes y para mejorar la comunicación con ellos. Debido a la importancia de este tema la CONAMED y el grupo de validación externa coordinado por la Comisión Interinstitucional de Enfermería, emiten estas recomendaciones: 1) Establecer una buena relación enfermera(o)-paciente; 2) Evitar complicaciones en la instalación del catéter; 3) Vigilar la terapia endovenosa para prevenir complicaciones; 4) Retirar el catéter evitando riesgos en la integridad física de los pacientes y 5) Disminuir los factores de riesgo por el personal responsable de la terapia endovenosa