3,474 research outputs found

    Tetris is Hard, Even to Approximate

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    In the popular computer game of Tetris, the player is given a sequence of tetromino pieces and must pack them into a rectangular gameboard initially occupied by a given configuration of filled squares; any completely filled row of the gameboard is cleared and all pieces above it drop by one row. We prove that in the offline version of Tetris, it is NP-complete to maximize the number of cleared rows, maximize the number of tetrises (quadruples of rows simultaneously filled and cleared), minimize the maximum height of an occupied square, or maximize the number of pieces placed before the game ends. We furthermore show the extreme inapproximability of the first and last of these objectives to within a factor of p^(1-epsilon), when given a sequence of p pieces, and the inapproximability of the third objective to within a factor of (2 - epsilon), for any epsilon>0. Our results hold under several variations on the rules of Tetris, including different models of rotation, limitations on player agility, and restricted piece sets.Comment: 56 pages, 11 figure

    Quantum annealing with Jarzynski equality

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    We show a practical application of the Jarzynski equality in quantum computation. Its implementation may open a way to solve combinatorial optimization problems, minimization of a real single-valued function, cost function, with many arguments. We consider to incorpolate the Jarzynski equality into quantum annealing, which is one of the generic algorithms to solve the combinatorial optimization problem. The ordinary quantum annealing suffers from non-adiabatic transitions whose rate is characterized by the minimum energy gap Δmin.\Delta_{\rm min.} of the quantum system under consideration. The quantum sweep speed is therefore restricted to be extremely slow for the achievement to obtain a solution without relevant errors. However, in our strategy shown in the present study, we find that such a difficulty would not matter.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Low-Degree Spanning Trees of Small Weight

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    The degree-d spanning tree problem asks for a minimum-weight spanning tree in which the degree of each vertex is at most d. When d=2 the problem is TSP, and in this case, the well-known Christofides algorithm provides a 1.5-approximation algorithm (assuming the edge weights satisfy the triangle inequality). In 1984, Christos Papadimitriou and Umesh Vazirani posed the challenge of finding an algorithm with performance guarantee less than 2 for Euclidean graphs (points in R^n) and d > 2. This paper gives the first answer to that challenge, presenting an algorithm to compute a degree-3 spanning tree of cost at most 5/3 times the MST. For points in the plane, the ratio improves to 3/2 and the algorithm can also find a degree-4 spanning tree of cost at most 5/4 times the MST.Comment: conference version in Symposium on Theory of Computing (1994

    Computational Difficulty of Global Variations in the Density Matrix Renormalization Group

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    The density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) approach is arguably the most successful method to numerically find ground states of quantum spin chains. It amounts to iteratively locally optimizing matrix-product states, aiming at better and better approximating the true ground state. To date, both a proof of convergence to the globally best approximation and an assessment of its complexity are lacking. Here we establish a result on the computational complexity of an approximation with matrix-product states: The surprising result is that when one globally optimizes over several sites of local Hamiltonians, avoiding local optima, one encounters in the worst case a computationally difficult NP-hard problem (hard even in approximation). The proof exploits a novel way of relating it to binary quadratic programming. We discuss intriguing ramifications on the difficulty of describing quantum many-body systems.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, RevTeX, final versio

    A Survey of Sport as an Art Form

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    NP-hardness of the cluster minimization problem revisited

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    The computational complexity of the "cluster minimization problem" is revisited [L. T. Wille and J. Vennik, J. Phys. A 18, L419 (1985)]. It is argued that the original NP-hardness proof does not apply to pairwise potentials of physical interest, such as those that depend on the geometric distance between the particles. A geometric analog of the original problem is formulated, and a new proof for such potentials is provided by polynomial time transformation from the independent set problem for unit disk graphs. Limitations of this formulation are pointed out, and new subproblems that bear more direct consequences to the numerical study of clusters are suggested.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted to J. Phys. A: Math. and Ge

