349 research outputs found

    Study of the state-of-the-art of the hermetic seals for secondary alkaline spacecraft cells Quarterly report, Sep. 20 - Dec. 20, 1967

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    Manufacturing methods, cost estimates, advantages, and limitations of various types of hermetic seals for secondary alkaline spacecraft cell

    Beyond Ideals: Proslavery Reforms on a Nineteenth-Century Cotton Plantation

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    The last four decades of the antebellum period witnessed the rise of a proslavery plantation reform movement aimed at preserving slavery in the face of increasing abolitionist pressure. Reformers promoted the image of ideal enslaved households operating as part of efficient modern plantations ruled by reason, benevolent management techniques, and scientific agriculture. Where implemented, reforms resulted in numerous changes to plantation life both around the home and in the fields. Slaves who bore the brunt of these changes struggled to resist plantation reforms or grudgingly accepted them depending on the impact upon established daily routines and any potential benefits bondsmen may have foreseen. Utilizing a novel integrated landscape and household framework, this dissertation examines two neighboring slave quarter sites that were excavated between 2009 and 2012 on Witherspoon Island, a large nineteenth-century cotton plantation located in Darlington County, South Carolina. Looking at both the dwellings and surrounding yard space associated with these contested landscapes, this study seeks to understand what reforms may have been adopted by planter John Dick Witherspoon and their impact on the plantation’s vibrant enslaved community. Specifically, this dissertation examines the material and symbolic impact of labor reforms on enslaved inhabitants, their dwellings and associated landscapes through the lens of dwelling architecture, household sanitation, slave diet, religious instruction, health care, and market access for slaves. While many of the reforms regarding improved housing, diet or sanitation may have appeared outwardly humane, I argue that the core of the reform movement was concerned with developing a better means to physically control slaves across the plantation landscape both in the fields and in the private lives bondsmen worked to create

    An improved exploratory search technique for pure integer linear programming problems

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    The development is documented of a heuristic method for the solution of pure integer linear programming problems. The procedure draws its methodology from the ideas of Hooke and Jeeves type 1 and 2 exploratory searches, greedy procedures, and neighborhood searches. It uses an efficient rounding method to obtain its first feasible integer point from the optimal continuous solution obtained via the simplex method. Since this method is based entirely on simple addition or subtraction of one to each variable of a point in n-space and the subsequent comparison of candidate solutions to a given set of constraints, it facilitates significant complexity improvements over existing techniques. It also obtains the same optimal solution found by the branch-and-bound technique in 44 of 45 small to moderate size test problems. Two example problems are worked in detail to show the inner workings of the method. Furthermore, using an established weighted scheme for comparing computational effort involved in an algorithm, a comparison of this algorithm is made to the more established and rigorous branch-and-bound method. A computer implementation of the procedure, in PC compatible Pascal, is also presented and discussed


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    The objective of this report is to document the findings from a series of proof-of-concept tests performed by Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) R and D Engineering, for the DOE Packaging Certification Program to determine if a viable radio link could be established from within the stainless steel confines of several drum-style DOE certified Type B radioactive materials packagings. Two in-hand, off-the-shelf radio systems were tested. The first system was a Wi-Fi Librestream Onsight{trademark} camera with a Fortress ES820 Access Point and the second was the On-Ramp Wireless Ultra-Link Processing{trademark} (ULP) radio system. These radio systems were tested within the Model 9975 and 9978 Type B packagings at the SRNL. This report documents the test methods and results. A path forward will also be recommended

    Lamp reliability studies for improved satellite rubidium frequency standard

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    In response to the premature failure of Rb lamps used in Rb atomic clocks onboard NAVSTAR GPS satellites experimental and theoretical investigations into their failure mechanism were initiated. The primary goal of these studies is the development of an accelerated life test for future GPS lamps. The primary failure mechanism was identified as consumption of the lamp's Rb charge via direct interaction between Rb and the lamp's glass surface. The most effective parameters to accelerate the interaction between the Rb and the glass are felt to be RF excitation power and lamp temperature. Differential scanning calorimetry is used to monitor the consumption of Rb within a lamp as a function of operation time. This technique yielded base line Rb consumption data for GPS lamps operating under normal conditions

    HU Aquaponics Monitoring and Control System : European Annual EduNet Conference 2020

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    The functional purpose of the HU Aquaponics Monitoring and Control System Project is to develop an environmental and plant monitoring and control system for the HU Aquaponics Lab, located in the Student Union. The project involves the design and implementation of technology that will regularly take measurements from the environment (e.g., air temperature, water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, etc). PLCnext Technology will systematically collect, store, and web-publish the measurement data for HU researchers and the public to use for scientific research

    Dielectronic Resonance Method for Measuring Isotope Shifts

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    Longstanding problems in the comparison of very accurate hyperfine-shift measurements to theory were partly overcome by precise measurements on few-electron highly-charged ions. Still the agreement between theory and experiment is unsatisfactory. In this paper, we present a radically new way of precisely measuring hyperfine shifts, and demonstrate its effectiveness in the case of the hyperfine shift of 4s_1/24s\_{1/2} and 4p_1/24p\_{1/2} in 207Pb53+^{207}\mathrm{Pb}^{53+}. It is based on the precise detection of dielectronic resonances that occur in electron-ion recombination at very low energy. This allows us to determine the hyperfine constant to around 0.6 meV accuracy which is on the order of 10%

    Statistical Procedures for Evaluating Daily and Monthly Hydrologic Model Predictions

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    The overall study objective was to evaluate the applicability of different qualitative and quantitative methods for comparing daily and monthly SWAT computer model hydrologic streamflow predictions to observed data, and to recommend statistical methods for use in future model evaluations. Statistical methods were tested using daily streamflows and monthly equivalent runoff depths. The statistical techniques included linear regression, Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency, nonparametric tests, t-test, objective functions, autocorrelation, and cross-correlation. None of the methods specifically applied to the non-normal distribution and dependence between data points for the daily predicted and observed data. Of the tested methods, median objective functions, sign test, autocorrelation, and cross-correlation were most applicable for the daily data. The robust coefficient of determination (CD*) and robust modeling efficiency (EF*) objective functions were the preferred methods for daily model results due to the ease of comparing these values with a fixed ideal reference value of one. Predicted and observed monthly totals were more normally distributed, and there was less dependence between individual monthly totals than was observed for the corresponding predicted and observed daily values. More statistical methods were available for comparing SWAT model-predicted and observed monthly totals. The 1995 monthly SWAT model predictions and observed data had a regression Rr2 of 0.70, a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency of 0.41, and the t-test failed to reject the equal data means hypothesis. The Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient and the Rr2 coefficient were the preferred methods for monthly results due to the ability to compare these coefficients to a set ideal value of one
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