739 research outputs found

    Gambaran Kelelahan dan Keluhan Muskuloskeletal pada Pengemudi Bus Malam Jarak Jauh Po. Restu Mulya

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    Long trip night bus drivers is a very highly risk of fatigue and musculoskeletal disorder. The aim of this research was to learn and acknowledging the level of fatigue and musculoskeletal disorder in PO. (Perusahaan Otobus) Restu Mulya long trip night bus drivers. This is an observational descriptive research with cross sectional study design. The research's variable is the level of fatigue and musculoskeletal disorder that obtained from primary data using SSRT (Subjective Self Rating Test) questionnaire and NBM (Nordic Body Map) questionnaire. The result shows that 58.33% long trip night bus drivers was felt a moderate level of fatigue and 41.67% long trip night bus drivers felt a severe level of fatigue. Most of long trip night bus drivers which number 75% drivers felt almost-sick of musculoskeletal disorder with the buttock, back, neck, and leg symptom point. The fatigue in PO. Restu Mulya long trip night bus drivers was a moderate and severe level with a lower activity and physicly fatigue symptom. The fatigue can be possibly caused by high physical work burden and psycologycal work burden which is a big responsibilities for the passengers safety. Then a low level of musculoskeletal disorders with the buttock, back, neck, and leg symptom point that possibly caused by monotony sit work posture on a very long time

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Kedudukan Sertipikat Hak Milik Atas Tanah Bank Pemerintah Setelah Menjadi PT (Persero) (Studi Kasus Pt.bank Sumut Medan)

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    The changing of legal entity of a certain Bank from a provincial corporation to Corporate has caused the changing in the use of legal provisions on Bank; a provincial corporation which used to be subject to Law No 5/1962 will be subject to Law No. 40/2007 on Corporation after it changes to a Corporate. The research was descriptive analytic and used the theory of legal entity and judicial normative methods. The data were gathered by using secondary data by conducting library research and field study at Bank SUMUT and at the National Land Board Office.The result of the research showed that although the legal entity of Bank SUMUT changed to a Corporate, it always maintained its debenture and it did not undergo the registration process of changing its name in its debenture. According to PT Bank SUMUT, the reason why it has debenture is based on the Decree of the Minister of Internal Affairs No. SK.61/DJA/1979 on the Appointment of Bank Pembangunan Daerah as a legal entity and because all its shares are owned by the government and all its assets did not change, while the obligation of Bank SUMUT on its assets is regulated in its statutes which are convened in the General Shareholders\u27 Meeting if there is any change.

    Presuppositions in Green Campaign Stickers Issued by International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences of Universitas Brawijaya

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    Key words: presupposition, presupposition trigger, pragmatic presupposition.Presupposition is an important element in a communication process. It is defined as the common knowledge belonging to the speaker. Presupposition could be identified by two ways; presupposition trigger referring to the triggered word in a utterance or written expression, and pragmatic presupposition referring to presupposition which is made by considering the speaker as the one producing the utterance or written expression. Presupposition can be found in daily communication such as, in the campaign. In this study, the writer analyzes presupposition within written expression of the green campaign stickers on IAAS Universitas Brawijaya. There are two problems to be solved, namely (1) What are the presupposition triggers of the written expression used in green campaign stickers of International Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences ‘IAAS' Universitas Brawijaya? and (2) What are the pragmatic presupposition of the written expression used in green campaign stickers ofInternational Association of Students in Agriculture and Related Sciences ‘IAAS'Universitas Brawijaya?.This study used qualitative approach in document analysis since it focused on analyzing the written expression in the campaign. The data were collected from the green campaign stickers in IAAS Universitas Brawijaya when the stickers were distributed in Car Free Day Malang on Sunday, September 23, 2012. Then, data were analyzed by using Levinson's theory of presupposition trigger (1983) and Karttunen and Stalnaker's theory of strategy of pragmatic presupposition (1974).Definite description, change of state verb, question, temporal clasuse, iterative, contrast and comparison, and counter factual condition were categories of presupposition trigger found in the written expressions of 7 green campaign stickers. Then, the result of presupposition triggers became a reference to construct pragmatic presupposition in the written expression of green campaign stickers.The writer suggests the sticker makers make effective and good media. This study is also suggested for the students of linguistics to use this study as an example of presupposition used in mass media. It is also suggested for the next researchers that this study can be used as a reference in the same topic

    Hambatan Perjanjian Utang Piutang dengan Jaminan Rahn Tasjily (Studi Pelaksanaan Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Majelis Ulama Indonesia Nomor 68/dsn-mui/iii/ 2008 Tentang Rahn Tasjily di Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Blauran Surabaya)

