311 research outputs found

    The occurrence of the stilbene piceatannol in grapes

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    Piceatannol (trans-3,3',4,5'-tetrahydroxy-stilbene) is a natural stilbene occurring in a number of plant species, and it has been shown to have beneficial effects on human health. The compound can seldom be consumed by humans, because it occurs in non-food plants, or in non-edible organs. Here we show for the first time that grapes (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon) have significant amounts of piceatannol (0.052 µg g-1 fresh wt). The identity of piceatannol was confirmed by HPLC and LC-MS.

    In vivo effect of an immunostimulating bacterial lysate on human B lymphocytes.

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    The aim of the present study is to investigate in humans the mechanism by which the oral vaccine Polyvalent Mechanical Bacterial Lysate (PMBL) can rapidly mobilize specific immune response and evaluate the efficacy of its immunostimulating activity in preventing recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract (URTIs) in a group of patients with a medical history of URTI recurrence. Patients received, by sublingual route, PBML, an immunostimulating lysate obtained by mechanical lysis of the most common bacteria responsible for upper respiratory tract infections. The treatment was administered for 10 consecutive days/month for 3 consecutive months. After the end of the treatment period the patients were followed up for an additional 3 months. The frequency of IgM memory B cells and the expression of the activation marker CD25 in peripheral blood lymphocytes were measured using the flow cytometric method before the start and at days 30 and 90 of the treatment cycle. To correlate clinical results to immunological parameters, the patients were monitored at different time-points during the treatment and at the end of follow-up period. The results showed that PMBL exerts a therapeutic and preventing effect in acute and recurrent infections of the upper respiratory tract and that this effect correlated with the activation and enhancement of both IgM memory B lymphocytes (CD24+/CD27+ cells) and IL2 receptor-expressing lymphocytes (CD25+ cells) involved either in humoral or cellular immunity

    The effects of vegetarian diets on bone health: a literature review

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    In these recent years many people are adopting a vegetarian type diet due to the numerous positive health effects of this regimen such as the reduction of the incidence of many chronic disorders like diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cancer. However this diet is quite restrictive and so it could be possible to have a deficiency in some specific nutrients, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Although there are conflicting results on the effects of the vegetarian diet on bone health and fracture incidence, it is always recommendable in vegetarian people to have an adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D, through an increased intake of supplements, natural and fortified foods, an adequate intake of protein, fruit, vegetables, as well as vitamin B12. The aim of this literature review is to revise the actual knowledge of the effect of some nutrients and vegetarian diets on bone health. Copyright © 2022 Falchetti, Cavati, Valenti, Mingiano, Cosso, Gennari, Chiodini and Merlotti

    Patterns of genomic instability in gastric cancer: clinical implications and perspectives.

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    In gastric cancer (GC) the loss of genomic stability represents a key molecular step that occurs early in the carcinogenesis process and creates a permissive environment for the accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations in tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. It is widely accepted that GC can follow at least two major genomic instability pathways, microsatellite instability (MSI) and chromosome instability (CIN). MSI is responsible for a well-defined subset of GCs. CIN represents a more common pathway comprising heterogeneous subsets of GC. In addition to MSI and CIN, the CpG islands methylator phenotype (CIMP) plays an important role in gastric carcinogenesis. CIMP may lead to the transcriptional silencing of various genes in gastric carcinogenesis. Intriguingly, more recently in addition to CpG island hypermethylation, a global DNA demethylation, that precedes genomic damage, has been observed in GC. Thus, epigenetic alterations may play a relevant role in gastric carcinogenesis as alternative mechanisms. Evidence suggests that although MSI, CIN and CIMP phenotypes can be distinguished from one another, there might be some degree of overlap. This review describes our current knowledge of the instability pathways in gastric carcinogenesis and the potential clinical applications for different forms of genomic instability in GC

    Energy metabolism and ketogenic diets: What about the skeletal health? a narrative review and a prospective vision for planning clinical trials on this issue

