369 research outputs found


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    The mainobjective this study is to examine the effect of debt to assets ratio (DAR), debt to equity ratio (DER), degree of financial leverage (DFL), long debt to equity ratio (LDER), and time interest earned ratio (TIER) on return onequity (ROE) simultaneously and partially in torism companies. Multiple linier regression analysis is used as a data analysis tool with return on equity (ROE) as the dependent variable. This study uses secondary data derived from the financial statements of tourism companies listed on IDX period 2011-2015. Purposive sampling is used as a sampling method and obtained 10 companies from 23 companies listed on IDX. The result of this research shows that DAR, DER, DFL, LDER, and TIER have simultaneous and significantly influence toward ROE. Partially, DAR has positive and significant effect to ROE, while DER has negative and not significant effect to ROE. The DFL variable has a positive and significant effect on ROE, while LDER has a negative and significant effect on ROE. The TIER variable has a negative and insignificant effect on ROE at the 5% significance level


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    Bananas is a kind of fruit that has many benefits and economic value. However, because it is perishable, an unappropriate post-harvest handling will decreasing the economic value. Many factors affect the ripening of bananas, one of it is ethylene gas. The ethylene gas that contained in the banana flows from the higher concentration to the lower one. The flow should be controlled in order to make it decaying properly. Temperature is a parameter that affects the flow of ethylene. This research offers storage temperature regulation such that the life time of banana could be extended. A mathematical model that represents the ethylene flow among the subpopulations is discussed. The population are devided into sub-population of unripe bananas, normal ripe bananas, ripe bananas wounds, and rotten bananas. The Stability of the model is evaluated in the critical point by Jacobian matrix and the Routh Hurwitz Criteria. The control is design by minimizing the temperature parameters using the Pontryagin Minimum Principle. Simulation is ilustrated in four cases, the firts case is no bananas wound initially, second case is no bananas rot initially, third case is no ripened normal bananas initially, and the fourth case is the bananas ripe initially exiting. The simulations shows that before controling the temperature, in the amount of 120 bananas of firts case, the proces is condcuted in sixteen days, ten days for the second case, nine days for the third case, and eight days for the fourth case. After controling the temperature, for some amount of bananas of firts case, the proces is conduted in seventeen days, eleven days for the second case, ten days for the third case, and nine days for the fourth case


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    Forest fires impact a very serious problem because it could cause health problem, especially respiratory disease such as (ISPA), Asthma and Bronchitis. The study of the health disorders is conducted by consider mathematicaly the spread of disease due to forest fires smoke. The model is constructed by devide the human population into six subpopulations, that is vulnerable S(t), exposed E(t), Asthma infected A(t), Bronchitis infected B(t) and recovered R(t).The governed model is analyted at every critical points using Routh-Hurwitz method. The results gives two critical points that describe a free disease conditions ( ) and an endemic conditions ( ). A stabil ( ) is occured if  and  where the threshold point of the stability is expressed as  and   . Endemic conditions  will be asymptotically stable when  and  with  . The condition of free disease of forest fires is occured in a long time period, while the endemic conditions is occurred in a short time period. It could be interpreted that the disease spread due to the forest fires smoke is not easy to overcome

    The Risk of Pneumonia Among Toddlers in Lambatee, Aceh

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    Pneumonia is one of very important global health problems among toddlers, especially in developing countries. Nowadays, pneumonia is one of largest causes of child mortality, especially in newborn period. In Aceh Province, pneumonia disease is the eighth of 25 biggest diseases found at primary health care with 112 cases, while pneumonia among outpatient sufferers in Aceh reached 434 cases (29.03%).This study aimed to determine factors related to incidence of pneumonia toddlers in Lambatee Village, Darul Kamal Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District. This study was analytical descriptive using cross-sectional design. Samples of study were mothers and toddlers amounted to 48 people. Data were collected on August 3rd – 14th, 2015 by interview, observation. Multivariate analysis used logistic regression. Results of study showed that the factor physical condition of house sanitation influenced to trend among toddlers suffering from pneumonia with p value 0.01< 0.05, the highest OR score 6.431 and 95% CI = 1.559 - 26.532. In conclusion, physical condition of house sanitation had six times risk of causing trend of pneumonia incidence among toddlers in Lambatee Village, Darul Kamal Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District

    Sq Garden Street Child sebagai Upaya Penanaman Akhlakul Karimah pada Anak Jalanan di Kota Makassar

