692 research outputs found

    Forging links in Earth's plasma environment

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    Time-varying magnetopause reconnection during sudden commencement: global MHD simulations

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    In response to a solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement, the compression of the magnetosphere generates strong ionospheric signatures and a sharp variation in the ground magnetic field, termed sudden commencement (SC). Whilst such compressions have also been associated with a contraction of the ionospheric polar cap due to the triggering of reconnection in the magnetotail, the effect of any changes in dayside reconnection is less clear and is a key component in fully understanding the system response. In this study we explore the time-dependent nature of dayside coupling during SC by performing global simulations using the Gorgon MHD code, and impact the magnetosphere with a series of interplanetary shocks with different parameters. We identify the location and evolu tion of the reconnection region in each case as the shock propagates through the magnetosphere, finding strong enhancement in the dayside reconnection rate and prompt expansion of the dayside polar cap prior to the eventual triggering of tail reconnection. This effect pervades for a variety of IMF orientations, and the reconnection rate is most enhanced for events with higher dynamic pressure. We explain this by repeating the simulations with a large explicit resistivity, showing that compression of the magnetosheath plasma near the propagating shock front allows for reconnection of much greater intensity and at different locations on the dayside magnetopause than during typical solar wind conditions. The results indicate that the dynamic behaviour of dayside coupling may render steady models of reconnection inaccurate during the onset of a severe space weather event

    Modification of classical electron transport due to collisions between electrons and fast ions

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    A Fokker-Planck model for the interaction of fast ions with the thermal electrons in a quasi-neutral plasma is developed. When the fast ion population has a net flux (i.e. the distribution of the fast ions is anisotropic in velocity space) the electron distribution function is significantly perturbed from Maxwellian by collisions with the fast ions, even if the fast ion density is orders of magnitude smaller than the electron density. The Fokker-Planck model is used to derive classical electron transport equations (a generalized Ohm's law and a heat flow equation) that include the effects of the electron-fast ion collisions. It is found that these collisions result in a current term in the transport equations which can be significant even when total current is zero. The new transport equations are analyzed in the context of a number of scenarios including α\alpha particle heating in ICF and MIF plasmas and ion beam heating of dense plasmas

    Jet Deflection via Cross winds: Laboratory Astrophysical Studies

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    We present new data from High Energy Density (HED) laboratory experiments designed to explore the interaction of a heavy hypersonic radiative jet with a cross wind. The jets are generated with the MAGPIE pulsed power machine where converging conical plasma flows are produced from a cylindrically symmetric array of inclined wires. Radiative hypersonic jets emerge from the convergence point. The cross wind is generated by ablation of a plastic foil via soft-X-rays from the plasma convergence region. Our experiments show that the jets are deflected by the action of the cross wind with the angle of deflection dependent on the proximity of the foil. Shocks within the jet beam are apparent in the data. Analysis of the data shows that the interaction of the jet and cross wind is collisional and therefore in the hydro-dynamic regime. MHD plasma code simulations of the experiments are able to recover the deflection behaviour seen in the experiments. We consider the astrophysical relevance of these experiments applying published models of jet deflection developed for AGN and YSOs. Fitting the observed jet deflections to quadratic trajectories predicted by these models allows us to recover a set of plasma parameters consistent with the data. We also present results of 3-D numerical simulations of jet deflection using a new astrophysical Adaptive Mesh Refinement code. These simulations show highly structured shocks occurring within the beam similar to what was observed in the experimentsComment: Submitted to ApJ. For a version with figures go to http://web.pas.rochester.edu/~afrank/labastro/CW/Jet-Wind-Frank.pd

    An Experimental Platform for Pulsed-Power Driven Magnetic Reconnection

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    We describe a versatile pulsed-power driven platform for magnetic reconnection experiments, based on exploding wire arrays driven in parallel [Suttle, L. G. et al. PRL, 116, 225001]. This platform produces inherently magnetised plasma flows for the duration of the generator current pulse (250 ns), resulting in a long-lasting reconnection layer. The layer exists for long enough to allow evolution of complex processes such as plasmoid formation and movement to be diagnosed by a suite of high spatial and temporal resolution laser-based diagnostics. We can access a wide range of magnetic reconnection regimes by changing the wire material or moving the electrodes inside the wire arrays. We present results with aluminium and carbon wires, in which the parameters of the inflows and the layer which forms are significantly different. By moving the electrodes inside the wire arrays, we change how strongly the inflows are driven. This enables us to study both symmetric reconnection in a range of different regimes, and asymmetric reconnection.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Version revised to include referee's comments. Submitted to Physics of Plasma

    Formation and Structure of a Current Sheet in Pulsed-Power Driven Magnetic Reconnection Experiments

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    We describe magnetic reconnection experiments using a new, pulsed-power driven experimental platform in which the inflows are super-sonic but sub-Alfv\'enic.The intrinsically magnetised plasma flows are long lasting, producing a well-defined reconnection layer that persists over many hydrodynamic time scales.The layer is diagnosed using a suite of high resolution laser based diagnostics which provide measurements of the electron density, reconnecting magnetic field, inflow and outflow velocities and the electron and ion temperatures.Using these measurements we observe a balance between the power flow into and out of the layer, and we find that the heating rates for the electrons and ions are significantly in excess of the classical predictions. The formation of plasmoids is observed in laser interferometry and optical self-emission, and the magnetic O-point structure of these plasmoids is confirmed using magnetic probes.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Physics of Plasma

    Statistical Methods for Detecting Ichthyoplankton Density Patterns that Influence Entrainment Mortality

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    Samples of drifting American shad eggs were collected at two transects in the Savannah River near industrial water intakes. At each transect the river was divided into four sectors that were sampled at two hour intervals over a 24 hour period. The actual risk of entrainment was approximately 35-50% lower that if the shad eggs were uniformly distributed, and the risk of entrainment was lower at one intake than the other

    A census of fishes and everything they eat: how the Census of Marine Life advanced fisheries science

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    The Census of Marine Life was a 10-year, international research effort to explore poorly known ocean habitats and conduct large-scale experimentation with new technology. The goal of Census 2010 in its mission statement was to describe what did live in the oceans, what does live in the oceans, and what will live in the ocean. Many of the findings and techniques from census research may prove valuable in making a transition, which many governments have publicly endorsed, from single-species fisheries management to more holistic ecosystem management. Census researchers sampled continental margins, mid-Atlantic ridges, ocean floor vents and seeps, and abyssal plains and polar seas and organized massive amounts of past and new information in a public online database called the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (www.iobis.org). The census described and categorized seamount biology worldwide for its vulnerability to fishing, advanced large-scale animal tracking with acoustic arrays and satellite archival tags, and accelerated species identification, including nearshore, coral reef, and zooplankton sampling using genetic barcoding and pyrotag sequencing for microbes and helped to launch the exciting new field of marine environmental history. Above all, the census showed the value of investing in large-scale, collaborative projects and sharing results publicly