1,856 research outputs found

    Proses Pembelajaran Matematika Pada Anak Slow Learners (Lamban Belajar)

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    This research is aimed to find out the mathematics learning process in class includes readiness of teacher before learning process, implementation and evaluation and follow up. It was a qualitative research. The subjects were taken by purposive sampling. The subjects of this research were mathematics teacher. Data collection techniques in this research were interviews and observation. Technical validity of the data used is triangulation time. The data analysis technique used was consisted of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of this study were (1) teacher preparedness before learning process are by preparing syllabus, lesson plan (RPP), media and learning resources before the learning process begins. (2) the mathematics learning implementation in class done through three activities: pre activity, whilst activity and post activity (3) in evaluation and follow-up stage, teachers plan follow-up activities in the form of remedial learning, enrichment programs, counseling services for students (4) Factors and constraints experienced from slow learners child is may lose interest in the task and refused to resume the task

    Evaluasi Dampak Pemekaran Daerah terhadap Kinerja Ekonomi dan Kinerja Pelayanan Publik di Kota Serang

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    Administrative region formation is a process of administrative region division which is conducted in order to improve the welfare of the occupants of the respective region through the acceleration of economic development and the improvement of capacity in public services. The city of Serang, formed out of the municipality of Serang, Banten regency, was established with such goals in mind. This research is conducted both to measure the economic performance and public services performance of the city of Serang after administrative formation (2009-2011) and to compare the results with similar data from its municipality of origin.This research uses indexing method. The indexing method is used to compare the performance between the newly established administrative region and its municipality of origin.Index calculation results that the performance of economic and public services of the city of Serang shows that the city is comparable to municipality of Serang with slightly better results

    Analisis Penentuan Variabel Dari Biaya Kapal Sebagai Acuan Penentuan Subsidi Untuk Kapal Perintis :Studi Kasus Maluku

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    Subsidi diberikan untuk menjembatani ketidak-seimbangan antara harga atau tarip yang ditetapkan produsen dengan kekuatan daya beli konsumen dikarenakan konsumen tersebut tidak dapat membayar sesuai dengan tarip yang ditetapkan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji formula penentuan subsidi saat ini dan mengeloborasi dengan solusi alternatife. Studi dilakukan dengan menentukan variabel jarak, yang ada di biaya kapal perintis dan dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan penentuan subsidi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penentuan subsidi saat ini hanya ditentukan oleh variabel Jarak saja dan variabel penentu saat ini belum bisa menghitung besaran subsidi dengan lebih objektif karena ada beberapa variabel penentu lainnya yang bisa dijadikan sebagai acuan penentuan subsidi seperti GT, BHP, ABK dan Umur

    Implementation of Information System in Indonesian Traditional Beverage Businesses

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    This study aims to apply the information system to every business owner who can inform businesses beverage container business through information technology. The function of this information system's application is for business owners and customers interested in buying products business. This study is an application of information systems in the Indonesian Traditional Beverage Business. This study's method was conducted using qualitative descriptive writing method of collecting data through literature study and observation to the growing beverage business owners. Information system development is conducted using the waterfall method. The results of this study show an overview of how the information system is expected by the business owner as well as the beverage business impact that can provide the quality of the business product beverage business is being run. The conclusion is that there is a large information container such as a website application applied to the Indonesian traditional beverage business so that website visitors can see, buy, or provide suggestions or comments regarding the already available product

    Ektoparasit Tungau Trombikulid dan Inangnya Serta Peluang Penularan Scrub Typhus di Beberapa Daerah Pulau Jawa

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    Trombikulid mite studies was conducted in Java. The parasitic mite plays an important role in the transmission of the disease scrub typhus. The aim of this was to know the species of trombiculid mite and their host, as well as distribution in Java. The study was conducted in Banten, West Java, Central Java and East Java, in the year 1970 to 2011. Study Design is a descriptive study. Methods of study were conduct the rats, bats and birds survey, as well as the use of black plate to catch the mites that live freely. Trombikulid mites in some areas in Java includes 4 Tribus consists of 16 genera. The genus Tribus Whartoniini much as 1 consists of 3 spcies. Tribus Trombiculini as 6 genus includes 17 species. Tribus Schoengastini as much as 8 genus includes 15 species and Tribus Gahrliepiini 1 genus includes 12 species. In addition it is expected of the 45 species, 12 species are suspected new species. Host of trombikulid mite is Chiroptera, Aves, insectivores, rodents and Carnivora. Trombikulid mites that have vegetated habitat specific and limited distribution, then the probability of scrub typhus which is transmitted through a mite trombikulid in Java is not a problem for public health. Keyword; mite, Java, scrub, hos
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