2,577 research outputs found

    Larval development of the sidestriped shrimp (Pandalopsis dispar Rathbun) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Pandalidae) reared in the laboratory

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    Larval development of the sidestriped shrimp (Pandalopsis dispar) is described from larvae reared in the laboratory. The species has five zoeal stages and one postlarval stage. Complete larval morphological characteristics of the species are described and compared with those of related species of the genus. The number of setae on the margin of the telson in the first and second stages is variable: 11+12, 12+12, or 11+11. Of these, 11+12 pairs are most common. The present study confirms that what was termed the fifth stage in the original study done by Berkeley in 1930 was the sixth stage and that the fifth stage in the Berkeley’s study is comparable to the sixth stage that is described in the present study. The sixth stage has a segmented inner flagellum of the antennule and fully developed pleopods with setae. The ability to distinguish larval stages of P. dispar from larval stages of other plankton can be important for studies of the effect of climate change on marine communities in the Northeast Pacific and for marine resource management strategies

    Resolving a merger in a hyper-luminous submillimeter galaxy at z=2.82

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    We present the resolved properties of the z=2.82z=2.82 Hyper Luminous Infrared Galaxy (HyLIRG) HS170850.1, the brightest 850μ\mum source found in the SCUBA-2 followup to the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey fields (S850μm=_{\rm 850 \mu m}=19.5 mJy), and amongst the most luminous starbursts known at any redshift. Using the IRAM-NOEMA interferometer in the highest resolution A-configuration, we resolve the source into two components separated by \sim8 kpc, visible as blue shifted and red shifted 12^{12}CO(5-4) lines, exhibiting the expected kinematic properties of a major merger between two gas-rich galaxies. The combined merger system is traced over 2.3'' or 18.3 kpc. Each component of the merger shows ordered gas motions suggestive of a massive, turbulent disk. We measure the masses of the blue and red disks as (1.5 ±\pm 0.2) ×1011\times10^{11} M_\odot and (0.71 ±\pm 0.22) ×1011\times10^{11} M_\odot respectively. The more massive disk component shows broad wings in the CO line, offset by \sim3 kpc from the disk centroid along the major axis, and extending to velocities ±\sim\pm1000 km s1 \rm{s^{-1}} from systemic velocity. We interpret this as either a possible bipolar outflowing component, or more likely a warping or tidal structure in the CO disk. Comparing the properties of HS170850.1 to other submillimeter detected galaxies with comparably bright 850μ\mum luminosities suggests that ongoing gas-rich mergers, or at least a clustered/group environment lead to these most extreme starburst phases.Comment: 13 pages, 5 Figures, 2 Table

    Retinotopic mapping of the primary visual cortex – a challenge for MEG imaging of the human cortex

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    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) can be used to reconstruct neuronal activity with high spatial and temporal resolution. However, this reconstruction problem is ill-posed, and requires the use of prior constraints in order to produce a unique solution. At present there are a multitude of inversion algorithms, each employing different assumptions, but one major problem when comparing the accuracy of these different approaches is that often the true underlying electrical state of the brain is unknown. In this study, we explore one paradigm, retinotopic mapping in the primary visual cortex (V1), for which the ground truth is known to a reasonable degree of accuracy, enabling the comparison of MEG source reconstructions with the true electrical state of the brain. Specifically, we attempted to localize, using a beanforming method, the induced responses in the visual cortex generated by a high contrast, retinotopically varying stimulus. Although well described in primate studies, it has been an open question whether the induced gamma power in humans due to high contrast gratings derives from V1 rather than the prestriate cortex (V2). We show that the beanformer source estimate in the gamma and theta bands does vary in a manner consistent with the known retinotopy of V1. However, these peak locations, although retinotopically organized, did not accurately localize to the cortical surface. We considered possible causes for this discrepancy and suggest that improved MEG/magnetic resonance imaging co-registration and the use of more accurate source models that take into account the spatial extent and shape of the active cortex may, in future, improve the accuracy of the source reconstructions

    A decision support tool for response to global change in marine systems : the IMBER-ADApT Framework

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2014. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Fish and Fisheries 17 (2016): 1183–1193, doi:10.1111/faf.12110.Global change is occurring now, often with consequences far beyond those anticipated. Although there is a wide range of assessment approaches available to address specific aspects of global change, there is currently no framework to identify what governance responses have worked and where, what has facilitated change, and what preventative options are possible. To respond to this need, we present an integrated assessment framework that builds on knowledge learned from past experience of responses to global change, to enable decision makers, researchers, managers and local stakeholders to: (1) make decisions efficiently; (2) triage and improve their responses; and (3) evaluate where to most effectively allocate resources to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience of coastal peoples. This integrated assessment framework, IMBER-ADApT is intended to enable and enhance decision making through the development a typology of case studies providing lessons on how the natural, social and governance systems respond to the challenges of global change. The typology is developed from a database of case studies detailing the systems affected by change, responses to change and, critically, an appraisal of these responses, generating knowledge-based solutions that can be applied to other comparable situations. Fisheries, which suffer from multiple pressures, are the current focus of the proposed framework, but it could be applied to a wide range of global change issues. IMBER-ADApT has the potential to contribute to timely, cost-effective policy and governing decision making and responses. It offers cross-scale learning to help ameliorate, and eventually prevent, loss of livelihoods, food sources and habitat

    Larval Trophodynamics, Turbulence, and Drift on Georges Bank : A Sensitivity Analysis of Cod and Haddock