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    The existence of a common mesenchymal cell progenitor shared by bone, skeletal muscle, and adipocytes cell progenitors, makes the role of the skeleton in energy metabolism no longer surprising. Thus, bone fragility could also be seen as a consequence of a “poor” quality in nutrition. Ketogenic diet was originally proven to be effective in epilepsy, and long-term follow-up studies on epileptic children undergoing a ketogenic diet reported an increased incidence of bone fractures and decreased bone mineral density. However, the causes of such negative impacts on bone health have to be better defined. In these subjects, the concomitant use of antiepileptic drugs and the reduced mobilization may partly explain the negative effects on bone health, but little is known about the effects of diet itself, and/or generic alterations in vitamin D and/or impaired growth factor production. Despite these remarks, clinical studies were adequately designed to investigate bone health are scarce and bone health related aspects are not included among the various metabolic pathologies positively influenced by ketogenic diets. Here, we provide not only a narrative review on this issue, but also practical advice to design and implement clinical studies on ketogenic nutritional regimens and bone health outcomes. Perspectives on ketogenic regimens, microbiota, microRNAs, and bone health are also included

    Patterns of genomic instability in gastric cancer: clinical implications and perspectives

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    In gastric cancer (GC) the loss of genomic stability represents a key molecular step that occurs early in the carcinogenesis process and creates a permissive environment for the accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations in tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. It is widely accepted that GC can follow at least two major genomic instability pathways, microsatellite instability (MSI) and chromosome instability (CIN). MSI is responsible for a well-defined subset of GCs. CIN represents a more common pathway comprising heterogeneous subsets of GC. In addition to MSI and CIN, the CpG islands methylator phenotype (CIMP) plays an important role in gastric carcinogenesis. CIMP may lead to the transcriptional silencing of various genes in gastric carcinogenesis. Intriguingly, more recently in addition to CpG island hypermethylation, a global DNA demethylation, that precedes genomic damage, has been observed in GC. Thus, epigenetic alterations may play a relevant role in gastric carcinogenesis as alternative mechanisms. Evidence suggests that although MSI, CIN and CIMP phenotypes can be distinguished from one another, there might be some degree of overlap. This review describes our current knowledge of the instability pathways in gastric carcinogenesis and the potential clinical applications for different forms of genomic instability in G

    Infiltrating giant cell tumor in a case of Paget’s disease of bone

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    Giant cell tumor (GCT) of the bone, also called osteoclastoma, is a rare complication of Paget’s bone disease. We report a patient from Southern Italy who developed a GCT infiltrating the neighboring tissues. The natural history and the therapeutic outcomes of this unique complication of Paget’s bone disease are presented

    Update on the pathogenesis and genetics of Paget's disease of bone

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    Studies over the past two decades have led to major advances in the pathogenesis of Paget's disease of bone (PDB) and particularly on the role of genetic factors. Germline mutations of different genes have been identified, as a possible cause of this disorder, and most of the underlying pathways are implicated in the regulation of osteoclast differentiation and function, whereas other are involved in cell autophagy mechanisms. In particular, about 30 different germline mutations of the Sequestosome 1 gene (SQSTM1) have been described in a significant proportion of familial and sporadic PDB cases. The majority of SQSTM1 mutations affect the ubiquitin-binding domain of the protein and are associated to a more severe clinical expression of the disease. Also, germline mutations in the ZNF687 and PFN1 genes have been associated to severe, early onset, polyostotic PDB with increased susceptibly to neoplastic degeneration, particularly giant cell tumor. Mutations in the VCP (Valosin Containing Protein) gene cause the autosomal dominant syndrome "Inclusion Body Myopathy, PDB, Fronto-temporal Dementia," characterized by pagetic manifestations, associated with myopathy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and fronto-temporal dementia. Moreover, germline mutations in the TNFRSF11A gene, which encodes for RANK, were associated with rare syndromes showing some histopathological, radiological, and clinical overlap with PDB and in two cases of early onset PDB-like disease. Likewise, genome wide association studies performed in unrelated PDB cases identified other potential predisposition genes and/or susceptibility loci. Thus, it is likely that polygenic factors are involved in the PDB pathogenesis in many individuals and that modifying genes may contribute in refining the clinical phenotype. Moreover, the contribution of somatic mutations of SQSTM1 gene and/or epigenetic mechanisms in the pathogenesis of skeletal pagetic abnormalities and eventually neoplastic degeneration, cannot be excluded. Indeed, clinical and experimental observations indicate that genetic susceptibility might not be a sufficient condition for the clinical development of PDB without the concomitant intervention of viral infection, in primis paramixoviruses, and/or other environmental factors (e.g., pesticides, heavy metals or tobacco exposure), at least in a subset of cases. This review summarizes the most important advances that have been made in the field of cellular and molecular biology PDB over the past decades. © 2022 Gennari, Rendina, Merlotti, Cavati, Mingiano, Cosso, Materozzi, Pirrotta, Abate, Calabrese and Falchetti

    BRCA1/BRCA2 rearrangements and CHEK2 common mutations are infrequent in Italian male breast cancer cases.

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    Male breast cancer (MBC) is a rare and poorly known disease. Germ-line mutations of BRCA2 and, to lesser extent, BRCA1 genes are the highest risk factors associated with MBC. Interestingly, BRCA2 germ-line rearrangements have been described in high-risk breast/ovarian cancer families which included at least one MBC case. Germ-line mutations of CHEK2 gene have been also implicated in inherited MBC predisposition. The CHEK2 1100delC mutation has been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer in men lacking BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations. Intriguingly, two other CHEK2 mutations (IVS2+1G > A and I157T) and a CHEK2 large genomic deletion (del9-10) have been associated with an elevated risk for prostate cancer. Here, we investigated the contribution of BRCA1, BRCA2 and CHEK2 alterations to MBC predisposition in Italy by analysing a large series of MBC cases, unselected for breast cancer family history and all negative for BRCA1/BRCA2 germ-line mutations. A total of 102 unrelated Italian MBC cases were screened for deletions/duplications of BRCA1, BRCA2 and CHEK2 by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. No BRCA1, BRCA2 and CHEK2 genomic rearrangements, including the CHEK2 del9-10, were found in the series analysed. Furthermore, none of the MBC cases and 263 male population controls, also included in this study, carried the CHEK2 1100delC, IVS2+1G > A and I157T common mutations. Overall, our data suggest that screening of BRCA1/2 rearrangements is not advantageous in MBC cases not belonging to high-risk breast cancer families and that common CHEK2 mutations play an irrelevant role in MBC predisposition in Italy

    Management of osteoporosis in men: A narrative review

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    Male osteoporosis is a still largely underdiagnosed pathological condition. As a conse-quence, bone fragility in men remains undertreated mainly due to the low screening frequency and to controversies in the bone mineral density (BMD) testing standards. Up to the 40% of overall osteo-porotic fractures affect men, in spite of the fact that women have a significant higher prevalence of osteoporosis. In addition, in males, hip fractures are associated with increased morbidity and mortality as compared to women. Importantly, male fractures occur about 10 years later in life than women, and, therefore, due to the advanced age, men may have more comorbidities and, consequently, their mortality is about twice the rate in women. Gender differences, which begin during puberty, lead to wider bones in males as compared with females. In men, follicle-stimulating hormones, testosterone, estrogens, and sex hormone-binding levels, together with genetic factors, interact in determining the peak of bone mass, BMD maintenance, and lifetime decrease. As compared with women, men are more frequently affected by secondary osteoporosis. Therefore, in all osteoporotic men, a complete clinical history should be collected and a careful physical examination should be done, in order to find clues of a possible underlying diseases and, ultimately, to guide laboratory testing. Currently, the pharmacological therapy of male osteoporosis includes aminobisphosphonates, denosumab, and teriparatide. Hypogonadal patients may be treated with testosterone replacement therapy. Given that the fractures related to mortality are higher in men than in women, treating male subjects with osteoporosis is of the utmost importance in clinical practice, as it may impact on mortality even more than in women
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