1,740 research outputs found

    Stabilizing the Hexagonal Close Packed Structure of Hard Spheres with Polymers : Phase diagram, Structure, and Dynamics

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    We study the phase behaviour of a binary mixture of colloidal hard spheres and freely-jointed chains of beads using Monte Carlo simulations. Recently Panagiotopoulos and coworkers predicted [Nat. Commun. 5, 4472 (2014)] that the hexagonal close packed (HCP) structure of hard spheres can be stabilized in such a mixture due to the interplay between polymer and the void structure in the crystal phase. Their predictions were based on estimates of the free-energy penalty for adding a single hard polymer chain in the HCP and the competing face centered cubic (FCC) phase. Here we calculate the phase diagram using free-energy calculations of the full binary mixture and find a broad fluid-solid coexistence region and a metastable gas-liquid coexistence region. For the colloid-monomer size ratio considered in this work, we find that the HCP phase is only stable in a small window at relatively high polymer reservoir packing fractions, where the coexisting HCP phase is nearly close packed. Additionally we investigate the structure and dynamic behaviour of these mixtures.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Trial of Zeolite Application for Water Purification Utilized in Crumb Rubber Processing

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    The research was conducted at laboratory of 2nd Crop Production, Lampung State Polytechnic using water added to zeolit in rubber processing and crumb rubber quality testing in PKST Kedaton. PTP Nusantara VII. The most important things in crumb rubber processing are water utilizing in latex dilution. Using lot of water in latex dilution can be straight away on rubber quality such as colour index, PRI, ash content, and dinginess content. The experiment was conducted on factorial method with completely randomized block design consist of two factors (4 x 5 with 3 replications. The first factor is water application (A) with A1 = well deep water, A2 = river water, A3 = fond water and A4 = latex serum. The second factors is dosage of zeolit (Z) with Z0 = without zeolit, Z1 = 2, 50%, Z2 = 5.00%, Z3 =10.00% and Z4 = 15.00% on water dilution. The result of the experiment showed that zeolit can increase pH and DHL of water, and rubber weight, but no effect on dinginess content, PO/PRI, and volatile matter. Zeolit application until 10.00% on latex serum can maintain the colour value of rubber and the other quality was not shown any different

    An Acoustic Simulator For Modeling Backscatter of Electromagnetic Waves

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    Model experiments are commonly employed in situations where a full-scale experiment is uneconomical and where exact theoretical analysis is very difficult. The physical problem is scaled to convenient laboratory dimensions and a means is provided for controlling and measuring the parameters of the experiment. Measurements made in the model system are required to provide information on the time and space variations of functions which describe the real system. When interpreting results it is frequently necessary to consider scale effects which arise from certain parameters exerting a different influence in the model than in the real system

    Analisis Komparasi Pendapatan USAhatani Karet Petani yang Menjual Kepasar Lelang dan Luar Pasar Lelang di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besaran pendapatan petani karet rakyat di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi danuntuk mengetahui komparasi pendapatan petani karet rakyat yang menjual ke pasar lelang dan menjual di luar pasar lelang di Kecamatan Sekernan Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Metode analisa data yang di gunakan dalam analisis ini adalah analisis uji beda dua rata-rata yaitu untuk melihat perbandingan antara pendapatan petani karet yang menjual bokar pada pasar lelang dengan petani karet yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa rata-rata pendapatan USAha tani karet yang menjual kepasar lelang adalah sebesar Rp. 4.803.128/ bulan sedangkan pendapatan rata-rata petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang adalah Rp. 6.272.850/ bulan.Terlihat bahwa petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang lebih besar Rp. 1.469.736/ bulan di bandingkan dengan petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang, hal ini disebabkan karena adanya perbedaan luas lahan sehingga adanya perbedaan produksi dan selanjutnya menyebabkan perbedaan penerimaan dan pendapatan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis perbedaan (komparasi) pendapatan petani yang menjual bokar di pasar lelang dan diluar pasar lelang dengan analisis uji beda dua rata-rata di dapat t hitung (2,059) lebih besar dari t tabel (1,668) pada tingkat signifikansi 95%. Dengan demikian tolak Ho, artinya terdapat perbedaan pendapatan petani yang menjual bokar di pasar lelang dan petani yang menjual bokar di luar pasar lelang

    Theeffect of Different Cooking Process of Common Carp Fish Meat (Leptobarbus Hoevenii) on Thequality of the Fish Abon Produced

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    The research was aimed to determine the shelf life of common carp (Leptobarbus hoevenii) fish abon in different processing method, namely steamed and presto. The results showed that the fish abon processed by presto was more preferred by consumers compared to that by steamed. The characteristics of the appearance of the fish abon presto was colored slightly brown, the texture was fibrous rather soft, the odor was fragrant and specific fish abon, and thetaste was delicious and specific abon fish.The chemical characteristic during storagefor 30 days was containing moisture (5.63%), ash (5.58%), fat (20.61%), protein (37.55%), and calcium (3769.58 mg/100g Ca). It also contained bacteria as TPC (total plate count) (4,07 x 104 sel/gram

