165 research outputs found

    Investigación del Grupo de Folklore de UNAPEC. Julio de 2009 - junio de 2010

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    Edis A. Sánchez R. (biografía): Aparte de ser músico (percusionista) y escritor, Edis Sánchez dirge la Dirección Nacional de Folklore. Obtuvo su licenciatura en antropología en la Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD). Ha desarrollado estudios en el ámbito del patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI), específicamente en aspectos tales como música, ritualidad, arte culinario y carnaval. Es miembro de la red global de facilitadores en materia de PCI de la UNESCO, del Instituto de Estudios del Caribe (INEC) y de la Sociedad Dominicana de Antropología (SODAN). En el año 2000 obtuvo el primer lugar, del renglón tradicional, del Premio TRIMALCA (Tribuna Musical para América Latina y el Caribe) que otorga el Consejo Internacional de la Música de la UNESCO. Fue profesor de UNAPEC, donde se le reconoció como "profesor meritorio", y de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Actualmente da clases en el Sistema Nacional de Formación Artística Especializada (SINFAE), así como para los Ángeles de la Cultura del Despacho de la Primera Dama. Otra obra suya es La música folklórica dominicana (en coautoría con Josué Santana). Es también fundador de Drumayor, entidad dedicada a la investigación y difusión de las expresiones culturales afro-dominicanas.Doce festividades culturales dominicanas son descritas en este sencillo trabajo que presenta solo una parte del folklore nacional. Son tradiciones y expresiones en las que se mezclan, de manera sincrética y colorida, el fervor religioso, el amor por la música y el baile, el quehacer culinario, la creatividad espontánea y la experiencia acumulada del pueblo, que siempre busca sus raíces como forma de fortalecer y mantener vivo su espíritu. Porque una cultura sana siempre reserva un lugar para la piedad, para lo sagrado, para las ceremonias, los ritos y los ritmos que hablan de los ciclos de la vida y que permiten que el ser humano intente acercarse a lo trascendente. Estas celebraciones son algunas de las formas que el dominicano ha asumido para manifestar sus alegrías, sus múltiples devociones, sus esperanzas y su agradecimiento por la existencia. Ellas evidencian ese espacio primario, esencial, que un pueblo vivo y sabio dedica al milagro y al misterio que es la vida

    Design, Facile Synthesis and Characterization of Dichloro Substituted Chalcones and Dihydropyrazole Derivatives for Their Antifungal, Antitubercular and Antiproliferative Activities

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    Infectious diseases caused by fungi and mycobacteria pose an important problem for humankind. Similarly, cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of novel agents to combat the deadly problems of cancer, tuberculosis, and also fungal infections. Hence, in the present study, we designed, synthesized, and characterized 30 compounds including 15 chalcones (2–16) and 15 dihydropyrazoles (17–31) containing dichlorophenyl moiety and also screened these compounds for their antifungal, antitubercular, and antiproliferative activities. Among these compounds, the dihydropyrazoles showed excellent antifungal and antitubercular activities whereas the chalcones exhibited promising antiproliferative activity. Among the dihydropyrazoles, compound 31 containing 2-thienyl moiety showed promising antifungal activity (MIC 5.35 µM), whereas compounds 22 and 24 containing 2,4-difluorophenyl and 4-trifluoromethyl scaffolds revealed significant antitubercular activity with the MICs of 3.96 and 3.67 µM, respectively. Compound 16 containing 2-thienyl moiety in the chalcone series showed the highest anti-proliferative activity with an IC₅₀ value of 17 ± 1 µM. The most active compounds identified through this study could be considered as starting points in the development of drugs with potential antifungal, antitubercular, and antiproliferative activities

    Why and how the work of Motor Neurone Disease Associations matters before and during bereavement: a consumer perspective

