150 research outputs found

    Marine diversity shift linked to interactions among grazers, nutrients and propagule banks

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    Diverse coastal seaweed communities dominated by perennial fucoids become replaced by species-poor turfs of annual algae throughout the Baltic Sea. A large-scale field survey and factorial field experiments indicated that grazers maintain the fucoid community through selective consumption of annual algae. Interactive effects between grazers and dormant propagules of annual algae, stored in a 'marine seed bank', determine the response of this system to anthropogenic nutrient loading. Nutrients override grazer control and accelerate the loss of algal diversity in the presence but not in the absence of a propagule bank. This implies a novel role of propagule banks for community regulation and ecosystem response to marine eutrophication

    Icolos: a workflow manager for structure-based post-processing of de novo generated small molecules

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    A Summary: We present Icolos, a workflow manager written in Python as a tool for automating complex structure-based workflows for drug design. Icolos can be used as a standalone tool, for example in virtual screening campaigns, or can be used in conjunction with deep learning-based molecular generation facilitated for example by REINVENT, a previously published molecular de novo design package. In this publication, we focus on the internal structure and general capabilities of Icolos, using molecular docking experiments as an illustrative example

    A data science roadmap for open science organizations engaged in early-stage drug discovery

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    The Structural Genomics Consortium is an international open science research organization with a focus on accelerating early-stage drug discovery, namely hit discovery and optimization. We, as many others, believe that artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to be a main accelerator in the field. The question is then how to best benefit from recent advances in AI and how to generate, format and disseminate data to enable future breakthroughs in AI-guided drug discovery. We present here the recommendations of a working group composed of experts from both the public and private sectors. Robust data management requires precise ontologies and standardized vocabulary while a centralized database architecture across laboratories facilitates data integration into high-value datasets. Lab automation and opening electronic lab notebooks to data mining push the boundaries of data sharing and data modeling. Important considerations for building robust machine-learning models include transparent and reproducible data processing, choosing the most relevant data representation, defining the right training and test sets, and estimating prediction uncertainty. Beyond data-sharing, cloud-based computing can be harnessed to build and disseminate machine-learning models. Important vectors of acceleration for hit and chemical probe discovery will be (1) the real-time integration of experimental data generation and modeling workflows within design-make-test-analyze (DMTA) cycles openly, and at scale and (2) the adoption of a mindset where data scientists and experimentalists work as a unified team, and where data science is incorporated into the experimental design

    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015) : Fulda, Germany. 8-10 November 2015.

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    Novel endosomolytic compounds enable highly potent delivery of antisense oligonucleotides

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    The therapeutic and research potentials of oligonucleotides (ONs) have been hampered in part by their inability to effectively escape endosomal compartments to reach their cytosolic and nuclear targets. Splice-switching ONs (SSOs) can be used with endosomolytic small molecule compounds to increase functional delivery. So far, development of these compounds has been hindered by a lack of high-resolution methods that can correlate SSO trafficking with SSO activity. Here we present in-depth characterization of two novel endosomolytic compounds by using a combination of microscopic and functional assays with high spatiotemporal resolution. This system allows the visualization of SSO trafficking, evaluation of endosomal membrane rupture, and quantitates SSO functional activity on a protein level in the presence of endosomolytic compounds. We confirm that the leakage of SSO into the cytosol occurs in parallel with the physical engorgement of LAMP1-positive late endosomes and lysosomes. We conclude that the new compounds interfere with SSO trafficking to the LAMP1-positive endosomal compartments while inducing endosomal membrane rupture and concurrent ON escape into the cytosol. The efficacy of these compounds advocates their use as novel, potent, and quick-acting transfection reagents for antisense ONs

    Spatial and temporal dynamics of fucoid populations (Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus serratus): A comparison between central and range edge populations

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    Persistence of populations at range edges relies on local population dynamics and fitness, in the case of geographically isolated populations of species with low dispersal potential. Focusing on spatial variations in demography helps to predict the long-term capability for persistence of populations across the geographical range of species' distribution. The demography of two ecological and phylogenetically close macroalgal species with different life history characteristics was investigated by using stochastic, stage-based matrix models. Populations of Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus serratus were sampled for up to 4 years at central locations in France and at their southern range limits in Portugal. The stochastic population growth rate (lambda(s)) of A. nodosum was lower and more variable in central than in southern sites whilst for F. serratus this trend was reversed with lambda(s) much lower and more variable in southern than in central populations. Individuals were larger in central than in southern populations for both species, which was reflected in the lower transition probabilities of individuals to larger size classes and higher probability of shrinkage in the southern populations. In both central and southern populations elasticity analysis (proportional sensitivity) of population growth rate showed that fertility elements had a small contribution to lambda(s) that was more sensitive to changes in matrix transitions corresponding to survival. The highest elasticities were found for loop transitions in A. nodosum and for growth to larger size classes in F. serratus. Sensitivity analysis showed high selective pressure on individual growth for both species at both locations. The results of this study highlight the deterministic role of species-specific life-history traits in population demography across the geographical range of species. Additionally, this study demonstrates that individuals' life-transitions differ in vulnerability to environmental variability and shows the importance of vegetative compared to reproductive stages for the long-term persistence of populations.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [SFRH/BPD/75843/2011]; European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE - Operational Competitiveness Programme; FCT [Pest-CIMAR LA 0015/2013, EXCL/AAG-GLO/0661/2012