68 research outputs found

    Growth pattern of Celastrus paniculatus Willd. in two different habitats of district Tehri Garhwal, Uttarakhand (India)

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    Tehri Garhwal is one of the most important hilly district of Uttarakhand state, which is located at the foot hills of Himalayan mountain ranges has a rich and diverse form of vegetation along with medicinal and aromatic plants. Traditionally the folk people and the local inhabitants utilize the vegetation from their contiguous in the form of medicine, timber, food, fiber etc. Among these useful plants population of the some useful plants are becoming rare and threatened due to unsustainable utilization, overexploitation, construction of roads, over grazing, pilgrims, construction of large dams, forest encroachment, landslides and natural calamities, modernize agriculture etc. Out of these medicinal plants, a very important and threatened medicinal plant is C. paniculatus (Malkangni). The present study deals with conservation and cultivation practices of C. paniculatus in two altitudinal sites i.e. site 1st - village Budogi lying on the altitude of 2000m asl. and site 2nd - S.R.T. Campus Botanical Garden, Badshahithaul (Tehri Garwal), upto 1600m asl. Measurements of the plant height, number of leaves, size of veins etc. was compared at two altitudinal zones. The samples parameters from site 2nd showed maximum growth rate of C. paniculatus i.e. 8.4± 0.86 cm, 9.01± 2.0 and 2.63± 0.23 cm for plant height, number of leaves and size of veins respectively as compared to site 1st i.e. 5.19±0.52 cm, 4.85±0.85 and 2.27±0.1 cm. Thus, C. paniculatus showed best growth rate at an elevation up to 1600m. The cultivation practice will provide reliable information for cultivation of this species in a particular altitudinal range

    Exploration of wild edible plants used by Gujjar and Bakerwal tribes of District Rajouri (J&K), India

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    The analysis of wild plant exploration was carried out to document the wild edible plants of district Rajouri (J&K), India. The present investigation of wild edible plants were based on extensive and intensive field survey during 2009- 2011. A total of 58 wild edible plant species belonging to 50 genera and 39 families have been reported from the area. Rosaceae was the dominant family that represented 7 taxa, while Brassiceae, Fabaceae, Moraceae and Poaceae represented with 3 taxa each and other 33 families have less representation. Tree make up was the highest proportion of the edible species 28 (41%) followed by 26 were herbs (38%) and 14 were shrubs (21%). Based on the requirements/edibility, majority of the plant species (26 species) are commonly used as fruits, 14 serve as vegetables, 1 species as flavoring agents (spices), roots, tubers of 3 species are eaten as raw and seeds/grains from 8 species for various substitute of food, whereas 2 species are used in making special drinks

    Ethnopharmacology of Some Important Medicinal Plants of Nanda Devi National Park (NDNP) Uttarakhand, India

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    Abstract: Ethnopharmacology deals with the applied aspects of plants and has been emerged as an important discipline of traditional botany with modern sciences. With the increasing demands of vegetational resources in developing world, it has been attracted much attention in recent past. The paper presents few of the important medicinal plants present in alpine and sub alpine regions of core and buffer zone of Nanda Devi National Park (NDNP), district Chamoli, Uttarakhand. Since inhabitants and tribal communities have strong faith and belief in Indigenous Health Care system, they have been interviewed along with herbal practitioners, priests and shepherds during the entire study. Establishing small scale industry on medicinal plants may be helpful in capacity building of unprivileged inhabitants of this remote region. [Nature and Science 2010;8(11):9-14]. (ISSN: 1545-0740). Key words: medicinal plants; folk recipes; NDNP, U.K. Introduction The Nanda Devi National Park is the first and foremost highly valued core of the Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve. It has an area of 624.6 sq. km. and has an average altitude exceeding 4500 m asl surrounded by high mountain ridges and peaks on all sides. Some of the important peaks encircling the National Park are Dunagiri (7066 m), Rishi Pahar (6992 m), Mangraon (6765 m), Nanda Khat (6631 m), Maiktoli (6803 m), Mrigthuni (6655 m), Trishul I-II (7120-6319m), Nanda Devi (7817 m), Devisthan I-II (6529 -6678 m) and Hanuman Peaks (6070 m), situated in the park. The park is situated in the form of a cup, with lush-green meadows, cluttering white water falls, and rich wild flora and fauna Ethno-medicinal plants, as a group, comprise approximately 8000 species and account for about 50% of all the higher flowering plant species in India. A large number of the country's rural population depends on medicinal plants for treating various illnesse

    Generalized Gravi-Electromagnetism

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    A self consistant and manifestly covariant theory for the dynamics of four charges (masses) (namely electric, magnetic, gravitational, Heavisidian) has been developed in simple, compact and consistent manner. Starting with an invariant Lagrangian density and its quaternionic representation, we have obtained the consistent field equation for the dynamics of four charges. It has been shown that the present reformulation reproduces the dynamics of individual charges (masses) in the absence of other charge (masses) as well as the generalized theory of dyons (gravito - dyons) in the absence gravito - dyons (dyons). key words: dyons, gravito - dyons, quaternion PACS NO: 14.80H

    Indigenous traditional knowledge recorded on some medicinal plants in Narendra Nagar Block (Tehri Garhwal), Uttarakhand

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    110-115Garhwal Himalaya has been the reservoir of enormous natural resources including vegetational wealth. Local natives and tribes who live in the vicinity of forest, being close to the nature, possess a deep practical knowledge on indigenous flora, pertaining to curatives, culture, customs, ethos, cults, religion, belief, legends, myths as well as other miscellaneous uses. The people in remote villages and tribal areas depend upon the folk medicines and household remedies to a great extent. The prevalent practice of herbal remedies has descended down from generation to generation and includes the cure from simple ailments to the most complicated one. The present communication pertains to the traditional knowledge on some medicinal plants used for the treatment of various diseases i.e. dysentery, dysmenorrhea, obstetrical problem, piles, leucorrhoea, nasal bleeding, ophthalmic disorder, alopecia, scabies, urinary disorder, bronchitis, lumbago, epilepsy, sleeplessness, splenomegaly, galactagogue, etc

    Learning Styles and Perceptions of Self

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    Learning Styles Inventory – in the Asian context

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    Some Rare and Uncommon Legumes from Garhwal Himalaya

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    Volume: 97Start Page: 309End Page: 31

    Ethno-medicinal Plants used for Amenorrhoea and Abnormal Menstruation Diseases in Narendra Nagar Block, District TehriGarhwal, Uttarakhand

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    The present paper deals with ethno-medicinal information on 12 flowering plant species commonly used by women of Narendra Block to cure amenorrhoea and abnormal menstruation diseases and disorder.Amenorrhoea failure to menstruate is very common among women above the age of 35 years. Abnormal uterine bleeding i.e. excessive menstrual scanty menstrual are also common problems.  The cause of disease, its symptoms, and plant organs utilized and methods of preparation of remedies are provided.The information data on ethno-botanical plants were collected through the dialogue and arranging night meeting with local knowledgeable people of the villages. The ethno-medicinal data was gathered from local women and the tribal medicine men, ’Vaidhyas’
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