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    Background: Studies on the experiences of consumers with Motor Neurone Disease Associations at end of life and bereavement are lacking, and their role and capability within the broader sectors of health and disability are unknown. Objectives: To ascertain the experiences and views of bereaved motor neurone disease caregivers with Motor Neurone Disease Associations about service gaps and needed improvements before and during bereavement and to propose a model of care that fits with consumer preferences and where Motor Neurone Disease Associations are effective enablers of care. Methods: A national bereavement survey was facilitated in 2019 by all Motor Neurone Disease Associations in Australia. A total of 363 respondents completed the section on support provided by Motor Neurone Disease Associations. A mixed-method design was used. Results: Respondents were generally positive about support received before bereavement (73-76%), except for emotional support (55%). Positive experiences related to the following: information, equipment advice/provision, advocacy/linking to services, showing empathy/understanding, personal contact and peer social support. Negative experiences included lack of continuity in case management and contact, perceived lack of competence or training, lack of emotional support and a lack of access to motor neurone disease services in rural areas. Suggested improvements were as follows: more contact and compassion at end of life and postdeath; better preparation for end of life; option of discussing euthanasia; providing referrals and links for counseling; access to caregiver support groups and peer interaction; provision of a genuine continuum of care rather than postdeath abandonment; guidance regarding postdeath practicalities; and more access to bereavement support in rural areas. Conclusion: This study provides consumer perspectives on driving new or improved initiatives by Motor Neurone Disease Associations and the need for a national standardised approach to training and service delivery, based on research evidence. A public health approach to motor neurone disease end-of-life care, of international applicability, is proposed to address the needs and preferences of motor neurone disease consumers, while supporting the capability of Motor Neurone Disease Associations within a multidisciplinary workforce to deliver that care

    Impact of the structural integrity of the three-way junction of adenovirus VAI RNA on PKR inhibition

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    Sherpa Romeo green journal. Open access article. Creative Commons Attribution License applies.Highly structured RNA derived from viral genomes is a key cellular indicator of viral infection. In response, cells produce the interferon inducible RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) that, when bound to viral dsRNA, phosphorylates eukaryotic initiation factor 2αand attenuates viral protein translation. Adenovirus can evade this line of defence through transcription of a non-coding RNA, VAI, an inhibitor of PKR. VAI consists of three base-paired regions that meet at a three-way junction; an apical stem responsible for the interaction with PKR, a central stem required for inhibition, and a terminal stem. Recent studies have highlighted the potential importance of the tertiary structure of the three-way junction to PKR inhibition by enabling interaction between regions of the central and terminal stems. To further investigate the role of the three-way junction, we characterized the binding affinity and inhibitory potential of central stem mutants designed to introduce subtle alterations. These results were then correlated with small-angle X-ray scattering solution studies and computational tertiary structural models. Our results demonstrate that while mutations to the central stem have no observable effect on binding affinity to PKR, mutations that appear to disrupt the structure of the three-way junction prevent inhibition of PKR. Therefore, we propose that instead of simply sequestering PKR, a specific structural conformation of the PKR-VAI complex may be required for inhibition

    Activation of 2′ 5′-oligoadenylate synthetase by stem loops at the 5′-end of the West Nile virus genome

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    West Nile virus (WNV) has a positive sense RNA genome with conserved structural elements in the 5′ and 3′ -untranslated regions required for polyprotein production. Antiviral immunity to WNV is partially mediated through the production of a cluster of proteins known as the interferon stimulated genes (ISGs). The 2′ 5′-oligoadenylate synthetases (OAS) are key ISGs that help to amplify the innate immune response. Upon interaction with viral double stranded RNA, OAS enzymes become activated and enable the host cell to restrict viral propagation. Studies have linked mutations in the OAS1 gene to increased susceptibility to WNV infection, highlighting the importance of OAS1 enzyme. Here we report that the region at the 5′-end of the WNV genome comprising both the 5′-UTR and initial coding region is capable of OAS1 activation in vitro. This region contains three RNA stem loops (SLI, SLII, and SLIII) whose relative contribution to OAS1 binding affinity and activation were investigated using electrophoretic mobility shift assays and enzyme kinetics experiments. Stem loop I, comprising nucleotides 1-73, is dispensable for maximum OAS1 activation, as a construct containing only SLII and SLIII was capable of enzymatic activation. Mutations to the RNA binding site of OAS1 confirmed the specificity of the interaction. The purity, monodispersity and homogeneity of the 5′-end (SLI/II/III) and OAS1 were evaluated using dynamic light scattering and analytical ultra-centrifugation. Solution conformations of both the 5′-end RNA of WNV and OAS1 were then elucidated using small-angle x-ray scattering. In the context of purified components in vitro, these data demonstrate the recognition of conserved secondary structural elements of the WNV genome by a member of the interferon-mediated innate immune response