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    Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan perjanjian utang piutang dengan jaminan rahn tasjily di Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Blauran Surabaya. 2) Untuk mengetahui hambatan-hambatan dalam pelaksanaan pelaksanaaan perjanjian utang piutang dengan jaminan rahn tasjily di Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Blauran Surabaya. 3) Untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis upaya pihak-pihak dalam mengatasi hambatan-hambatan pelaksanaaan perjanjian utang piutang dengan jaminan rahn tasjily di Pegadaian Syariah Cabang Blauran Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis empiris dengan metode pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Data primer dan data sekunder diperoleh dan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Dari hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode diatas, penulis memperoleh jawaban atas masalah yang ada bahwa dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian utang piutang dengan jaminan rahn tasjily di pegadaian syariah cabang blauran Surabaya terdapat tiga proses atau tahapan, yaitu: proses permohonan, proses verifikasi obyek rahn tasjily, dan proses pencairan dana. Didalam proses tersebut terdapat beberapa hambatan. Hambatan tersebut dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu: (1) hambatan yuridis, yang dialami adalah tidak sesuainya pendaftaran barang jaminan rahn tasjily yang terjadi dilapangan dengan peraturan yang ada. (2) Hambatan teknis dibagi menjadi dua hambatan, yaitu hambatan internal dan hambatan eksternal. Hambatan internal yang dialami adalah kurangnya sosialisasi yang dilakukan pegadaian syariah dan kurangnya dana yang disediakan pegadaian syariah. hambatan eksternal yang dialami adalah kurang tanggapnya masyarakat dalam kegiatan pembiayaan dan kurang pahamnya masyarakat dengan perjanjian yang dilakukannya. Upaya untuk mengatasi hambatan tersebut dibagi menjadi dua, yaitu: upaya dalam hal yuridis dan upaya dalam hal teknis. Upaya yuridis ini adalah Pegadaian Syariah mengeluarkan Keputusan Direksi Perum Pegadaian dan upaya teknis ini adalah lebih aktif dalam melakukan sosialisasi.Kata Kunci : Hambatan, Perjanjian Utang Piutang, Rahn Tasjily

    Methane Gas Adsorption Capacity Of Carbon Materials For Adsorbed Natural Gas Applications

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    Adsorbed natural gas (ANG) technique was used in this study to test the adsorption capacity of carbon materials fro methane gas storage. An adsorption system based on volumetric method was designed and fabricated for this purpose. The carbon materials used were Malaysian industrial activated carbon produced from palm kernel shell and coconut shells. These materials have not been thoroughly investigated for ANG applications. Also a new material which is a composite of CNTs and activated carbon (ACNT) produced in this work along with commercial CNTs were investigated as ANG storage media. ACNT was produced using chemical vapour deposition (CVD) method using activated carbon as catalyst substrate. The presence of activated carbon, besides being substrate, served as auxiliary storage media. This method successfully produced CNTs with diameters ranged form 25 to 70 nm and lengths, mostly, of more than 10 μm. These long tubes could be a result of the long reaction time (3 hours), thus if shorter CNTs are required, shorter reaction times should be applied. The adsorption storage experiments were run at pressures up to 50 bar and temperatures of 30, 40 and 50 °C. The adsorption capacity on mass basis (at 35 bar and 30 °C) ranged from as low as 1.48 mmol/g for com-CNT to 6.20 mmol/g for CSAC3. ACNT showed a relatively high adsorption capacity of 4.51 mmol/g. The results indicate that there is a general trend of increasing in adsorption capacity with increasing micropore volume. However, micropore size distribution (MPSD) must be taken into account in evaluating the adsorbents. The adsorption capacity on volume basis (V/V) ranged from 51.57 for com-CNT to 106.46 for CSAC2. These values are still below the targeted 150 V/V. While some adsorbents showed the highest adsorption capacity on mass basis compared to others (CSAC3 versus CSAC2), yet their capacity on volume basis was lower as a result of their lower bulk density. This showed the importance of this parameter in ANG applications. The methane delivered values were 7-25% lower than the volumetric methane storage capacity. The high retention of methane gas at atmospheric pressure by some adsorbents could be explained by their narrow MPSD. Accordingly, the narrow MPSD helps in increasing the adsorption capacity, yet, the very narrow MPSD will increase the amount of gas retained.Several single component isotherm models were used to fit the experimental adsorption isotherm data. All the adsorption isotherm models used showed a good fit to the experimental data. However, Langmuir isotherm model was chosen to be used in the dynamic model to restrict the already heavy computational load from being unrealistic. The experimental data obtained from the storage and delivery tests were compared to those obtained from process simulation using a dynamic model. The simulation model was run using the measured equilibrium data as input parameters. A good agreement was observed between experimental and simulated results. Pressure and temperature histories were acceptably well predicte

    Manajemen Dana Bantuan Operasional Sekolah pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 3 Sambas

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    . This study aims to describe: (a) planning funds; (b) the organization of funds; (c) implementation of the funds; (d) the supervision of the fund managenent og BOS finds committed in SMP Negeri 3 Sambas. This study usesqualitative techniques of interview, and documentary studies. The type of data using observation extension, increase endurance, triangulation, discussions with colleagues and check. The results of this study are: (1) Planning BOS funds realized in the form of Plan and Budget Activity School (RKAS) are arranged based on the needs of the school within one year. (2) The organization in the management and disbursement of BOS is also contrary to the guidelines number 161 in 2014. (3) The use of BOS funds are not all used to plan and budget activities such as school fees are planned for one year. (4) The fungction of supervision in the management of BOS funds have not been up done iether by internal or external oversight institutions

    Penerapan Tema Pesawat Terbang pada Museum Teknologi Penerbangan

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    Perkembangan teknologi pada saat ini semakin pesat, terutama perkembangan transportasi di Indonesia, khususnya di bidang transportasi udara. Semakin banyak pesawat yang terbang melintasi langit nusantara dan semakin banyak pula jenisnya. Beragam teknologi canggih ditambahkan pada pesawat-pesawat tersebut untuk mendukung performa dan meningkatkan keamanannya. Perkembangan teknologi yang pesat harus diimbangi dengan adanya pembelajaran bagi generasi penerus. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya fasilitas yang mampu memawadahi hal tersebut, salah satunya dengan perancangan museum teknologi penerbangan. Museum teknologi penerbangan dirancang berdasarkan sifat pesawat, salah satunya dengan gubahan massa yang menyerupai pesawat terbang. Dengan adanya museum teknologi pesawat ini diharapkan mampu mewadahi permasalahan tersebut