1,324 research outputs found

    Doing research in immigration removal centres: ethics, emotions and impact

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    Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs) are deeply contested institutions that rarely open their doors to independent research. In this article we discuss some of the complications we faced in conducting the first national study of everyday life in them. As we will set out, research relationships were difficult to forge due to low levels of trust, and unfamiliarity with academic research. At the same time, many participants had unrealistic expectations about our capacity to assist while most exhibited high levels of distress. We were not immune from the emotional burden of the field sites. Such matters were compounded by the limited amount of published information about life in IRCs and a lack of ethical guidelines addressing such places. Drawing on related literature from prison sociology, we use our experiences in IRCs to set out a methodological account of understanding, ethics, and impact within these complex sites

    Genetic differences in the frequency of the hinge variants of porcine IgA is breed dependent

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    The distribution of the IgAa and IgAb alleles of porcine IgA in over 160 randomly-selected animals revealed an abundance of heterozygotes but only two b/b homozygotes. Since the IgAb allotype is a splice site mutant lacking two-thirds of the hinge, this study tests the hypothesis that pigs with this genotype may be at a selective disadvantage while heterozygous individuals may be at some advantage. This hypothesis was tested by collecting data on 374 animals of known breed and often parentage. We show here that when breed was not considered, young animals of known parentage had genotypic frequencies identical to that expected for Mendelian alleles but that a/b heterozygotes were overrepresented in adults. However, when analyzed with regard to breed, a very strong association between breed and the frequency of the IgAa and IgAb alleles was discovered. Meishan and NIH minipigs were homozygous for IgA while heterozygotes predominated in Berkshire, Chester White, Durocs, Hampshire and Landrace. Animals homozygous for IgAb were best represented in the White Cross line. We show here that this very strong breed dependency of IgA allotypy in swine can produce a sample bias that can explain why only two b/b homozygotes (1.3%) were found in the 160 randomly-selected samples since the original samples came from primarily Landrace and Yorkshire animals. The expected frequency of b/b homozygotes in these breeds would be \u3c3%. Thus, the data presented here reject the hypothesis that swine homozygous for a trait that results in loss of two-thirds of the IgA hinge, are selected against and that heterozygotes are positively selected. Rather, the study shows that IgAa and IgAb appear to be simple, breed-dependent allotypic markers

    Narratives of self and identity in women's prisons: stigma and the struggle for self-definition in penal regimes

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    A concern with questions of selfhood and identity has been central to penal practices in women's prisons, and to the sociology of women's imprisonment. Studies of women's prisons have remained preoccupied with women prisoners’ social identities, and their apparent tendency to adapt to imprisonment through relationships. This article explores the narratives of women in two English prisons to demonstrate the importance of the self as a site of meaning for prisoners and the central place of identity in micro-level power negotiations in prisons

    Exploring concepts of health with male prisoners in three category-C English prisons

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    Lay understandings of health and illness have a well established track record and a plethora of research now exists which has examined these issues. However, there is a dearth of research which has examined the perspectives of those who are imprisoned. This paper attempts to address this research gap. The paper is timely given that calls have been made to examine lay perspectives in different geographical locations and a need to re-examine health promotion approaches in prison settings. Qualitative data from thirty-six male sentenced prisoners from three prisons in England were collected. The data was analysed in accordance with Attride-Stirling's (2001) thematic network approach. Although the men's perceptions of health were broadly similar to the general population, some interesting findings emerged which were directly related to prison life and its associated structures. These included access to the outdoors and time out of their prison cell, as well as maintaining relationships with family members through visits. The paper proposes that prisoners' lay views should be given higher priority given that prison health has traditionally been associated with medical treatment and the bio-medical paradigm more generally. It also suggests that in order to fulfil the World Health Organization's (WHO) vision of viewing prisons as health promoting settings, lay views should be recognised to shape future health promotion policy and practice


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    The paper examines the impact of terms of trade shocks on private savings in the transition economies after accounting for the effect of other determinants. Economic agents in the transition economies are subject to tight credit constraints which are more pronounced during bad state of nature. Thus, adverse shocks to commodity prices in the world market can force them to reduce savings by a larger amount than they would otherwise have. Empirical analysis using a dynamic panel model and data from twenty one transition economies confirm that most of the determinants of savings identified in the literature also apply to the transition economies. Favorable movements in both the permanent and transitory components of the terms of trade have a significant positive impact on private savings with transitory movements having a larger impact than the permanent component. This reflects the lack of access to foreign borrowing that many of the transition economies have faced during the last decade. Although the impact of terms of trade shocks are found to be asymmetric, the magnitude of the impact appears to be small. The results are robust for alternative estimators, determinants, and country groupings.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/39958/3/wp572.pd

    Developing a National Alfalfa Information System

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    Using state-of-the-art telecommunication technologies, this project is developing a comprehensive knowledge resource for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.); the National Alfalfa Information System (NAIS). This project will serve as an improved model for Extension educational programs. Alfalfa is the most important forage crop in the USA and grown worldwide for feeding millions of livestock and in many cropping systems. As a legume, it is important in sustaining the environment and the productivity of agriculture. Information needs are present in every state and internationally. The NAIS is being developed through national and international cooperation, putting the best science-based alfalfa information and expertise at the fingertips of producers, consultants, extension workers, instructors, researchers, and users. Collaboratively developed materials will reduce duplication of effort. To make the knowledge easy-to-use, educational design, communication, and information science professionals are working with alfalfa experts in creating a WWW system and Web-aware CD-ROM. To ensure content quality, peer-review by members of multiple professional societies is included. A significant result will be around-the-clock availability of up-to-date, easy-to-use, and peerreviewed information. Shared workload and the peer-review process can influence faculty morale, efficiency, and effectiveness, an adjunct to maximizing the utilization of alfalfa worldwide by making the best information readily available
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