112 research outputs found

    Three dimensional collective charge excitations in electron-doped cuprate superconductors

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    High temperature cuprate superconductors consist of stacked CuO2 planes, with primarily two dimensional electronic band structures and magnetic excitations, while superconducting coherence is three dimensional. This dichotomy highlights the importance of out-of-plane charge dynamics, believed to be incoherent in the normal state, yet lacking a comprehensive characterization in energy-momentum space. Here, we use resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) with polarization analysis to uncover the pure charge character of a recently discovered collective mode in electron-doped cuprates. This mode disperses along both the in- and, importantly, out-of-plane directions, revealing its three dimensional nature. The periodicity of the out-of-plane dispersion corresponds to the CuO2 plane distance rather than the crystallographic c-axis lattice constant, suggesting that the interplane Coulomb interaction drives the coherent out-of-plane charge dynamics. The observed properties are hallmarks of the long-sought acoustic plasmon, predicted for layered systems and argued to play a substantial role in mediating high temperature superconductivity.Comment: This is the version of first submission. The revised manuscript according to peer reviews is now accepted by Nature and will be published online on 31st Oct., 201

    Magnetic correlations in infinite-layer nickelates: an experimental and theoretical multi-method study

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    We report a comprehensive study of magnetic correlations in LaNiO2_{2}, a parent compound of the recently discovered family of infinite-layer (IL) nickelate superconductors, using multiple experimental and theoretical methods. Our specific heat, muon-spin rotation (μ\muSR), and magnetic susceptibility measurements on polycrystalline LaNiO2_{2} show that long-range magnetic order remains absent down to 2 K. Nevertheless, we detect residual entropy in the low-temperature specific heat, which is compatible with a model fit that includes paramagnon excitations. The μ\muSR and low-field static and dynamic magnetic susceptibility measurements indicate the presence of short-range magnetic correlations and glassy spin dynamics, which we attribute to local oxygen non-stoichiometry in the average infinite-layer crystal structure. This glassy behavior can be suppressed in strong external fields, allowing us to extract the intrinsic paramagnetic susceptibility. Remarkably, we find that the intrinsic susceptibility shows non-Curie-Weiss behavior at high temperatures, in analogy to doped cuprates that possess robust non-local spin fluctuations. The distinct temperature dependence of the intrinsic susceptibility of LaNiO2_{2} can be theoretically understood by a multi-method study of the single-band Hubbard model in which we apply complementary cutting-edge quantum many-body techniques (dynamical mean-field theory, cellular dynamical mean-field theory and the dynamical vertex approximation) to investigate the influence of both short- and long-ranged correlations. Our results suggest a profound analogy between the magnetic correlations in parent (undoped) IL nickelates and doped cuprates.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure

    Synchrotron x ray scattering study of charge density wave order in HgBa2CuO4 delta

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    We present a detailed synchrotron x-ray scattering study of the charge-density-wave (CDW) order in simple tetragonal HgBa2_2CuO4+δ_{4+\delta} (Hg1201). Resonant soft x-ray scattering measurements reveal that short-range order appears at a temperature that is distinctly lower than the pseudogap temperature and in excellent agreement with a prior transient reflectivity result. Despite considerable structural differences between Hg1201 and YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+δ_{6+\delta}, the CDW correlations exhibit similar doping dependencies, and we demonstrate a universal relationship between the CDW wave vector and the size of the reconstructed Fermi pocket observed in quantum oscillation experiments. The CDW correlations in Hg1201 vanish already below optimal doping, once the correlation length is comparable to the CDW modulation period, and they appear to be limited by the disorder potential from unit cells hosting two interstitial oxygen atoms. A complementary hard x-ray diffraction measurement, performed on an underdoped Hg1201 sample in magnetic fields along the crystallographic cc axis of up to 16 T, provides information about the form factor of the CDW order. As expected from the single-CuO2_2-layer structure of Hg1201, the CDW correlations vanish at half-integer values of LL and appear to be peaked at integer LL. We conclude that the atomic displacements associated with the short-range CDW order are mainly planar, within the CuO2_2 layers

    Evolution of plasmon excitations across the phase diagram of the cuprate superconductor La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_4

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    We use resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) at the O KK- and Cu KK-edges to investigate the doping- and temperature dependence of low-energy plasmon excitations in La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CuO4_4. We observe a monotonic increase of the energy scale of the plasmons with increasing doping xx in the underdoped regime, whereas a saturation occurs above optimal doping x0.16x \gtrsim 0.16 and persists at least up to x=0.4x = 0.4. Furthermore, we find that the plasmon excitations show only a marginal temperature dependence, and possible effects due to the superconducting transition and the onset of strange metal behavior are either absent or below the detection limit of our experiment. Taking into account the strongly correlated character of the cuprates, we show that layered tt-JJ-VV model calculations accurately capture the increase of the plasmon energy in the underdoped regime. However, the computed plasmon energy continues to increase even for doping levels above x0.16x \gtrsim 0.16, which is distinct from the experimentally observed saturation, and reaches a broad maximum around x=0.55x = 0.55. We discuss whether possible lattice disorder in overdoped samples, a renormalization of the electronic correlation strength at high dopings, or an increasing relevance of non-planar Cu and O orbitals could be responsible for the discrepancy between experiment and theory for doping levels above x=0.16x = 0.16.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Genetic distinctiveness of rye in situ accessions from Portugal unveils a new hotspot of unexplored genetic resources

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    Rye(SecalecerealeL.)is a cereal crop of major importance in many parts of Europe and rye breeders are presently very concerned with th e restrict pool of rye genetic resources available.Such narrowing of rye genetic diversity results from the presence of“Petkus ”pool in most modern rye varieties as well as “Petkus”דCarsten” heterotic pool in hybrid rye breeding programs.Previous studies on rye’s genetic diversity revealed more over a common genetic background on landraces(exsitu) and cultivars,regardless of breeding level or geographical origin.Thus evaluation of in situ populations is of utmost importance to unveil “onfarm” diversity,which is largely undervalued.Here,we perform the first comprehensive assess ment of rye’s genetic diversity and population structuring using cultivars,exsitu landraces along a comprehensive sampling of insitu accessions from Portugal,through amolecular-directed analysis using SSRs markers.Rye genetic diversity and population structure analysis does not present any geographical trend but disclosed marked differences between genetic backgrounds of in situ accessions and those of cultivars/exsitu collections.Such genetic distinctiveness of insitu accessions highlights their unexplored potential as new genetic resources,which can be used to boost rye breeding strategies and the production of new varieties.Overall,our study successfully demonstrates the high prospective impact of comparing genetic diversity and structure of cultivars,exsitu,and in situ samples in ascertaining the status of plant genetic resources (PGR)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio