985 research outputs found

    Finite Temperature and Density Effects in Planar Q.E.D

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    The behavior of finite temperature planar electrodynamics is investigated. We calculate the static as well as dynamic characteristic functions using real time formalism. The temperature and density dependence of dielectric and permeability functions, plasmon frequencies and their relation to the screening length is determined. The radiative correction to the fermion mass is also calculated. We also calculate the temperature dependence of the electron (anyon) magnetic moment. Our results for the gyromagnetic ratio go smoothly to the known result at zero temperature, g=2g=2, in accordance with the general expectation.Comment: 24 pages, LaTe

    Planning for execution monitoring on a planetary rover

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    A planetary rover will be traversing largely unknown and often unknowable terrain. In addition to geometric obstacles such as cliffs, rocks, and holes, it may also have to deal with non-geometric hazards such as soft soil and surface breakthroughs which often cannot be detected until rover is in imminent danger. Therefore, the rover must monitor its progress throughout a traverse, making sure to stay on course and to detect and act on any previously unseen hazards. Its onboard planning system must decide what sensors to monitor, what landmarks to take position readings from, and what actions to take if something should go wrong. The planning systems being developed for the Pathfinder Planetary Rover to perform these execution monitoring tasks are discussed. This system includes a network of planners to perform path planning, expectation generation, path analysis, sensor and reaction selection, and resource allocation

    Multiscaling in passive scalar advection as stochastic shape dynamics

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    The Kraichnan rapid advection model is recast as the stochastic dynamics of tracer trajectories. This framework replaces the random fields with a small set of stochastic ordinary differential equations. Multiscaling of correlation functions arises naturally as a consequence of the geometry described by the evolution of N trajectories. Scaling exponents and scaling structures are interpreted as excited states of the evolution operator. The trajectories become nearly deterministic in high dimensions allowing for perturbation theory in this limit. We calculate perturbatively the anomalous exponent of the third and fourth order correlation functions. The fourth order result agrees with previous calculations.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    A comparison between pulsed and CW laser annealing for solar cell applications

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    The application of laser processing in solar cell fabrication is considered. Specific emphasis is placed on a process developed for the fabrication of a 16.6% silicon solar cell using pulsed laser processing. Results are presented which compare pulsed laser annealing with CW laser annealing in solar cell fabrication

    Back to the Days of Auld Lang Syne

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    Optimal rotations of deformable bodies and orbits in magnetic fields

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    Deformations can induce rotation with zero angular momentum where dissipation is a natural ``cost function''. This gives rise to an optimization problem of finding the most effective rotation with zero angular momentum. For certain plastic and viscous media in two dimensions the optimal path is the orbit of a charged particle on a surface of constant negative curvature with magnetic field whose total flux is half a quantum unit.Comment: 4 pages revtex, 4 figures + animation in multiframe GIF forma

    Gaslike model of social motility

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    We propose a model to represent the motility of social elements. The model is completely deterministic, possesses a small number of parameters, and exhibits a series of properties that are reminiscent of the behavior of comunities in social-ecological competition; these are: (i) similar individuals attract each other; (ii) individuals can form stable groups; (iii) a group of similar individuals breaks into subgroups if it reaches a critical size; (iv) interaction between groups can modify the distribution of the elements as a result of fusion, fission, or pursuit; (v) individuals can change their internal state by interaction with their neighbors. The simplicity of the model and its richness of emergent behaviors, such as, for example, pursuit between groups, make it a useful toy model to explore a diversity of situations by changing the rule by which the internal state of individuals is modified by the interactions with the environment.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted in PR

    A frictionless microswimmer

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    We investigate the self-locomotion of an elongated microswimmer by virtue of the unidirectional tangential surface treadmilling. We show that the propulsion could be almost frictionless, as the microswimmer is propelled forward with the speed of the backward surface motion, i.e. it moves throughout an almost quiescent fluid. We investigate this swimming technique using the special spheroidal coordinates and also find an explicit closed-form optimal solution for a two-dimensional treadmiler via complex-variable techniques.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Comment on ``Two Time Scales and Violation of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem in a Finite Dimensional Model for Structural Glasses''

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    In cond-mat/0002074 Ricci-Tersenghi et al. find two linear regimes in the fluctuation-dissipation relation between density-density correlations and associated responses of the Frustrated Ising Lattice Gas. Here we show that this result does not seem to correspond to the equilibrium quantities of the model, by measuring the overlap distribution P(q) of the density and comparing the FDR expected on the ground of the P(q) with the one measured in the off-equilibrium experiments.Comment: RevTeX, 1 page, 2 eps figures, Comment on F. Ricci-Tersenghi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4473 (2000

    The Evolutionary Origin of the Runx/CBFbeta Transcription Factors – Studies of the Most Basal Metazoans

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    BACKGROUND. Members of the Runx family of transcriptional regulators, which bind DNA as heterodimers with CBFβ, are known to play critical roles in embryonic development in many triploblastic animals such as mammals and insects. They are known to regulate basic developmental processes such as cell fate determination and cellular potency in multiple stem-cell types, including the sensory nerve cell progenitors of ganglia in mammals. RESULTS. In this study, we detect and characterize the hitherto unexplored Runx/CBFβ genes of cnidarians and sponges, two basal animal lineages that are well known for their extensive regenerative capacity. Comparative structural modeling indicates that the Runx-CBFβ-DNA complex from most cnidarians and sponges is highly similar to that found in humans, with changes in the residues involved in Runx-CBFβ dimerization in either of the proteins mirrored by compensatory changes in the binding partner. In situ hybridization studies reveal that Nematostella Runx and CBFβ are expressed predominantly in small isolated foci at the base of the ectoderm of the tentacles in adult animals, possibly representing neurons or their progenitors. CONCLUSION. These results reveal that Runx and CBFβ likely functioned together to regulate transcription in the common ancestor of all metazoans, and the structure of the Runx-CBFβ-DNA complex has remained extremely conserved since the human-sponge divergence. The expression data suggest a hypothesis that these genes may have played a role in nerve cell differentiation or maintenance in the common ancestor of cnidarians and bilaterians.National Science Foundation (IBN-0212773, FP-91656101-0); Boston University SPRInG (20-202-8103-9); Israel Science Foundation (825/07
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