136 research outputs found

    A three-dimensional open-framework tin(II) phosphate exhibiting reversible dehydration and ion-exchange properties

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    A three-dimensional open-framework tin(II) phosphate, prepared hydrothermally with 1,3-diaminopentane as the template, is shown to exhibit reversible dehydration and ion-exchange properties

    Water-solubilized aminoclay–metal nanoparticle composites and their novel properties

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    Nanoparticles of metals such as Au, Ag, Pd and Pt embedded in exfoliated sheets of aminoclays of the type R8Si8Mg6O16(OH)4, where R=CH2CH2NH2 are entirely water soluble. These sheets of the composite come to the organic-aqueous interface on addition of alkane thiols to the aqueous layer

    Synthesis of agarose-metal/semiconductor nanoparticles having superior bacteriocidal activity and their simple conversion to metal-carbon composites

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    Agarose, a naturally occurring biopolymer is used for the stabilization of metal, semiconductor nanoparticles. Ag and Cu nanoparticles stabilized in agarose matrix show excellent antibacterial activity against E. coli bacteria. The well dispersed metal nanoparticles within the agarose composite films can be readily converted to carbon-metal composites of catalytic importance

    Single Step Plasma Process for Covalent Binding of Antimicrobial Peptides on Catheters to Suppress Bacterial Adhesion

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    Catheter-associated biofilms are responsible for a large fraction of hospital acquired infections. Antimicrobial surface coating on catheters providing prevention at source is extensively studied to reduce bacterial adhesion. Antimicrobial peptides such as melimine and Mel4, covalently linked to surfaces have shown excellent potential in animal and human studies to suppress infection without toxicity. Covalent binding of the peptides on catheter surfaces improves efficacy but so far has been implemented using multi-step wet chemical coupling that will impede widespread adoption. Here we demonstrate plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) as a single step treatment that covalently couples antimicrobial peptides to polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Strong antimicrobial activity was demonstrated by higher than 3 log kill of S. aureus. A variant of the process was demonstrated as an antimicrobial treatment for chemically inert glass surfaces. Covalent coupling was rigorously tested by stringent SDS washing. We further demonstrated that the plasma treatment can effectively functionalize both internal and external surfaces of catheter tubing, reducing 99% of bacterial adhesion. The process is feasible as a patient-safe treatment for treating various types of catheters and is suitable for commercial mass production. In a logical extension of the work, the process could be adapted to bone replacement scaffolds of all types including metallic, polymeric and ceramic

    Pulsed Feedback Defers Cellular Differentiation

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    Environmental signals induce diverse cellular differentiation programs. In certain systems, cells defer differentiation for extended time periods after the signal appears, proliferating through multiple rounds of cell division before committing to a new fate. How can cells set a deferral time much longer than the cell cycle? Here we study Bacillus subtilis cells that respond to sudden nutrient limitation with multiple rounds of growth and division before differentiating into spores. A well-characterized genetic circuit controls the concentration and phosphorylation of the master regulator Spo0A, which rises to a critical concentration to initiate sporulation. However, it remains unclear how this circuit enables cells to defer sporulation for multiple cell cycles. Using quantitative time-lapse fluorescence microscopy of Spo0A dynamics in individual cells, we observed pulses of Spo0A phosphorylation at a characteristic cell cycle phase. Pulse amplitudes grew systematically and cell-autonomously over multiple cell cycles leading up to sporulation. This pulse growth required a key positive feedback loop involving the sporulation kinases, without which the deferral of sporulation became ultrasensitive to kinase expression. Thus, deferral is controlled by a pulsed positive feedback loop in which kinase expression is activated by pulses of Spo0A phosphorylation. This pulsed positive feedback architecture provides a more robust mechanism for setting deferral times than constitutive kinase expression. Finally, using mathematical modeling, we show how pulsing and time delays together enable β€œpolyphasic” positive feedback, in which different parts of a feedback loop are active at different times. Polyphasic feedback can enable more accurate tuning of long deferral times. Together, these results suggest that Bacillus subtilis uses a pulsed positive feedback loop to implement a β€œtimer” that operates over timescales much longer than a cell cycle

    Independent Recruitment of a Flavin-Dependent Monooxygenase for Safe Accumulation of Sequestered Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Grasshoppers and Moths

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    Several insect lineages have developed diverse strategies to sequester toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids from food-plants for their own defense. Here, we show that in two highly divergent insect taxa, the hemimetabolous grasshoppers and the holometabolous butterflies, an almost identical strategy evolved independently for safe accumulation of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. This strategy involves a pyrrolizidine alkaloid N-oxygenase that transfers the pyrrolizidine alkaloids to their respective N-oxide, enabling the insects to avoid high concentrations of toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the hemolymph. We have identified a pyrrolizidine alkaloid N-oxygenase, which is a flavin-dependent monooxygenase, of the grasshopper Zonocerus variegatus. After heterologous expression in E. coli, this enzyme shows high specificity for pyrrolizidine alkaloids of various structural types and for the tropane alkaloid atropine as substrates, a property that has been described previously for a pyrrolizidine alkaloid N-oxygenase of the arctiid moth Grammia geneura. Phylogenetic analyses of insect flavin-dependent monooxygenase sequences suggest that independent gene duplication events preceded the establishment of this specific enzyme in the lineages of the grasshoppers and of arctiid moths. Two further flavin-dependent monooxygenase sequences have been identified from Z. variegatus sharing amino acid identities of approximately 78% to the pyrrolizidine alkaloid N-oxygenase. After heterologous expression, both enzymes are also able to catalyze the N-oxygenation of pyrrolizidine alkaloids, albeit with a 400-fold lower specific activity. With respect to the high sequence identity between the three Z. variegatus sequences this ability to N-oxygenize pyrrolizidine alkaloids is interpreted as a relict of a former bifunctional ancestor gene of which one of the gene copies optimized this activity for the specific adaptation to pyrrolizidine alkaloid containing food plants

    Light Chain Separated from the Rest of the Type A Botulinum Neurotoxin Molecule Is the Most Catalytically Active Form

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    Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) are the most potent of all toxins. The 50 kDa N-terminal endopeptidase catalytic light chain (LC) of BoNT is located next to its central, putative translocation domain. After binding to the peripheral neurons, the central domain of BoNT helps the LC translocate into cytosol where its proteolytic action on SNARE (soluble NSF attachment protein receptor) proteins blocks exocytosis of acetyl choline leading to muscle paralysis and eventual death. The translocation domain also contains 105 Γ… -long stretch of ∼100 residues, known as β€œbelt,” that crosses over and wraps around the LC to shield the active site from solvent. It is not known if the LC gets dissociated from the rest of the molecule in the cytosol before catalysis. To investigate the structural identity of the protease, we prepared four variants of type A BoNT (BoNT/A) LC, and compared their catalytic parameters with those of BoNT/A whole toxin. The four variants were LC + translocation domain, a trypsin-nicked LC + translocation domain, LC + belt, and a free LC. Our results showed that Km for a 17-residue SNAP-25 (synaptosomal associated protein of 25 kDa) peptide for these constructs was not very different, but the turnover number (kcat) for the free LC was 6-100-fold higher than those of its four variants. Moreover, none of the four variants of the LC was prone to autocatalysis. Our results clearly demonstrated that in vitro, the LC minus the rest of the molecule is the most catalytically active form. The results may have implication as to the identity of the active, toxic moiety of BoNT/A in vivo
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