271 research outputs found

    Innovation durch Nanotechnik

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    The CCG-domain-containing subunit SdhE of succinate:quinone oxidoreductase from Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 binds a [4Fe–4S] cluster

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    In type E succinate:quinone reductase (SQR), subunit SdhE (formerly SdhC) is thought to function as monotopic membrane anchor of the enzyme. SdhE contains two copies of a cysteine-rich sequence motif (CXnCCGXmCXXC), designated as the CCG domain in the Pfam database and conserved in many proteins. On the basis of the spectroscopic characterization of heterologously produced SdhE from Sulfolobus tokodaii, the protein was proposed in a previous study to contain a labile [2Fe–2S] cluster ligated by cysteine residues of the CCG domains. Using UV/vis, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), 57Fe electron–nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and Mössbauer spectroscopies, we show that after an in vitro cluster reconstitution, SdhE from S. solfataricus P2 contains a [4Fe–4S] cluster in reduced (2+) and oxidized (3+) states. The reduced form of the [4Fe–4S]2+ cluster is diamagnetic. The individual iron sites of the reduced cluster are noticeably heterogeneous and show partial valence localization, which is particularly strong for one unique ferrous site. In contrast, the paramagnetic form of the cluster exhibits a characteristic rhombic EPR signal with gzyx = 2.015, 2.008, and 1.947. This EPR signal is reminiscent of a signal observed previously in intact SQR from S. tokodaii with gzyx = 2.016, 2.00, and 1.957. In addition, zinc K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy indicated the presence of an isolated zinc site with an S3(O/N)1 coordination in reconstituted SdhE. Since cysteine residues in SdhE are restricted to the two CCG domains, we conclude that these domains provide the ligands to both the iron–sulfur cluster and the zinc site

    Desulfurispira natronophila gen. nov. sp. nov.: an obligately anaerobic dissimilatory sulfur-reducing bacterium from soda lakes

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    Anaerobic enrichment cultures with elemental sulfur as electron acceptor and either acetate or propionate as electron donor and carbon source at pH 10 and moderate salinity inoculated with sediments from soda lakes in Kulunda Steppe (Altai, Russia) resulted in the isolation of two novel members of the bacterial phylum Chrysiogenetes. The isolates, AHT11 and AHT19, represent the first specialized obligate anaerobic dissimilatory sulfur respirers from soda lakes. They use either elemental sulfur/polysulfide or arsenate as electron acceptor and a few simple organic compounds as electron donor and carbon source. Elemental sulfur is reduced to sulfide through intermediate polysulfide, while arsenate is reduced to arsenite. The bacteria belong to the obligate haloalkaliphiles, with a pH growth optimum from 10 to 10.2 and a salt range from 0.2 to 3.0 M Na+ (optimum 0.4–0.6 M). According to the phylogenetic analysis, the two strains were close to each other, but distinct from the nearest relative, the haloalkaliphilic sulfur-reducing bacterium Desulfurispirillum alkaliphilum, which was isolated from a bioreactor. On the basis of distinct phenotype and phylogeny, the soda lake isolates are proposed as a new genus and species, Desulfurispira natronophila (type strain AHT11T = DSM22071T = UNIQEM U758T)

    Desulfuribacillus alkaliarsenatis gen. nov. sp. nov., a deep-lineage, obligately anaerobic, dissimilatory sulfur and arsenate-reducing, haloalkaliphilic representative of the order Bacillales from soda lakes

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    An anaerobic enrichment culture inoculated with a sample of sediments from soda lakes of the Kulunda Steppe with elemental sulfur as electron acceptor and formate as electron donor at pH 10 and moderate salinity inoculated with sediments from soda lakes in Kulunda Steppe (Altai, Russia) resulted in the domination of a Gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium strain AHT28. The isolate is an obligate anaerobe capable of respiratory growth using elemental sulfur, thiosulfate (incomplete reduction) and arsenate as electron acceptor with H2, formate, pyruvate and lactate as electron donor. Growth was possible within a pH range from 9 to 10.5 (optimum at pH 10) and a salt concentration at pH 10 from 0.2 to 2 M total Na+ (optimum at 0.6 M). According to the phylogenetic analysis, strain AHT28 represents a deep independent lineage within the order Bacillales with a maximum of 90 % 16S rRNA gene similarity to its closest cultured representatives. On the basis of its distinct phenotype and phylogeny, the novel haloalkaliphilic anaerobe is suggested as a new genus and species, Desulfuribacillus alkaliarsenatis (type strain AHT28T = DSM24608T = UNIQEM U855T)

    Constraint-based modeling analysis of the metabolism of two Pelobacter species

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    BACKGROUND: Pelobacter species are commonly found in a number of subsurface environments, and are unique members of the Geobacteraceae family. They are phylogenetically intertwined with both Geobacter and Desulfuromonas species. Pelobacter species likely play important roles in the fermentative degradation of unusual organic matters and syntrophic metabolism in the natural environments, and are of interest for applications in bioremediation and microbial fuel cells. RESULTS: In order to better understand the physiology of Pelobacter species, genome-scale metabolic models for Pelobacter carbinolicus and Pelobacter propionicus were developed. Model development was greatly aided by the availability of models of the closely related Geobacter sulfurreducens and G. metallireducens. The reconstructed P. carbinolicus model contains 741 genes and 708 reactions, whereas the reconstructed P. propionicus model contains 661 genes and 650 reactions. A total of 470 reactions are shared among the two Pelobacter models and the two Geobacter models. The different reactions between the Pelobacter and Geobacter models reflect some unique metabolic capabilities such as fermentative growth for both Pelobacter species. The reconstructed Pelobacter models were validated by simulating published growth conditions including fermentations, hydrogen production in syntrophic co-culture conditions, hydrogen utilization, and Fe(III) reduction. Simulation results matched well with experimental data and indicated the accuracy of the models. CONCLUSIONS: We have developed genome-scale metabolic models of P. carbinolicus and P. propionicus. These models of Pelobacter metabolism can now be incorporated into the growing repertoire of genome scale models of the Geobacteraceae family to aid in describing the growth and activity of these organisms in anoxic environments and in the study of their roles and interactions in the subsurface microbial community

    The Evolution of Respiratory Chain Complex I from a Smaller Last Common Ancestor Consisting of 11 Protein Subunits

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    The NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (complex I) has evolved from a combination of smaller functional building blocks. Chloroplasts and cyanobacteria contain a complex I-like enzyme having only 11 subunits. This enzyme lacks the N-module which harbors the NADH binding site and the flavin and iron–sulfur cluster prosthetic groups. A complex I-homologous enzyme found in some archaea contains an F420 dehydrogenase subunit denoted as FpoF rather than the N-module. In the present study, all currently available whole genome sequences were used to survey the occurrence of the different types of complex I in the different kingdoms of life. Notably, the 11-subunit version of complex I was found to be widely distributed, both in the archaeal and in the eubacterial kingdoms, whereas the 14-subunit classical complex I was found only in certain eubacterial phyla. The FpoF-containing complex I was present in Euryarchaeota but not in Crenarchaeota, which contained the 11-subunit complex I. The 11-subunit enzymes showed a primary sequence variability as great or greater than the full-size 14-subunit complex I, but differed distinctly from the membrane-bound hydrogenases. We conclude that this type of compact 11-subunit complex I is ancestral to all present-day complex I enzymes. No designated partner protein, acting as an electron delivery device, could be found for the compact version of complex I. We propose that the primordial complex I, and many of the present-day 11-subunit versions of it, operate without a designated partner protein but are capable of interaction with several different electron donor or acceptor proteins