280 research outputs found

    Snapshots from the Fringe: Utilizing Photovoice to Discover Commuter Experiences at ONU

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    Abstract Commuter students can make up about 75% of the student population on university campuses, but researchers have shown that retention is a great challenge among this population. This qualitative research study utilized photovoice to discover the experiences of the commuter population at ONU. Photovoice is a strategy used in participatory action research. Participants submitted photos that reflected their own lived experiences as a commuter student from their perspectives. These photographs, accompanying narratives, and a follow-up focus group led to the discovery of themes and proposed action plans that might improve their experiences. This workshop describes Photovoice and the results of this study

    Shared Memory Pipelined Parareal

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    For the parallel-in-time integration method Parareal, pipelining can be used to hide some of the cost of the serial correction step and improve its efficiency. The paper introduces an OpenMP implementation of pipelined Parareal and compares it to a standard MPI-based variant. Both versions yield almost identical runtimes, but, depending on the compiler, the OpenMP variant consumes about 7% less energy and has a significantly smaller memory footprint. However, its higher implementation complexity might make it difficult to use in legacy codes and in combination with spatial parallelisation

    Isotopic composition (238U/235U) of some commonly used uranium reference materials

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    We have determined 238U/235U ratios for a suite of commonly used natural (CRM 112a, SRM 950a, and HU-1) and synthetic (IRMM 184 and CRM U500) uranium reference materials by thermal ionisation mass-spectrometry (TIMS) using the IRMM 3636 233U-236U double spike to accurately correct for mass fractionation. Total uncertainty on the 238U/235U determinations is estimated to be < 0.02% (2σ). These natural 238U/235U values are different from the widely used ‘consensus’ value (137.88), with each standard having lower 238U/235U values by up to 0.08%. The 238U/235U ratio determined for CRM U500 and IRMM 184 are within error of their certified values; however, the total uncertainty for CRM U500 is substantially reduced (from 0.1% to 0.02%). These reference materials are commonly used to assess mass spectrometer performance and accuracy, calibrate isotope tracers employed in U, U-Th and U-Pb isotopic studies, and as a reference for terrestrial and meteoritic 238U/235U variations. These new 238U/235U values will thus provide greater accuracy and reduced uncertainty for a wide variety of isotopic determinations

    Virtual certification of gas turbine engines - visualizing the DLR Rig250 compressor

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) critically underpins the design of aero-engines. With global emissions targets, engine designs require a fundamental change including designs utilizing sustainable aviation fuels and electric/hybrid flight. Virtual certification of designs with HPC is recognized as a key technology to meet these challenges, but require analysis on models with higher fidelity, using ultra-large scale executions. In this explanatory SC-SciVis showcase, we present results from time-accurate simulations of a 4.6B-element full 360-degree model of a production-representative gas turbine engine compressor, the Rig250 at DLR. This represents a grand challenge problem, at the fidelity for virtual certification standards. The results are achieved through Rolls-Royce’s Hydra CFD suite on ARCHER2. The compressor is visualized under off-design conditions, demonstrating flow contours of velocity, Mach number and iso-surfaces of vorticity. The level of detail and the HPC simulations leading to the visualizations demonstrate a step-change towards achieving virtual certification objectives under production settings

    Earthquake swarms driven by aseismic creep in the Salton Trough, California

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 112 (2007): B04405, doi:10.1029/2006JB004596.In late August 2005, a swarm of more than a thousand earthquakes between magnitudes 1 and 5.1 occurred at the Obsidian Buttes, near the southern San Andreas Fault. This swarm provides the best opportunity to date to assess the mechanisms driving seismic swarms along transform plate boundaries. The recorded seismicity can only explain 20% of the geodetically observed deformation, implying that shallow, aseismic fault slip was the primary process driving the Obsidian Buttes swarm. Models of earthquake triggering by aseismic creep can explain both the time history of seismic activity associated with the 2005 swarm and the ∌1 km/h migration velocity exhibited by this and several other Salton Trough earthquake swarms. A combination of earthquake triggering models and denser geodetic data should enable significant improvements in time-dependent forecasts of seismic hazard in the key days to hours before significant earthquakes in the Salton Trough.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant 0548785. R.B.L. was supported by a WHOI postdoctoral research fellowship

    Longitudinal Assessment of Growth in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: Results From the Single Ventricle Reconstruction Trial

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    Background: We sought to characterize growth between birth and age 3 years in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome who underwent the Norwood procedure. Methods and Results: We performed a secondary analysis using the Single Ventricle Reconstruction Trial database after excluding patients 2 SD below normal). Failure to find consistent risk factors supports the strategy of tailoring nutritional therapies to patient‐ and stage‐specific targets. Clinical Trial Registration URL: http://clinicaltrials.gov/. Unique identifier: NCT00115934

    Earthquakes drive large-scale submarine canyondevelopment and sediment supply to deep-ocean basins

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    Although the global flux of sediment and carbon from land to the coastal ocean is well known, the volume of material that reaches the deep ocean—the ultimate sink—and the mechanisms by which it is transferred are poorly documented. Using a globally unique data set of repeat seafloor measurements and samples, we show that the moment magnitude (Mw) 7.8 November 2016 Kaikƍura earthquake (New Zealand) triggered widespread landslides in a submarine canyon, causing a powerful “canyon flushing” event and turbidity current that traveled >680 km along one of the world’s longest deep-sea channels. These observations provide the first quantification of seafloor landscape change and large-scale sediment transport associated with an earthquake-triggered full canyon flushing event. The calculated interevent time of ~140 years indicates a canyon incision rate of 40 mm year−1, substantially higher than that of most terrestrial rivers, while synchronously transferring large volumes of sediment [850 metric megatons (Mt)] and organic carbon (7 Mt) to the deep ocean. These observations demonstrate that earthquake-triggered canyon flushing is a primary driver of submarine canyon development and material transfer from active continental margins to the deep ocean.peer-reviewe

    High-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) screening and detection in healthy patient saliva samples: a pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human papillomaviruses (HPV) are a large family of non-enveloped DNA viruses, mainly associated with cervical cancers. Recent epidemiologic evidence has suggested that HPV may be an independent risk factor for oropharyngeal cancers. Evidence now suggests HPV may modulate the malignancy process in some tobacco- and alcohol-induced oropharynx tumors, but might also be the primary oncogenic factor for inducing carcinogenesis among some non-smokers. More evidence, however, is needed regarding oral HPV prevalence among healthy adults to estimate risk. The goal of this study was to perform an HPV screening of normal healthy adults to assess oral HPV prevalence.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Healthy adult patients at a US dental school were selected to participate in this pilot study. DNA was isolated from saliva samples and screened for high-risk HPV strains HPV16 and HPV18 and further processed using qPCR for quantification and to confirm analytical sensitivity and specificity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Chi-square analysis revealed the patient sample was representative of the general clinic population with respect to gender, race and age (<it>p </it>< 0.05). Four patient samples were found to harbor HPV16 DNA, representing 2.6% of the total (n = 151). Three of the four HPV16-positive samples were from patients under 65 years of age and all four were female and Hispanic (non-White). No samples tested positive for HPV18.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The successful recruitment and screening of healthy adult patients revealed HPV16, but not HPV18, was present in a small subset. These results provide new information about oral HPV status, which may help to contextualize results from other studies that demonstrate oral cancer rates have risen in the US among both females and minorities and in some geographic areas that are not solely explained by rates of tobacco and alcohol use. The results of this study may be of significant value to further our understanding of oral health and disease risk, as well as to help design future studies exploring the role of other factors that influence oral HPV exposure, as well as the short- and long-term consequences of oral HPV infection.</p
