26 research outputs found

    Screening for Active Small Molecules in Mitochondrial Complex I Deficient Patient's Fibroblasts, Reveals AICAR as the Most Beneficial Compound

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    Congenital deficiency of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I (CI) is a common defect of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Despite major advances in the biochemical and molecular diagnostics and the deciphering of CI structure, function assembly and pathomechanism, there is currently no satisfactory cure for patients with mitochondrial complex I defects. Small molecules provide one feasible therapeutic option, however their use has not been systematically evaluated using a standardized experimental system. In order to evaluate potentially therapeutic compounds, we set up a relatively simple system measuring different parameters using only a small amount of patient's fibroblasts, in glucose free medium, where growth is highly OXPOS dependent. Ten different compounds were screened using fibroblasts derived from seven CI patients, harboring different mutations

    The IgM receptor FcμR limits tonic BCR signaling by regulating expression of the IgM BCR

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    The FcμR receptor for the crystallizable fragment (Fc) of immunoglobulin M (IgM) can function as a cell-surface receptor for secreted IgM on a variety of cell types. We found here that FcμR was also expressed in the trans-Golgi network of developing B cells, where it constrained transport of the IgM-isotype BCR (IgM-BCR) but not of the IgD-isotype BCR (IgD-BCR). In the absence of FcμR, the surface expression of IgM-BCR was increased, which resulted in enhanced tonic BCR signaling. B-cell-specific deficiency in FcμR enhanced the spontaneous differentiation of B-1 cells, which resulted in increased serum concentrations of natural IgM and dysregulated homeostasis of B-2 cells; this caused the spontaneous formation of germinal centers, increased titers of serum autoantibodies and excessive accumulation of B cells. Thus, FcμR serves as a critical regulator of B cell biology by constraining the transport and cell-surface expression of IgM-BCR