6,127 research outputs found

    Antennal and Mouthpart Sensilla of the Blister Beetle. \u3ci\u3eMeloe Campanicollis\u3c/i\u3e (Coleoptera: Meloidae)

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    Sensilia on the sexually dimorphic antennae of the blister beetle, Meloe campanicollis, were primarily sensilla chaetica with scattered socketed and non-socketed sensilla basiconica. Forked chaetifonn sensilla on the female\u27s first segment are displaced by the antennal socket rim when the male grasps and lifts her antennae with segments 5 to 7 of his antennae. Segments 5 to 7 lack dense sensilla chaetica and have only patches of shorter sensilla. The segments also contain a high density of epidennal gland ducts compared to other segments. Maxillary palpi apices were similar in males and females, but the female\u27s labial palpi contained fewer narrow and many more short, broad sensilla basiconica than the male·s

    Survival and Food Detection by First-Instar \u3ci\u3eMelanoplus Femurrubrum\u3c/i\u3e (Orthoptera: Acrididae)

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    Newly hatched Melanoplus femurrubrum (DeGeer) were evaluated for survival without food under various moisture, temperature, and light conditions. Although nymphs survived up to 113 h without food, they required food 48-W h after hatching to ensure continued survival and growth. Olfactory food detection was very limited and feeding tended to occur on the first suitable food encountered. Food covered with a ftlm of water and held within several millimetres of the palpi evoked palpal vibrations followed by antennal movements. The evidence suggests that hygroreceptors occur on the pa\pi and pa\pa\ stimulation is necessary before antennal olfaction occurs

    An Annotated List of the Orthoptera of Beaver Island, Lake Michigan

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    Thirty-six species of Orthoptera were collected from Beaver Island in northern Lake Michigan. Species distribution was Tetrigidae, 4; Acrididae, 16; Tettigoniidae, 8; Gryllacrididae, 1; and Gryllidae, 7

    New Distribution Records for Mosquitoes in Michigan (Diptera: Culicidae)

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    (excerpt) Since the late 1940\u27s very little information has appeared in the literature dealing with the geographical distribution of mosquitoes in Michigan. The earliest attempt at establish- ing a comprehensive list of species was made by Irwin (1941) who catalogued 43 species by county. A survey by Pederson (1947) resulted in the collection of 48 species and provided the most extensive distribution list of mosquitoes in Michigan. Recent studies by Newson et al. (1975), McGroarty et al. (1976) and Grimstad (1977) have contributed several new distribution and state records. Prompted by the 1975 St. Louis encephalitis outbreak in Michigan, and a lack of current information on the species of mosquitoes in Isabella County, a survey of mosquitoes was conducted in the Mount Pleasant area

    The vertical disk structure of the edge-on spiral galaxy NGC 3079

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    NGC 3079 is an edge-on SB(s)c galaxy at a redshift of 1225 km/s relative to the Local Group. Earlier researchers found a spectacular 'figure-eight' radio structure aligned along the minor axis of the galaxy, centered on the nucleus, and extending 3 kpc above and below the plane. The geometry of this structure and the evidence of unusually high nuclear gas velocities suggest that a wind-type outflow from the nucleus is taking place. The disk of NGC 3079 is also remarkable: it is extremely rich in H 2 regions and is the only unambiguous example of a galaxy outside M31 and our own Galaxy to exhibit 'Heiles-like' shells. Other researchers have also identified a nebulosity with a ragged X-shaped morphology formed by a system of lumpy filaments with individual lengths of 3 - 5 kpc. They suggest that this material is ambient halo gas entrained into the boundary layers of the nuclear outflow. The complex structure of the line emission in NGC 3079 makes this object an ideal target for an imaging spectroscopic study. The present paper reports the preliminary results of such a study

    Large scale excitation of the ISM in NGC 1068

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    Researchers have shown that photoionization by the continuum of the hidden Seyfert I nucleus in NGC 1068 can have a significant effect on the ionization state and energetics of this disk's Interstellar Medium (ISM). Photoionization models with appropriate power law spectra can produce (NII) lambda lambda 6538, 6584/H alpha line ratios of 1.25 for ionization parameters Q approx. 10 (exp -12). However the data indicate large regions where the (NII)/H alpha ratio is 1 to 3. Since the abundances are known to be solar, there must be additional heating sources. Hardening of the incident radiation field by intervening absorption should be able to raise T sub e, thereby raising the (NII)/H alpha ratio. Heating with moderate efficiency by the intense starburst ring should also be a significant factor in raising the temperature of the ISM. The photoionization models with additional heating predict enhanced emission from other forbidden lines including (OII) lambda 3727 and (SII) lambda 6731

    Magnetoswitching of current oscillations in diluted magnetic semiconductor nanostructures

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    Strongly nonlinear transport through Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor multiquantum wells occurs due to the interplay between confinement, Coulomb and exchange interaction. Nonlinear effects include the appearance of spin polarized stationary states and self-sustained current oscillations as possible stable states of the nanostructure, depending on its configuration and control parameters such as voltage bias and level splitting due to an external magnetic field. Oscillatory regions grow in size with well number and level splitting. A systematic analysis of the charge and spin response to voltage and magnetic field switching of II-VI Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor multiquantum wells is carried out. The description of stationary and time-periodic spin polarized states, the transitions between them and the responses to voltage or magnetic field switching have great importance due to the potential implementation of spintronic devices based on these nanostructures.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Revtex, to appear in PR