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    Using an individual-based model approach we consider trophodynamic effects on the growth and survival of larval cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) on Georges Bank during late winter/early spring. These studies represent an extension of results described in Werner et al. (1996; Deep-Sea Res. II), wherein the effect of turbulence-enhanced larval-prey contact rates increased the effective prey concentration resulting in growth of cod larvae consistent with observed rates in the field. We reformulated the feeding of the larvae to include existing relationships between maximum prey-length and larval-length and we examined: (i) larval search behaviour and its effect on encounter with prey, (ii) the ability of larvae to pursue and capture prey in a turbulent environment, and (iii) the effect of turbulence on the dispersion of larvae in the vertical. We find that search behaviour, the effect of turbulence on pursuit and capture, and vertical dispersion decrease the predicted larval growth rates compared to those observed in the earlier study. These results suggest that larval feeding behaviour, and especially the ability of larvae to pursue encountered prey, could be an important input to larval growth and survival models. The inclusion of turbulence in determining the position of passive larvae in the water column allows the larvae to sample the entire water column, contributing to a decrease in the variance of the size of the larvae over time. The ability of larvae to swim and aggregate in the vertical will be necessary to reproduce distributions observed in the field

    Geography, environment, and colonization history interact with morph type to shape genomic variation in an Arctic fish

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    Funding Information: Thanks go to our editor and three anonymous reviewers whose suggestions greatly improved this study. We thank S. Avery, J. Callahan, S. Duffy, S. Hann, L. Pike, R. Solomon, A. Walsh, for assistance with sample collection and fieldwork. We are grateful to X. Dallaire and J.S. Moore for providing samples from Ungava, Bay (HAB) and to L. Bernatchez for his valuable comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. Thanks to Parks Canada for allowing us access to the Torngat Mountains National Park and the Nunatsiavut government for allowing us to collect samples from their lands. Thanks to A. Belay at Mount Sinai Hospital for her help with sequencing, A. Mesmer for help with genotyping, and S. Lehnert for insightful data analysis suggestions. We also thank the Institute for Biodiversity, Ecosystem Science, and Sustainability of the Department of Environment and Conservation of the Government of Labrador and Newfoundland for funding for this project; NSERC for the Strategic Grant STPGP 430198 and Discovery Grant awarded to DER, for the CGS‐D awarded to SJS; the Killam Trust for the Level 2 Izaak awarded to SJS; and the Government of Nova Scotia for the Graduate Scholarship awarded to SJS. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors. Molecular Ecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Directional wetting in anisotropic inverse opals

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    Porous materials display interesting transport phenomena due to the restricted motion of fluids within the nano- to micro-scale voids. Here, we investigate how liquid wetting in highly ordered inverse opals is affected by anisotropy in pore geometry. We compare samples with different degrees of pore asphericity and find different wetting patterns depending on the pore shape. Highly anisotropic structures are infiltrated more easily than their isotropic counterparts. Further, the wetting of anisotropic inverse opals is directional, with liquids filling from the side more easily. This effect is supported by percolation simulations as well as direct observations of wetting using time-resolved optical microscopy

    Adverse prognostic and predictive significance of low DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) expression in early-stage breast cancers

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    Background: DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs), a serine threonine kinase belonging to the PIKK family (phosphoinositide 3-kinase-like-family of protein kinase), is a critical component of the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway required for the repair of DNA double strand breaks. DNA-PKcs may be involved in breast cancer pathogenesis. Methods: We evaluated clinicopathological significance of DNA-PKcs protein expression in 1161 tumours and DNA-PKcs mRNA expression in 1950 tumours. We correlated DNA-PKcs to other markers of aggressive phenotypes, DNA repair, apoptosis and cell cycle regulation. Results: Low DNA-PKcs protein expression was associated with higher tumour grade, higher mitotic index, tumour de-differentiation and tumour type (ps<0.05). Absence of BRCA1, low XRCC1/SMUG1/APE1/Polβ were also more likely in low DNA-PKcs expressing tumours (ps<0.05). Low DNA-PKcs protein expression was significantly associated with worse breast cancer specific survival (BCCS) in univariate and multivariate analysis (ps<0.01). At the mRNA level, low DNA-PKcs was associated with PAM50.Her2 and PAM50.LumA molecular phenotypes (ps<0.01) and poor BCSS. In patients with ER positive tumours who received endocrine therapy, low DNA-PKcs (protein and mRNA) was associated with poor survival. In ER negative patients, low DNA-PKcs mRNA remains significantly associated with adverse outcome. Conclusions: Our study suggests that low DNA-PKcs expression may have prognostic and predictive significance in breast cancers

    Gravitational quasinormal modes for Kerr Anti-de Sitter black holes

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    We investigate the quasinormal modes for gravitational perturbations of rotating black holes in four dimensional Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime. The study of the quasinormal frequencies related to these modes is relevant to the AdS/CFT correspondence. Although results have been obtained for Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom AdS black holes, quasinormal frequencies of Kerr-AdS black holes are computed for the first time. We solve the Teukolsky equations in AdS spacetime, providing a second order and a Pade approximation for the angular eigenvalues associated to the Teukolsky angular equation. The transformation theory and the Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli equations for Kerr-AdS are obtained.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures, ReVTe

    Dose-Ranging Effect of Adjunctive Oral Cannabidiol vs Placebo on Convulsive Seizure Frequency in Dravet Syndrome A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Question Is adjunctive cannabidiol at doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg/d superior to placebo in reducing convulsive seizure frequency in patients with Dravet syndrome? Findings This double-blind clinical trial randomized 199 children with Dravet syndrome to cannabidiol (10 or 20 mg/kg/d) or matched placebo for 14 weeks. Convulsive seizure frequency compared with baseline was reduced by 48.7% in the 10-mg/kg/d cannabidiol group and 45.7% in the 20-mg/kg/d cannabidiol group vs 26.9% in the placebo group. Meaning Both doses of adjunctive cannabidiol were similarly efficacious in reducing convulsive seizures associated with Dravet syndrome