    Penyakit Layu Fusarium pada Tanaman Pisang di Provinsi NAD: Sebaran dan Identifikasi Isolat Berdasarkan Analisis Vegetative Compatibility Group

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    . Penyakit layu yang disebabkan oleh cendawan Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) merupakan penyakit paling berbahaya pada tanaman pisang. Untuk mendapatkan teknik pengendalian yang tepat, maka informasi tentang distribusi dan karakter biologi patogen tersebut perlu diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui distribusi penyakit layu Fusarium di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) dan varietas pisang yang diserangnya serta mengidentifikasi isolat Foc berdasarkan analisis vegetative compatibility group (VCG). Survei dan pengumpulan sampel tanaman pisang terserang penyakit dilakukan pada bulan Januari 2007 dan Juli 2008. Isolasi dan pemurnian isolat dilakukan di Laboratorium Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah (Balitbu) Tropika Solok pada bulan Februari 2007 dan Agustus 2008. Analisis VCG dilakukan di Departement of Primary Industry, Plant Pathology Section, Indooroopilli Australia dan Laboratorium Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika sejak bulan Juli 2007 sampai bulan Juli 2009. Tester VCG berjumlah 17 nomor yang berasal dari Department of Primary Industry, Plant Pathology Section, Indooroopilli Australia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyakit layu Fusarium ditemukan di semua lokasi pengamatan di Provinsi NAD pada empat varietas pisang, yaitu Barangan (AAA), Raja (AAB), Kepok (ABB/BBB), dan Siem (ABB). Dari 50 isolat Foc yang dikoleksi terkelompok ke dalam dua VCG, 37 isolat (74%) termasuk dalam VCG 01213/16 (Tropical Race 4), ditemukan pada tiga varietas (Barangan, Kepok, dan Raja), sembilan isolat masuk VCG 01218 (Ras 1) ditemukan hanya pada varietas Siem, sedangkan VCG empat isolat yang menyerang pisang varietas Siem belum ditemukan. Foc VCGs 01213/16 (TR4) paling dominan ditemukan di Provinsi NAD, baik dari jumlah, sebaran lokasi, maupun ragam varietas yang diserangnya. Data ini menginformasikan bahwa pengembangan tanaman pisang di Provinsi NAD harus dilakukan secara selektif serta mempertimbangkan langkah-langkah preventif dan pengendalian yang tepat

    Hubungan Orientasi Kewirausahaan dengan Pertumbuhan UMKM: Peran Aspek Permodalan dan Pemerintah sebagai Moderator

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    This study aimed to examine the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) with of SMEs growth, and capital factors and government support as a moderator. Using the data collected from 90 SME\u27s, the study employs Hierarchical moderated regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. The statistical results lead to the following conclusions: EO has a significant positive relationship with SME\u27s growth, but the role of capital factors and government support as moderator unsupported. The implication of these findings is that the government and financial institutions as the two institutions need to increase their role to encourage the growth of SMEs in terms of information provision, access to markets, capital, and training needs so it can serve as a reference for determining the development strategy of SMEs in the future. From the business owners or SMEs themselves, this research can be used as guidelines for business performance improvement through entrepreneurship-oriented behavior. Keywords: entrepreneurial orientation, SMEs growt

    Influence of Addition of Papain Enzyme Differently to Precipitates and Supernatan Protein Hydrolysate Mackerel Fish(euthynnus Affinis)

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    This research aims to determine the addition of the good kinds papain enzyme for producing protein hydrolysate mackerel that has a value of precipitates and supernatant highest, the chemical content proximate of mackerel meat, protein hydrolysate, and amino acid total. The method used was experimental and composed as completely randomized design (CRD). The treatment were the used to generate the best proteins hydrolysate mackerel consisting of variety of different enzyme concentrations, namely: 6%, 8%, and 10%. Proteins hydrolysate mackerel were evaluated by precipitates value, supernatant highest, the proximate of mackerel meat and the proximate proteins hydrolysate mackerel level of water, ash, protein, fat and amino acid total. The results showed that the proximate of mackerel meat is water content 62,86 (%gw), ash content 7,05 (%dw), protein content 63,57 (%dw), and fat content 4,03 (%dw). The best kind of the concentration of the papain enzyme 10% because has the contents of presipitate 31,1 gr, the contents of supernatant 48,6 ml, but not significantly different from the value of the concentration of papain enzyme 8% of precipitate 31,4 gr, supernatant 47,6 ml. Thus, considering the use of 10% inadequate papain enzyme it can be replaced by papain enzyme concentration 8%. The result showed that the proximate from concentrate 10% is water content 86,91 (%gw), ash content 22,68 (%dw), protein content 45,30 (%dw), fat content 2,52 (%dw) and has 15 types of total amino acids consisting 8 types of essential amino acids and 7 types of non-essential amino acids, but not significantly different with treatment of enzyme consentration 8%