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    Ajaran islam bersumber dari Al-Qur\u27an dan As-Sunnah sehingga pemeluknya dapat mengetahui hal yang seharusnya dikerjakan, tetapi berdasarkan realita yang terjadi banyak penyimpangan yang dilakukan oleh pemeluknya seperti oleh anak jalanan. Anak jalanan merupakan salah satu permasalahan yang memerlukan perhatian yang sangat besar. Kurangnya pemberdayaan anak jalanan tersebut membuat anak jalanan di kota Makassar semakin bertambah begitupun dengan angka kriminalitas yang terjadi, hal ini di karenakan pergaulan yang tidak sehat pada lingkungan anak. SQ Garden street Child adalah taman kecerdasan spiritual anak jalanan yang didalamnya anak jalanan akan diajarkan tentang ilmu keagamaan dengan menggunakan pendekatan emosional, sehingga adanya SQ Garden street Child akan mempengaruhi perkembangan karakter anak jalanan khususnya di kota Makassar dan diharapkan anak jalanan sebagai generasi muda islam kebanggaan bangsa dalam kehidupannya selalu dilandasi dengan karakter akhlakul karimah

    Pengaruh Latihan Interval terhadap Kecepatan Lari 100 Meter pada Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Budhi Luhur Kota Pekanbaru

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    Based on my observation of student in class VIII SMP Budhi Luhur Kota Pekanbaru on atletics, they are not yet have no speed of run 100 metre. Especially in the rarely run 100 metre. This is due to the lack of a systematic workout, especially in strength training and adequate physical endurance. This is a challenge that needs to get attention from various circles, for which efforts need coaching achievements in athletics, especially in the rarely run. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of interval training on the speed run 100 metre in class VIII SMP Budi Luhur Pekanbaru. As for who made the entire population in this study the research object, the eighth grade students of SMP Budi Luhur Pekanbaru City numbering 36 people. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling, ie sampling based on certain grounds. In this study the sample to be used is a male student for interval training will be much easier to implement if the sample is homogenous ie the male students only. Thus the number of samples in this study amounted to 11 people. The instruments used to collect data that pre-test and post test run 100 meters. The data obtained was analyzed using t-test. Based on the results of the t test results can be seen that t for 8.74> 1.833 (t-tables) and then the hypothesis is accepted, it means that there is a significant influence on the results of the exercise interval speed to run 100 meters in class VIII SMP Budi Luhur Pekanbar

    Characteristics and adsorption performance of formulated trikotaC filter aids

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    TrikotAC filter aids is a combination of a pre-coating material PreKot™ with two adsorbents; activated carbon and lime and their characteristics were investigated in this study. TrikotAC was formulated into three different weight ratios of 5:1:94, 10:1:89 and 10:5:85, respectively. The relationship between adsorption properties and characteristics of the formulated materials particle size distribution, particle density, bulk density, and BET surface area were investigated. The results showed that the adsorption capacity for TrikotAC 10:5:85 (11.88 mg/g) was higher than for the other formulated filter aids samples, and the formulated filter aids material TrikotAC showed promising characteristic as a filter aids and adsorbent for organic compound in fabric filtration system

    PrekotAC as a new filter aids material for fabric filter in air filtration system

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    Fabric filter has a short life span due to wear and tear influenced by the operating conditions of the system. Treatment of fabric filter using pre-coating material is one of the simplest technique to overcome this problem where it works as a filtration aids that will coat a layer of inert material onto the surface of the fabric. Pre-coating acts as a barrier to block and remove undesired particles from gas stream but allowing a uniform air flow passing through the filter media. The morphology of dust cake that accumulated on the surface of the filter media depends on several properties of the particles such as shape and size. Hence, study presents the characterization of a newly formulated filtration aids known as PrekotAC consisting of a different combination of pre-coating material PreKot™ and activated carbon. The aim is to determine the best combination of PrekotAC admixtures as a filtration aids suitable for a fabric filtration system. Various characteristics of the formulated admixtures such as its particle size distribution, bulk density, moisture content as well as its morphology were investigated and presented in this paper

    The good, the bad and the hijab: A study of implicit associations made by practicing Muslims in their native Muslim country

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    Recent research indicates that wearing the hijab reduces the attractiveness of female faces perceived by practicing Muslim men and women in their native Muslim country (the United Arab Emirates). The purpose of the current research was to develop this finding to investigate whether other aspects of person perception are also affected when women wear the hijab in this Muslim country. Of particular relevance is that changes in physical attractiveness often affect the personal qualities assigned to individuals. Accordingly, we sought to determine whether such effects occur when the physical attractiveness of women is altered by wearing the hijab. To do this, we used an Implicit Association Test (IAT) to investigate how native Muslim participants in the UAE associated pleasant and unpleasant connotations with images of women either wearing the hijab or with their heads uncovered. As in previous research with native Muslim participants, female faces were again perceived as significantly less attractive when the hijab was worn. However, the accompanying IAT findings showed that these less attractive hijab-wearing images were associated more with pleasant connotations than were the matched uncovered images. These findings provide fresh insight into the effects of the hijab on perceptions of Muslim women in a Muslim country and provide support for the view that cultural clothing can influence person perception beyond physical attractiveness alone.WOS:00079989440000