    A critical review of smaller state diplomacy

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    In The Peloponnesian War, Thucydides (1972: 402) highlights the effects of the general, overall weakness of smaller states vis-à-vis larger, more powerful ones in a key passage, where the Athenians remind the Melians that: “… since you know as well as we do that, as the world goes, right is only in question between equals in power. Meanwhile, the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.” Concerns about the vulnerability of small, weak, isolated states have echoed throughout history: from Thucydides, through the review by Machiavelli (1985) of the risks of inviting great powers to intervene in domestic affairs, through 20th century US-led contemporary political science (Vital, 1971; Handel, 1990) and Commonwealth led scholarship (Commonwealth Secretariat, 1985). In the context of 20th century ‘Balkanization’, the small state could also prove unstable, even hostile and uncooperative, a situation tempting enough to invite the intrusion of more powerful neighbours: a combination, according to Brzezinski (1997: 123-124) of a power vacuum and a corollary power suction2: in the outcome, if the small state is ‘absorbed’, it would be its fault, and its destiny, in the grand scheme of things. In an excellent review of small states in the context of the global politics of development, Payne (2004: 623, 634) concludes that “vulnerabilities rather than opportunities are the most striking consequence of smallness”. It has been recently claimed that, since they cannot defend or represent themselves adequately, small states “lack real independence, which makes them suboptimal participants in the international system” (Hagalin, 2005: 1). There is however, a less notable and acknowledged but more extraordinary strand of argumentation that considers ‘the power of powerlessness’, and the ability of small states to exploit their smaller size in a variety of ways in order to achieve their intended, even if unlikely, policy outcomes. The pursuance of smaller state goals becomes paradoxically acceptable and achievable precisely because such smaller states do not have the power to leverage disputants or pursue their own agenda. A case in point concerns the smallest state of all, the Vatican, whose powers are both unique and ambiguous, but certainly not insignificant (The Economist, 2007). Smaller states have “punched above their weight” (e.g. Edis, 1991); and, intermittently, political scientists confront their “amazing intractability” (e.g. Suhrke, 1973: 508). Henry Kissinger (1982: 172) referred to this stance, with obvious contempt, as “the tyranny of the weak”3. This paper seeks a safe passage through these two, equally reductionist, propositions. It deliberately focuses first on a comparative case analysis of two, distinct ‘small state-big state’ contests drawn from the 1970s, seeking to infer and tease out the conditions that enable smaller ‘Lilliputian’ states (whether often or rarely) to beat their respective Goliaths. The discussion is then taken forward to examine whether similar tactics can work in relation to contemporary concerns with environmental vulnerability, with a focus on two other, small island states. Before that, the semiotics of ‘the small state’ need to be explored, since they are suggestive of the perceptions and expectations that are harboured by decision makers at home and abroad and which tend towards the self-fulfilling prophecy.peer-reviewe

    Impact of Intraoperative Parathyroid Hormone Monitoring on the Prediction of Multiglandular Parathyroid Disease

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    Optimal interpretation of the results of intraoperative parathyroid hormone (IOPTH) monitoring during neck exploration for primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) is still controversial. The reliability of the “50% rule” in multiglandular disease (MGD) is often disputed, mostly because of competing pathophysiologic paradigms. The aim of this study was to ascertain and corroborate the ability of IOPTH monitoring to detect MGD in a practice, combining conventional and alternative parathyroidectomy techniques. This is a retrospective single institution analysis of 69 consecutive patients undergoing cervical exploration for pHPT by various approaches. The IOPTH measurements were performed after induction of anesthesia but prior to skin incision and 10 minutes after excision of the first visualized enlarged parathyroid gland. In this series, 55 patients (80%) had single adenomas, and 14 patients (20%) had MGD. In 8 of the 14 patients with MGD, IOPTH levels were obtained sequentially after removal of every enlarged gland. Of these 8 patients, 6 (75%) had a false-positive decrease (decrease below 50% of baseline value in presence of another enlarged gland) failing to predict the presence of a second enlarged gland. In 2 cases IOPTH monitoring provided a true-negative result, correctly predicting MGD. If MGD is defined by gross morphologic criteria, IOPTH monitoring fails to predict the presence of MGD reliably. However, if MGD is defined by functional criteria, the course of these patients does not seem significantly affected. The importance of these findings must be further investigated, especially with regard to the outcome of minimally invasive parathyroid procedures.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41301/1/268_2003_Article_7255.pd