1,208 research outputs found

    The Effect of Squid Extract (Loligo SP) on TNF-α and TGF-β1 Serum Levels During Wound Healing in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats

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    Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease characterised by elevated levels of blood glucose known as hyperglycaemia. Diabetes is due to impaired insulin action in the metabolism of glucose and can result in impaired wound healing. Excessive production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, an increased number of macrophages and neutrophils, and decreased levels of transforming growth factor - beta 1 (TGF-β1) serum can be characteristic of impaired wound healing. This study aims to determine the effects of squid extract on certain wound parameters such as levels of tumour necrosis factor - alpha (TNF-α), and TGF-β1 serum and the number of macrophages and neutrophils. Methods: This was a post-test only, randomized controlled group study that was conducted on male Wistar rats. Experimental animals were divided into 6 groups; (1) normal wound with standard diet, (2) diabetic wound with standard diet, (3) diabetic wound with chitosan supplement, (4) diabetic wound given squid extract orally once a day, (5) diabetic wound given squid extract orally twice a day, and (6) diabetic wound given squid extract orally once every two days. Levels of TNF-α and TGF-β1 serum were observed using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Haematocylin and eosin staining was used to observed macrophage and neutrophil counts. All data was analysed statistically by one-way analysis of variance. Results: TNF-α serum levels showed a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in subjects that received squid extract orally once every two days. The mean levels of TGF-β1 showed no significant differences. The mean number of macrophage cells showed a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in all treatment groups. The mean number of neutrophil cells also showed significant decrease (p < 0.05) in all treatment groups. Conclusions: Squid extract is effective in lowering the TNF-α serum levels and the number of macrophages and neutrophils cells in Wistar rats. However, there were insignificant findings on increasing levels of TGF-β1 serum. This data suggests that squid extract is most effective during the inflammatory phase of wound healing which takes places about 2-4 days after wound creation

    Analisis Urban Heat Island dalam Kaitannya terhadap Perubahan Penutupan Lahan di Kota Pontianak

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    Salah satu penyebab Perubahan penutupan lahan adalah semakin bertambahnya jumlah penduduk. Sementara luas Kota Pontianak tidak bertambah, perkembangan pusat perdagangan, industri, permukiman dan pertambahan jumlah kendaraan bermotor akan mengubah pola penutupan lahan dan berbagai sarana dan prasarana fisik sebagai penunjang aktivitas penduduk kota. Perubahan fisik yang dilakukan di sisi lain menimbulkan dampak negatif diantaranya adalah meningkatnya suhu permukaan. Deteksi Perubahan penutupan lahan mencakup penggunaan citra penginderaan jauh di wilayah tertentu dan dari data tersebut Perubahan penutupan lahan serta peningkatan suhu permukaan untuk setiap waktu dapat dipetakan dan dibandingkan.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui korelasi antara Perubahan penutupan lahan dengan Perubahan sebaran suhu permukaan, dan menganalisis kaitannya dengan urban heat island. Penelitian ini menerapkan teknologi penginderaan jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Data yang tersedia dapat berupa piktoral maupun digital kemudian diolah untuk mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan. Informasi yang diperoleh dapat digabungkan dengan data-data yang mendukung ke dalam satu Sistem Informasi Geografis. Berdasarkan hasil interpretasi dan analisis citra landsat 5 TM pada tahun 2000 dan citra landsat 7 ETM tahun 2010 didapatkan bahwa terjadi Perubahan penutupan lahan dari lahan yang bervegetasi menjadi lahan yang tidak bervegetasi, Perubahan penutupan lahan tersebut berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan suhu permukaan dan penurunan kelembaban. Distribusi suhu permukaan di Kota Pontianak pada tahun 2000 berdasarkan estimasi band 6 pada citra landsat 5 TM mempunyai nilai suhu antara <20,00 0C – 31,99 0C. Nilai suhu dengan luasan distribusi terbesar adalah suhu dengan rentang 24,00 0C – 24,99 0C yang terdistribusi di seluruh wilayah Kota Pontianak. Sedangkan distribusi suhu permukaan di Kota Pontianak pada tahun 2010 berdasarkan band 6 pada citra landsat 7 ETM mempunyai nilai suhu antara 20,00 0C - ≥ 34,00 0C. Nilai suhu dengan luasan distribusi terbesar adalah suhu ≥34,00 0C yang terdistribusi di seluruh wilayah Kota Pontianak. Nilai suhu ini cukup tinggi sehingga memunculkan fenomena Urban Heat Island

