89 research outputs found

    The Female-Centric Community as shown in the Songs of Muthin Mullai (a Part that Deals with the Valour of Women in Purathinai)

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    The Purathinai literary tradition is not merely a literary tradition. It is also a social tradition of that period. On this basis, one of the disciplines of the Purathinai literary tradition, the Mullai of Muthin Mullai, has within itself a social life. Muthinmullai songs, which describe the valour of women, also record that it is the duty of women to save the family and society for the family. Through such records, the Muthin mullai songs show pieces of evidence to understand the primacy and supremacy of women's lives in society. The songs are used to explain how women are viewed and to confirm the social identities of women, referred to as a matrilineal society. This article also highlights the need to find more data on why the Tamil community was such a predominantly female community

    Bogar Siddhar’s Method of Eating Medicines

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    Siddhars are individuals who has attained spiritual powers and they work various fields for the welfare of people. They have created many rare books in various fields like medicine, witchcraft, astrology, yoga, wisdom, alchemy etc. They also emphasized the principle of spiritual unity. Bogar is a well know siddhar. '7000' is one of his famous books, which consists of many ideas. Nowadays, the modern doctors do not mention any diet that should be followed when taking medicine to get rid of illness. The traditional Siddha doctors suggest diet that should be followed while taking medicines. Tamil siddhar’s have given some methods that should be followed while taking medicines. Thus, this article is about those methods that are mentioned in the book ‘7000’ by Bogar

    The Religious Philosophy of Bhogar Siddhar

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    Devotees are religious people. They are attached to shastras and rituals. They believe in deities, holy sites, sacred water, etc. They go to every temple, sing, and get excited. Azhwars, Nayanmars, etc., can be subsumed into the categories of devotees. The Siddhas are those who have attained the highest spiritual power. Attainment of spiritual power means being happy. Most human beings are associated with religion in one way or another. Religion is the way to engage with God. Not all people think of God in the same way. That is why different religions arose. Therefore, the divine thinkers can be divided into two types: devotees and Siddhas. This article examines the philosophy of God as propounded by the Siddhas

    Bokar Siddha's Yogic Thoughts

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    Status of Shiva can be attained by proper study of the timeless and wonderful art, which is greatly admired, worshiped and secretly maintained by the Siddhas. Methods of burial of the human body is called samaadhi. In Siddha education, samaadhi is equal to God, and samaadhi is generally of three types. After human death, the body is buried directly in the ground or buried in coffins. Achieving samadhi in self-created grave by suppressing the life to attain salvation without rebirth is called Jeevasamathi. Being equal to the Lord with body and soul, by attaining bliss, attaining home, and attaining salvation. At this stage the siddhars who communicate with the worldly people and guide them are in a state of samadhi. In this way, the purpose of this article is to investigate the yogic Thoughts of Bokar Siddha

    Upotreba Folin-Ciocalteuov reagensa i 3-metil-2-benzotiazolinon hidrazin hidroklorida u određivanju okskarbazepina u ljekovitim pripravcima

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    Two spectrophotometric methods are proposed for the assay of oxcarbazepine (OXC) in bulk and dosage forms using Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent (FCP) and 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone hydrazine hydrochloride (MBTH) as reagents. The first method involves addition of FCP reagent to OXC in alkaline medium followed by measurement of absorbance at 760 nm (method A), and the other involves addition of a fixed volume of MBTH after treatment of OXC with ferric chloride and measurement of absorbance at 456 nm (method B). In both methods, the amount of chromogen formed corresponds to the amount of OXC and the measured absorbance was found to increase linearly with the concentration of OXC, which is corroborated by the correlation coefficients of 0.9985 and 0.9984 for method A and B, respectively. The systems obey Beer’s law for 530 µg mL1 and 1050 µg mL1 for methods A and B, respectively. The apparent molar absorptivity was calculated to be 8.06 × 103 L mol1 cm1 and 3.126 × 103 L mol1 cm1 for methods A and B, respectively. The limits of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were calculated to be 1.6 and 5 µg mL1 for method A and 3 and 10 µg mL1 for method B. The inter-day and intra-day imprecision of the methods were found to be in the range of 1.11.7 and 0.91.1 % for method A, and 1.11.9 and 0.60.9 % for method B. The accuracy ranged between 98.999.7 % and 99.3100.1 for method A and B, respectively. No interference was observed from common pharmaceutical excipients. The methods were successfully applied to the assay of OXC in tablet preparations.Predložene su dvije spektrofotometrijske metode za određivanje okskarbazepina (OXC) koje koriste Folin-Ciocalteu fenolni reagens (FCP) i 3-metil-2-benzotiazolinon hidrazin hidroklorid (MBTH). Predložene metode su uspješno primijenjene za analizu ljekovite tvari i ljekovitih pripravaka. Prva metoda uključuje adiciju FCP reagensa na OXC u lužnatom mediju i mjerenje apsorbancije pri 760 nm (metoda A), a druga adiciju istog volumena MBTH nakon obrade OXC sa željezovim(III) kloridom i mjerenje apsorbancije pri 456 nm (metoda B). U obje metode količina stvorenog kromogena proporcionalna je količini OXC, a izmjerena apsorbancija linearno raste s koncentracijom OXC, uz koeficijent korelacije 0,9985 i 0,9984 za metodu A, odnosno B. Oba sustava podliježu Beerovom zakonu u koncentracijskom području 530 µg mL1 i 1050 µg mL1 za metodu A, odnosno B. Izračunati molni apsorpcijski koeficijent bio je 8,06 × 103 L mol1 cm1 iza metodu A i 3,126 × 103 L mol1 cm1 za metodu B. Granice detekcije (LOD) i granice kvantifikacije (LOQ) bile su 1,6 i 5 µg mL1 za metodu A i 3 i 10 µg mL1 za metodu B. Nepreciznost unutar dana i između dana bila je 1,11,7 i 0,91,1 % za metodu A, odnosno 1,11,9 i 0,60,9 % za metodu B. Analitički povrat bio je 98,999,7 % za metodu A i 99,3100,1 za metodu B. Nije primjećena interferencija uobičajenih pomoćnih tvari. Metode su uspješno upotrijebljene za određivanje OXC u tabletama


