1,468 research outputs found

    Extended Reissner-Nordstr\"om solutions sourced by dynamical torsion

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    We find a new exact vacuum solution in the framework of the Poincar\'e Gauge field theory with massive torsion. In this model, torsion operates as an independent field and introduces corrections to the vacuum structure present in General Relativity. The new static and spherically symmetric configuration shows a Reissner-Nordstr\"om-like geometry characterized by a spin charge. It extends the known massless torsion solution to the massive case. The corresponding Reissner-Nordstr\"om-de Sitter solution is also compatible with a cosmological constant and additional U(1) gauge fields.Comment: 12 pages, 0 figures, minor changes, references adde

    New torsion black hole solutions in Poincar\'e gauge theory

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    We derive a new exact static and spherically symmetric vacuum solution in the framework of the Poincar\'e gauge field theory with dynamical massless torsion. This theory is built in such a form that allows to recover General Relativity when the first Bianchi identity of the model is fulfilled by the total curvature. The solution shows a Reissner-Nordstr\"om type geometry with a Coulomb-like curvature provided by the torsion field. It is also shown the existence of a generalized Reissner-Nordstr\"om-de Sitter solution when additional electromagnetic fields and/or a cosmological constant are coupled to gravity.Comment: 14 pages, 0 figures, minor changes, references adde

    Einstein-Yang-Mills-Lorentz black holes

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    Different black hole solutions of the coupled Einstein-Yang-Mills equations have been well known for a long time. They have attracted much attention from mathematicians and physicists since their discovery. In this work, we analyze black holes associated with the gauge Lorentz group. In particular, we study solutions which identify the gauge connection with the spin connection. This ansatz allows one to find exact solutions to the complete system of equations. By using this procedure, we show the equivalence between the Yang-Mills-Lorentz model in curved space-time and a particular set of extended gravitational theories.Comment: 10 pages, 0 figures, minor changes, references added. It matches the version published in Eur. Phys. J.

    Correspondence between Einstein-Yang-Mills-Lorentz systems and dynamical torsion models

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    In the framework of Einstein-Yang-Mills theories, we study the gauge Lorentz group and establish a particular correspondence between this case and a certain class of theories with torsion within Riemann-Cartan space-times. This relation is specially useful in order to simplify the problem of finding exact solutions to the Einstein-Yang-Mills equations. The applicability of the method is divided into two approaches: one associated with the Lorentz group SO(1,n-1) of the space-time rotations and another one with its subgroup SO(n-2). Solutions for both cases are presented by the explicit use of this correspondence and, interestingly, for the last one by imposing on our ansatz the same kind of rotation and reflection symmetry properties as for a nonvanishing space-time torsion. Although these solutions were found in previous literature by a different approach, our method provides an alternative way to obtain them and it may be used in future research to find other exact solutions within this theory.Comment: 10 pages, 0 figures, minor changes, references added. It matches the version published in Phys. Rev.

    Si(Li) position sensitive detector

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    A position sensitive detector was made using the lithium diffused layer of a lithium-drifted-silicon detector as the uniform resistive layer. An expression is derived for estimating the resistance from the thickness of the lithium layer. Expressions for the noise and ballistic deficit for single differentiation-double integration pulse shaping are presented. Room temperature data for a 1 Mev proton beam on a 45 mm long detector shows that the linearity is better than .05% and that the position resolution is 1.06 + or - .05 mm

    Stability in quadratic torsion theories

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    We revisit the definition and some of the characteristics of quadratic theories of gravity with torsion. We start from the most general Lagrangian density quadratic in the curvature and torsion tensors. By assuming that General Relativity should be recovered when torsion vanishes and investigating the behaviour of the vector and pseudovector torsion fields in the weak-gravity regime, we present a set of necessary conditions for the stability of these theories. Moreover, we explicitly obtain the gravitational field equations using the Palatini variational principle with the metricity condition implemented via a Lagrange multiplier

    Updates on the bryophyte flora of the lowland Woods and temporary ponds west of Lake Trasimeno (Central Italy).

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    A study of the bryophytes of the lowlands west of Lake Trasimeno, a very peculiar territory for its geological, biogeographical and bioclimatic traits, was carried out. The data here reported were collected in a mosaic of woods and Mediterranean temporary ponds, the latter indicated as priority natural habitats under the Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC with the code 3170*. Research led to the identification of 44 taxa of bryophytes (13 liverworts and 31 mosses), among which 5 liverwort and 8 moss species are new records for the Umbria region, while one is confirmed. Particularly interesting is the presence of 13 liverwort taxa considered, according to the European Committee for Conservation of Bryophytes (ECCB), under threat at different levels in Europe. The study offers new outcomes on neglected aspects of the flora of central Italy and represents a considerable improvement of the floristic, biogeographical and ecological understanding of its bryophytic component

    Qualitative past Timeline-Based Games

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    This extended abstract discusses timeline-based planning, a modeling approach that offers a unique way to model complex systems. Recently, the timeline-based planning framework has been extended to handle general nondeterminism in a game-theoretic setting, resulting in timeline-based games. In this context, the problem of establishing whether a timeline-based game admits a winning strategy and synthesizing such a strategy have been addressed. We propose exploring simpler yet expressive fragments of timeline-based games by leveraging results about the role of past operators in synthesis from temporal logic specifications. The qualitative fragment of timeline-based planning is a good starting point for this exploration. We suggest introducing syntactic restrictions on synchronization rules so that they only constrain the behavior of the system before the current time point, which is expected to lower the complexity of synthesizing timeline-based games to EXPTIME. 2012 ACM Subject Classification Computing methodologies → Planning for deterministic action

    Bryophytic vegetation of fragile and threatened ecosystems: the case of the Mediterranean temporary ponds in inland Central Italy.

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    The first overview of the bryophytic vegetation of the Mediterranean temporary ponds in Umbria region is reported. Phytosociological relevés were carried out in a scattered system of ephemeral pools, where seasonal fluctuation in the water level is the main driving factor. By applying Braun-Blanquet's approach to sample the bryo-communities and multivariate analysis tools to analyse data, the identification of some bryophyte communities was possible, one of which is here described as new association. It is Entosthodono fascicularidis-Archidietum alternifolii ass. nova, referable to the class Psoretea decipientis. The other bryo-communities have been framed into the classes Cladonio digitatae-Lepidozietea reptantis, Ceratodonto purpurei-Polytrichetea piliferii and Psoretea decipientis again
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