    Keterangan Saksi sebagai Alat Bukti yang Sah terhadap Pemeriksaan Perkara Perdagangan Orang di Pengadilan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kedudukan saksi dalam proses penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana perdagangan orang dan bagaimana pemeriksaan keterangan saksi sebagai alat bukti yang sah dalam proses pembuktian perkara perdagangan orang di pengadilan. Denagn menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Kedudukan saksi dalam proses penyelesaian perkara tindak pidana perdagangan orang menunjukkan sebagai salah satu alat bukti yang sah, keterangan seorang saksi korban saja sudah cukup untuk membuktikan bahwa terdakwa bersalah, apabila disertai dengan satu alat bukti yang sah lainnya. Perlu adanya satu alat bukti yang sah lainnya untuk mendukung keterangan seorang saksi korban untuk membuktikan terdakwa bersalah dapat terpenuhi apabila ada Alat bukti lain yang sah seperti keterangan ahli; surat; petunjuk; keterangan terdakwa dan hal yang secara umum sudah diketahui tidak perlu dibuktikan, sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 184 KUHAP. 2. Pemeriksaan keterangan saksi sebagai alat bukti yang sah dalam proses pembuktian perkara perdagangan orang di pengadilan sesuai Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 21 Tahun 2007 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang. Dalam hal saksi dan/atau korban tidak dapat dihadirkan dalam pemeriksaan di sidang pengadilan, keterangan saksi dapat diberikan secara jarak jauh melalui alat komunikasi audio visual. Selama proses pemeriksaan di sidang pengadilan, saksi dan/atau korban berhak didampingi oleh advokat dan/atau pendamping lainnya yang dibutuhkan. Saksi dan/atau korban berhak meminta kepada hakim ketua sidang untuk memberikan keterangan di depan sidang pengadilan tanpa kehadiran terdakwa. Dalam hal saksi dan/atau korban akan memberikan keterangan tanpa kehadiran terdakwa, hakim ketua sidang memerintahkan terdakwa untuk keluar ruang sidang. Pemeriksaan terdakwa dapat dilanjutkan setelah kepada terdakwa diberitahukan semua keterangan yang diberikan saksi dan/atau korban pada waktu terdakwa berada di luar ruang sidang pengadilan

    Dosimetric impact of gastrointestinal air column in radiation treatment of pancreatic cancer

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    OBJECTIVE: Dosimetric evaluation of air column in gastrointestinal (GI) structures in intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) of pancreatic cancer. METHODS: Nine sequential patients were retrospectively chosen for dosimetric analysis of air column in the GI apparatus in pancreatic cancer using cone beam CT (CBCT). The four-dimensional CT (4DCT) was used for target and organs at risk (OARs) and non-coplanar IMRT was used for treatment. Once a week, these patients underwent CBCT for air filling, isocentre verification and dose calculations retrospectively. RESULTS: Abdominal air column variation was as great as ±80% between weekly CBCT and 4DCT. Even with such a large air column in the treatment path for pancreatic cancer, changes in anteroposterior dimension were minimal (2.8%). Using IMRT, variations in air column did not correlate dosimetrically with large changes in target volume. An average dosimetric deviation of mere -3.3% and a maximum of -5.5% was observed. CONCLUSION: CBCT revealed large air column in GI structures; however, its impact is minimal for target coverage. Because of the inherent advantage of segmentation in IMRT, where only a small fraction of a given beam passes through the air column, this technique might have an advantage over 3DCRT in treating upper GI malignancies where the daily air column can have significant impact. Advances in knowledge: Radiation treatment of pancreatic cancer has significant challenges due to positioning, imaging of soft tissues and variability of air column in bowels. The dosimetric impact of variable air column is retrospectively studied using CBCT. Even though, the volume of air column changes by ± 80%, its dosimetric impact in IMRT is minimum

    Selection of Mixed Sampling Plan with QSS-1(n; c\u3csub\u3eN\u3c/sub\u3e, c\u3csub\u3eT\u3c/sub\u3e) Plan as Attribute Plan Indexed Through MAPD and LQL

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    A procedure for the construction and selection of the mixed sampling plan using MAPD as a quality standard with the QSS-1 (n; cN, cT) plan as an attribute plan is presented. The plans indexed through MAPD and LQL are constructed and compared for efficiency. Tables are provided for selection of an appropriate sampling plan

    Penegakan Hukum terhadap Kasus Perbuatan Main Hakim Sendiri (Eigenrichting) di Wilayah Hukum Kepolisian Sektor Cerenti

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    Every Indonesian citizens were equal before the law even if someone is a perpetrator, so that legislation prohibits any act of vigilantism (eigenrichting) conducted by the public against criminals. The act of vigilantism (eigenrichting) occurs due to lack of disbelief law enforcement community will be added again weak public awareness of the law itself. Acts of vigilantism in our criminal law is not specifically regulated, but the perpetrators could use the existing provisions in the Criminal Code. Therefore it is necessary to conduct law enforcement vigilante (eigenrichting). But law enforcement against acts of vigilantism (eigenrichting) in the Police Sector jurisdiction Cerenti do not maximized.As for the purpose of this research was to determine the factors that cause people to do acts of vigilantism (eigenrichting) in the jurisdiction of the Police Sector Cerenti, then to determine the constraints on law enforcement in cases of acts of vigilantism (eigenrichting) in the jurisdiction of Police Cerenti sector, as well as to know what is being done to overcome the obstacles in law enforcement against acts of vigilantism (eigenrichting) in the jurisdiction of the Police Sector Cerenti.This study is included in the juridical sociological research that is consistent with the fact that life in society. While the nature of this research is descriptive that provides a clear and detailed picture of the problems studied. The data used is primary data obtained directly from the field, as well as secondary data derived from primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. Means of data collection is done by interviews, questionnaires, and review of the literature. In the analyzes carried out by means of qualitative and deductive method of thinking.The result of this study is that the cause of the community vigilante acts are due to lack of public confidence terhadapa law enforcement officers, and the weak level of awareness of society itself against the law. The constraints faced by law enforcement in cases of vigilante action is due to insufficient numbers of police personnel Cerenti sector, as well as the concerns of the Police Sector Cerenti in implementing the rule of law. The efforts made to overcome such obstacles Polsek- always coordinate with the nearest police station in order to cover the amount of personnel is lacking, as well as motivation memmberikan to the apparatus to be more propesional and are not afraid to carry out their duties.Keywords: Law Enforcement - Eigenrichting - Offenc
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