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    Siddha system of medicine is the most primitive medicinal system, a source for relief from illness. Medicinal plants represent a rich source of antimicrobial agents. The present study was taken to investigate the in vitro-anti microbial activity of herbal drug Seethabedhi vadagam indicated for all types of Dysentery, which is the traditional Siddha polyherbal formulation. In children dysentery is major risk factor for malnutrion and death. Disc diffusion method was used for invitro antibacterial screening, zones of inhibition were observed in disc diffusion for anti-microbial investigation against gram positive and gram negative pathogenic bacteria. Different concentrations of drugs were used to see the antimicrobial activity. The present study revealed that maximum growth of inhibition and effectiveness was remarkably observed in the extracts of Seethabedhi Vadagam. These results indicate that Seethabedhi Vadagam have potential antibacterial activity against E.coli and B.subtilis

    Influence of Cu concentration on the structural, morphological, optical and catalytic properties of TiO2 thin films

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    Pristine titanium oxide (TiO2) and Cu doped TiO2 thin films of ~2.0 µm thicknesses have been deposited on glass substrates by sol-gel dip coating technique. The deposited films are even and more adherent to the substrate. The consequences of incorporation of Cu ions of different concentration in TiO2 lattice towards the structural, morphological and optical characteristics of prepared thin films have been investigated. Cu doping alters crystallite size and morphology of doped TiO2 films marginally. Gradual increase in concentration of Cu atoms into TiO2 matrix expands the absorption window of prepared films to visible region. The decrease in excitonic energy upon Cu doping promotes the charge separation in TiO2 semiconductor. Depending upon Cu concentration, exciton life time is extended fairly which leads to improved electron-hole separation and enhanced oxidation-reduction reactions at the surface of TiO2 semiconductors. The advantage of thin film catalyst over the other catalyst structures has been exhibited by the reusability nature of Cu-TiO2 films. This study reveals that an ideal amount of Cu doping can increase the photocatalytic performance of TiO2 thin films efficiently


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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic relapsing, pruritic, inflammatory skin disease in children associated with personal or family history of other atopic disease like asthma, allergic rhinitis. Clinically characterized by itching, dryness, erythema, vesiculation, exudation and lichenification etc. The present treatment for AD in modern science is steroids or calcinueurin inhibitors. But repeated course of steroids can cause immuno suppression and growth retardation. The drugs in Siddha system of medicine is well known for their effectiveness and less toxicity. One such medicine is Uthamani Chooranam (UC) indicated for AD. The activity of UC was studied by using histamine induced paw oedema in rats by phenylbutazone. Exposure of rats hind paw to histamine resulted in marked increase of paw tissue weight and skin thickness. After oral administration of UC at various dose levels of 200mg/kg and 400mg/ kg reduce the paw volume when compared to control group. The present studies shown the Siddha drug UC is significantly reduce the paw oedema and this study supports the anti-histamine effect of UC

    PASS2 version 4: An update to the database of structure-based sequence alignments of structural domain superfamilies

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    Accurate structure-based sequence alignments of distantly related proteins are crucial in gaining insight about protein domains that belong to a superfamily. The PASS2 database provides alignments of proteins related at the superfamily level and are characterized by low sequence identity. We thus report an automated, updated version of the superfamily alignment database known as PASS2.4, consisting of 1961 superfamilies and 10 569 protein domains, which is in direct correspondence with SCOP (1.75) database. Database organization, improved methods for efficient structure-based sequence alignments and the analysis of extreme distantly related proteins within superfamilies formed the focus of this update. Alignment of family-specific functional residues can be realized using such alignments and is shown using one superfamily as an example. The database of alignments and other related features can be accessed at http://caps.ncbs.res.in/pass2/

    Spectrophotometric determination of tizanidine and orphenadrine via ion pair complex formation using eosin Y

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    A simple, sensitive and rapid spectrophotometric method was developed and validated for the determination of two skeletal muscle relaxants namely, tizanidine hydrochloride (I) and orphenadrine citrate (II) in pharmaceutical formulations. The proposed method is based on the formation of a binary complex between the studied drugs and eosin Y in aqueous buffered medium (pH 3.5). Under the optimum conditions, the binary complex showed absorption maxima at 545 nm for tizanidine and 542 nm for orphenadrine. The calibration plots were rectilinear over concentration range of 0.5-8 μg/mL and 1-12 μg/mL with limits of detection of 0.1 μg/mL and 0.3 μg/mL for tizanidine and orphenadrine respectively. The different experimental parameters affecting the development and stability of the complex were studied and optimized. The method was successfully applied for determination of the studied drugs in their dosage forms; and to the content uniformity test of tizanidine in tablets