60,767 research outputs found

    Lensing Properties of Cored Galaxy Models

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    A method is developed to evaluate the magnifications of the images of galaxies with lensing potentials stratified on similar concentric ellipses. A simple contour integral is provided which enables the sums of the magnifications of even parity or odd parity or the central image to be easily calculated. The sums for pairs of images vary considerably with source position, while the signed sums can be remarkably uniform inside the tangential caustic in the absence of naked cusps. For a family of models in which the potential is a power-law of the elliptic radius, the number of visible images is found as a function of flattening, external shear and core radius. The magnification of the central image depends on the core radius and the slope of the potential. For typical source and lens redshifts, the missing central image leads to strong constraints; the mass distribution in the lensing galaxy must be nearly cusped, and the cusp must be isothermal or stronger. This is in accord with the cuspy cores seen in high resolution photometry of nearby, massive, early-type galaxies, which typically have the surface density falling like distance^{-1.3} outside a break radius of a few hundred parsecs. Cuspy cores by themselves can provide an explanation of the missing central images. Dark matter at large radii may alter the slope of the projected density; provided the slope remains isothermal or steeper and the break radius remains small, then the central image remains unobservable. The sensitivity of the radio maps must be increased fifty-fold to find the central images in abundance.Comment: 42 pages, 11 figures, ApJ in pres

    Non-analytic curvature contributions to solvation free energies: influence of drying

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    We investigate the solvation of a hard spherical cavity, of radius RR, immersed in a fluid for which the interparticle forces are short ranged. For thermodynamic states lying close to the liquid binodal, where the chemical potential deviation δμμμco(T)\delta \mu\equiv \mu - \mu_{co}(T) is very small and positive, complete wetting by gas (drying) occurs and two regimes of interfacial behavior can be identified. These are characterized by the length scale Rc=2γgl/(Δρδμ)R_c=2 \gamma_{gl}^\infty/(\Delta \rho \delta \mu), where γgl\gamma_{gl}^\infty is the planar gas-liquid surface tension and Δρ\Delta \rho is the difference in coexisting densities at temperature TT. For R>RcR>R_c, the interfacial free energy and the density profile of the fluid near the hard wall can be expanded in powers of the curvature R1R^{-1}, in keeping with the analysis of Stillinger and Cotter, J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 55}, 3449 (1971). In the other regime, R<RcR<R_c, the interfacial free energy and its derivatives acquire terms depending on lnR\ln R. Since Rc1R_c^{-1} can be made arbitrarily small this implies non-analytic behavior, as R10R^{-1}\to 0, of the work of formation of a hard spherical cavity and of the Gibbs adsorption and the fluid density at contact with the wall. Our analysis, which is based on an effective interfacial Hamiltonian combined with exact statistical mechanical sum rules, is confirmed fully by the results of microscopic density functional calculations for a square-well fluid.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures; accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phy

    Is there Ornstein-Zernike equation in the canonical ensemble?

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    A general density-functional formalism using an extended variable-space is presented for classical fluids in the canonical ensemble (CE). An exact equation is derived that plays the role of the Ornstein-Zernike (OZ) equation in the grand canonical ensemble (GCE). When applied to the ideal gas we obtain the exact result for the total correlation function h_N. For a homogeneous fluid with N particles the new equation only differs from OZ by 1/N and it allows to obtain an approximate expression for h_N in terms of its GCE counterpart that agrees with the expansion of h_N in powers of 1/N.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Pair-factorized steady states on arbitrary graphs

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    Stochastic mass transport models are usually described by specifying hopping rates of particles between sites of a given lattice, and the goal is to predict the existence and properties of the steady state. Here we ask the reverse question: given a stationary state that factorizes over links (pairs of sites) of an arbitrary connected graph, what are possible hopping rates that converge to this state? We define a class of hopping functions which lead to the same steady state and guarantee current conservation but may differ by the induced current strength. For the special case of anisotropic hopping in two dimensions we discuss some aspects of the phase structure. We also show how this case can be traced back to an effective zero-range process in one dimension which is solvable for a large class of hopping functions.Comment: IOP style, 9 pages, 1 figur

    A multi-purpose method for analysis of spur gear tooth loading

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    A large digitized approach was developed for the static and dynamic load analysis of spur gearing. An iterative procedure was used to calculate directly the "variable-variable" gear mesh stiffness as a function of transmitted load, gear tooth profile errors, gear tooth deflections and gear hub torsional deformation, and position of contacting profile points. The developed approach can be used to analyze the loads, Hertz stresses, and PV for the normal and high contrast ratio gearing, presently the modeling is limited to the condition that for a given gear all teeth have identical spacing and profiles (with or without surface imperfections). Certain types of simulated sinusoidal profile errors and pitting can cause interruptions of the gear mesh stiffness function and, thus, increase the dynamic loads in spur gearing. In addition, a finite element stress and mesh subprogram was developed for future introduction into the main program for calculating the gear tooth bending stresses under dynamic loads

    Measuring snow cover using satellite imagery during 1973 and 1974 melt season: North Santiam, Boise, and Upper Snake Basins, phase 1

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    Measurements are examined of snow coverage during the snow-melt season in 1973 and 1974 from LANDSAT imagery for the three Columbia River Subbasins. Satellite derived snow cover inventories for the three test basins were obtained as an alternative to inventories performed with the current operational practice of using small aircraft flights over selected snow fields. The accuracy and precision versus cost for several different interactive image analysis procedures was investigated using a display device, the Electronic Satellite Image Analysis Console. Single-band radiance thresholding was the principal technique employed in the snow detection, although this technique was supplemented by an editing procedure involving reference to hand-generated elevation contours. For each data and view measured, a binary thematic map or "mask" depicting the snow cover was generated by a combination of objective and subjective procedures. Photographs of data analysis equipment (displays) are shown

    Kinetic pathways of multi-phase surfactant systems

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    The relaxation following a temperature quench of two-phase (lamellar and sponge phase) and three-phase (lamellar, sponge and micellar phase) samples, has been studied in an SDS/octanol/brine system. In the three-phase case we have observed samples that are initially mainly sponge phase with lamellar and micellar phase on the top and bottom respectively. Upon decreasing temperature most of the volume of the sponge phase is replaced by lamellar phase. During the equilibriation we have observed three regimes of behaviour within the sponge phase: (i) disruption in the sponge texture, then (ii) after the sponge phase homogenises there is a lamellar nucleation regime and finally (iii) a bizarre plume connects the lamellar phase with the micellar phase. The relaxation of the two-phase sample proceeds instead in two stages. First lamellar drops nucleate in the sponge phase forming a onion `gel' structure. Over time the lamellar structure compacts while equilibriating into a two phase lamellar/sponge phase sample. We offer possible explanatioins for some of these observations in the context of a general theory for phase kinetics in systems with one fast and one slow variable.Comment: 1 textfile, 20 figures (jpg), to appear in PR

    Correlation function algebra for inhomogeneous fluids

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    We consider variational (density functional) models of fluids confined in parallel-plate geometries (with walls situated in the planes z=0 and z=L respectively) and focus on the structure of the pair correlation function G(r_1,r_2). We show that for local variational models there exist two non-trivial identities relating both the transverse Fourier transform G(z_\mu, z_\nu;q) and the zeroth moment G_0(z_\mu,z_\nu) at different positions z_1, z_2 and z_3. These relations form an algebra which severely restricts the possible form of the function G_0(z_\mu,z_\nu). For the common situations in which the equilibrium one-body (magnetization/number density) profile m_0(z) exhibits an odd or even reflection symmetry in the z=L/2 plane the algebra simplifies considerably and is used to relate the correlation function to the finite-size excess free-energy \gamma(L). We rederive non-trivial scaling expressions for the finite-size contribution to the free-energy at bulk criticality and for systems where large scale interfacial fluctuations are present. Extensions to non-planar geometries are also considered.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex, 4 eps figures. To appear in J.Phys.Condens.Matte