4,149 research outputs found

    Process for making diamonds

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    A description is given of a device and process for making industrial diamonds. The device is composed of an exponential horn tapering from a large end to a small end, with a copper plate against the large end. A magnetic hammer abuts the copper plate. The copper plate and magnetic hammer function together to create a shock wave at the large end of the horn. As the wave propagates to the small end, the extreme pressure and temperature caused by the wave transforms the graphite, present in an anvil pocket at the small end, into diamonds

    Synthesis of diamonds

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    Shock wave transmitted through a solid exponential horn generates heat and pressure to convert part of a charge of graphite to diamonds. The shock wave is generated in the apparatus by a complex of magnetic fields and eddy currents

    Digital correlation of DDRS data

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    The reduction of digital SAR (synthetic aperture radar) data to radar images for use in remote sensing applications was investigated. The critical software operations are discussed in detail, and suggestions and recommendations are made for improving the algorithms currently being used

    APQ-102 imaging radar digital image quality study

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    A modified APQ-102 sidelooking radar collected synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data which was digitized and recorded on wideband magnetic tape. These tapes were then ground processed into computer compatible tapes (CCT's). The CCT's may then be processed into high resolution radar images by software on the CYBER computer

    Global Earth Response to Loading by Ocean Tide Models

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    Mathematical and programming techniques to numerically calculate Earth response to global semidiurnal and diurnal ocean tide models were developed. Global vertical crustal deformations were evaluated for M sub 2, S sub 2, N sub 2, K sub 2, K sub 1, O sub 1, and P sub 1 ocean tide loading, while horizontal deformations were evaluated for the M sub 2 tidal load. Tidal gravity calculations were performed for M sub 2 tidal loads, and strain tensor elements were evaluated for M sub 2 loads. The M sub 2 solution used for the ocean tide included the effects of self-gravitation and crustal loading

    Development of a ground signal processor for digital synthetic array radar data

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    A modified APQ-102 sidelooking array radar (SLAR) in a B-57 aircraft test bed is used, with other optical and infrared sensors, in remote sensing of Earth surface features for various users at NASA Johnson Space Center. The video from the radar is normally recorded on photographic film and subsequently processed photographically into high resolution radar images. Using a high speed sampling (digitizing) system, the two receiver channels of cross-and co-polarized video are recorded on wideband magnetic tape along with radar and platform parameters. These data are subsequently reformatted and processed into digital synthetic aperture radar images with the image data available on magnetic tape for subsequent analysis by investigators. The system design and results obtained are described

    Interference of parallel cylindrical Langmuir probes

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    Current to a cylindrical probe of arbitrary cross section is discussed. Previous results for circular cylinders at the high bias and moderate radius R of interest for electrodynamic bare tethers, for which space charge may be ignored over a large neighborhood of the probe, depend in separate ways on both R and perimeter p. These results are extended to a general convex cross section by introducing certain equivalent radius Req. For any concave cross section, results use a proper equivalent perimeter peq , in addition to Req. Finally, for the joint cross section of separate parallel probes, certain effective perimeter peff replaces peq. Rules to determine Req. peq. and peff are used to discuss collection interference among two or more parallel cylinders when brought from far away to contac

    Cylindrical Langmuir probes beyond the orbital-motion-limited regime

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    The current I to a cylindrical probe at rest in an unmagnetized plasma, with probe bias highly positive, is determined. The way I lags behind the orbital-motion-limited OMLcurrent, 1 OML R, as the radius R exceeds the maximum radius for the OML regime to hold, is of interest for space-tether applications. The ratio I/I OML is roughly a decreasing function of R/lD R max /lDe , which is independent of bias, with lDe the electron Debye length and Rmax /l De roughly an increasing function of the temperature ratio, Ti /Te. The dependence of current on ion energy is used to discuss the effect of probe motion through the plasma, a case applying to tethers in low orbit

    Evaluation of Ocean Color Scanner (OCS) photographic and digital data: Santa Barbara Channel test site, 29 October 1975 overflight

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    A summary of Ocean Color Scanner data was examined to evaluate detection and discrimination capabilities of the system for marine resources, oil pollution and man-made sea surface targets of opportunity in the Santa Barbara Channel. Assessment of the utility of OCS for the determination of sediment transport patterns along the coastal zone was a secondary goal. Data products provided 1975 overflight were in digital and analog formats. In evaluating the OCS data, automated and manual procedures were employed. A total of four channels of data in digital format were analyzed, as well as three channels of color combined imagery, and four channels of black and white imagery. In addition, 1:120,000 scale color infrared imagery acquired simultaneously with the OCS data were provided for comparative analysis purposes