    Quantum annealing with antiferromagnetic fluctuations

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    We introduce antiferromagnetic quantum fluctuations into quantum annealing in addition to the conventional transverse-field term. We apply this method to the infinite-range ferromagnetic p-spin model, for which the conventional quantum annealing has been shown to have difficulties to find the ground state efficiently due to a first-order transition. We study the phase diagram of this system both analytically and numerically. Using the static approximation, we find that there exists a quantum path to reach the final ground state from the trivial initial state that avoids first-order transitions for intermediate values of p. We also study numerically the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state and find evidence for intermediate values of p that the time complexity scales polynomially with the system size at a second-order transition point along the quantum path that avoids first-order transitions. These results suggest that quantum annealing would be able to solve this problem with intermediate values of p efficiently in contrast to the case with only simple transverse-field fluctuations.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures; Added references; To be published in Physical Review

    Edge Elimination in TSP Instances

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    The Traveling Salesman Problem is one of the best studied NP-hard problems in combinatorial optimization. Powerful methods have been developed over the last 60 years to find optimum solutions to large TSP instances. The largest TSP instance so far that has been solved optimally has 85,900 vertices. Its solution required more than 136 years of total CPU time using the branch-and-cut based Concorde TSP code [1]. In this paper we present graph theoretic results that allow to prove that some edges of a TSP instance cannot occur in any optimum TSP tour. Based on these results we propose a combinatorial algorithm to identify such edges. The runtime of the main part of our algorithm is O(n2logn)O(n^2 \log n) for an n-vertex TSP instance. By combining our approach with the Concorde TSP solver we are able to solve a large TSPLIB instance more than 11 times faster than Concorde alone

    Sequencing and analysis of the gastrula transcriptome of the brittle star Ophiocoma wendtii

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    Background The gastrula stage represents the point in development at which the three primary germ layers diverge. At this point the gene regulatory networks that specify the germ layers are established and the genes that define the differentiated states of the tissues have begun to be activated. These networks have been well-characterized in sea urchins, but not in other echinoderms. Embryos of the brittle star Ophiocoma wendtii share a number of developmental features with sea urchin embryos, including the ingression of mesenchyme cells that give rise to an embryonic skeleton. Notable differences are that no micromeres are formed during cleavage divisions and no pigment cells are formed during development to the pluteus larval stage. More subtle changes in timing of developmental events also occur. To explore the molecular basis for the similarities and differences between these two echinoderms, we have sequenced and characterized the gastrula transcriptome of O. wendtii. Methods Development of Ophiocoma wendtii embryos was characterized and RNA was isolated from the gastrula stage. A transcriptome data base was generated from this RNA and was analyzed using a variety of methods to identify transcripts expressed and to compare those transcripts to those expressed at the gastrula stage in other organisms. Results Using existing databases, we identified brittle star transcripts that correspond to 3,385 genes, including 1,863 genes shared with the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus gastrula transcriptome. We characterized the functional classes of genes present in the transcriptome and compared them to those found in this sea urchin. We then examined those members of the germ-layer specific gene regulatory networks (GRNs) of S. purpuratus that are expressed in the O. wendtii gastrula. Our results indicate that there is a shared ‘genetic toolkit’ central to the echinoderm gastrula, a key stage in embryonic development, though there are also differences that reflect changes in developmental processes. Conclusions The brittle star expresses genes representing all functional classes at the gastrula stage. Brittle stars and sea urchins have comparable numbers of each class of genes and share many of the genes expressed at gastrulation. Examination of the brittle star genes in which sea urchin orthologs are utilized in germ layer specification reveals a relatively higher level of conservation of key regulatory components compared to the overall transcriptome. We also identify genes that were either lost or whose temporal expression has diverged from that of sea urchins

    Quantum Algorithm to Solve Satisfiability Problems

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    A new quantum algorithm is proposed to solve Satisfiability(SAT) problems by taking advantage of non-unitary transformation in ground state quantum computer. The energy gap scale of the ground state quantum computer is analyzed for 3-bit Exact Cover problems. The time cost of this algorithm on general SAT problems is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure