102 research outputs found

    An inventory of multipurpose Avenue trees of Urban Chandigarh, India

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    Trees in urban ecosystems play a very significant role in environmental protection by checking air and noise pollntants, abating wind, and handling many other functions, in India, Chandigarh is the mosl modern and em,iromnentally safe city and qualifies to be called a GREEN CITY because of its rich tree component. This is so in spite of its high population density, currently over 9,443 people per square kin, perhaps the highest in the country. It has nearly 42,000 trees growing along the roads in a systematic manner. The drives are identified with the type of multipurpose tree species. Nearly 66 tree species (over half indigenous) are seen along the roadsides; these trees provide shade, timber, fuel, fodder, fruit, medicine, and other benefits. In addition, the city is decorated with 11 gardens harboring over 200 types of trees

    Ciliated protists as indicators of ecosystem health: opportunities, challenges, and case studies in Italy

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    This communication aims to provide an overview of the outcomes and the challenges encountered in using ciliated protists as indicator of ecosystem health in the framework of several projects conducted in Italy since 2009. Ciliates (and, in general, protistan microorganisms) in spite of the key roles they play in the microbial loop, still constitute a neglected component of the biodiversity, which is rarely included in ecological risk assessment plans. Ciliates are important bacterial and fungal feeders and thus, they significantly contribute to channel nutrients up to the food web. Furthermore, numerous ciliate species can be easily cultured with a short generation time, such as those selected for the setting up of our ecotoxicological experimentation (i.e., Coleps hirtus, Euplotes aediculatus, and Rigidohymena tetracirrata). Thus, in this context, the present communication aims to highlight the usefulness of ciliates as test organisms for the development of simple and costeffective “prognostic” assays (i.e., able to detect sub-lethal toxicant effects of various environmental matrices) based on the exploitation of antioxidant responses as well as of “diagnostic” assays (i.e., able to detect overall ecosystem impairment) based on the analysis of the community structures of ciliates in arable soils to evaluate the potential impact of different agricultural managements

    Shedding light on the polyphyletic behavior of the genus Sterkiella: The importance of ontogenetic and molecular phylogenetic approaches

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    Present study, investigates a poorly known species of the genus Sterkiella, i.e., S. tricirrata, based on two populations isolated from soil samples collected from the Colfiorito Regional Park, Umbria Region, Italy and from the Silent Valley National Park, India. Both populations showed a highly similar morphology, however different ontogenetic pattern in between. The study confirms the validity of the species S. tricirrata which was considered to be a species within the Sterkiella histriomuscorum complex. The main ontogenetic difference between S. tricirrata and other species of the genus Sterkiella is the different mode of formation of anlagen V and VI of the proter in the former. In the phylogenetic analyses, Sterkiella tricirrata clusters with Sterkiella sinica within the stylonychine oxytrichids, in a clade away from the type species (Sterkiella cavicola) of the genus Sterkiella. The study highlights the importance of ontogenetic as well as molecular data in shedding light on the polyphyletic behavior of the genus Sterkiella. A detailed description of S. tricirrata based on morphology, ontogenesis and molecular phylogenetic methods is presented. Further, the improved diagnosis has been provided for the genus Sterkiella and the poorly known species S. tricirrata

    Cytotoxicity and Antioxidant Defences in Euplotes aediculatus Exposed to Single and Binary Mixtures of Heavy Metals and Nanoparticles

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the cytotoxicity of heavy metals (HMs) and nanoparticles (NPs) on populations of the ciliated protist Euplotes aediculatus. We used ecotoxicological tests, antioxidant assays, and the MixTOX tool in MicrosoftÂź Excel to evaluate the toxic effect of HMs and NPs in single and binary mixtures on E. aediculatus and to detect the type of interaction between them. Based on our results, the order of toxicity was Cu > Cd >> Zn (1 h and 24 h) for HMs and ZnO > CuO>> TiO2 >> SiO2 (1 h) and CuO > ZnO >> TiO2 >> SiO2 (24 h) for NPs. The interaction between metals in binary mixtures was predominantly synergistic at low doses and antagonistic at high doses. The type of interaction depende on the metals present and their respective concentrations. Furthermore, both HMs and NPs were shown to trigger effective antioxidant responses in E. aediculatus. Our research highlights the importance of considering the combined effects of HMs and NP exposure and their potency in risk assessment

    Nutritional composition and antioxidant capacity of Urtica hyperborea: A phytofood of Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh, India

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    Urtica hyperborea Jacquem. ex Wedd., a perennial plant of Urticaceae family is considered as a wild vegetable in the mountainous region of Ladakh. Due to its application in many forms of traditional culinary in every household during the harsh winter season, the plant ensures the food security. However, the nutritional composition and phytochemical analysis of U. hyperborea responsible for these beneficial features have not been explored widely. The present study aims to determine the nutritional composition (e.g., macromolecules, pigments, minerals, phenolics and flavonoid contents), antioxidant activity and the phytochemical analysis of this plant species present in Ladakh, India. The radical scavenging and antioxidant potential of the plant were evaluated by assays like 2,2‒diphenyl‒1‒picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxyl (ÂșOH), and ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) for different extracts prepared in water, methanol, ethyl acetate, and petroleum ether. Macromolecules such as protein, carbohydrate, total phenolic and flavonoid contents in U. hyperborea were found to be 62.28±6.67, 170.80±3.98, 24.47±0.39 and 5.43±0.97 mg g-1, respectively. Similarly, dried powder of U. hyperborea was found to be rich in different mineral contents such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, zinc and iron. Among the various solvents used for exploring scavenging and antioxidant potential, aqueous extracts showed highest activity with 79.2% in DPPH assay as compared to other extracts. Similar trend was observed for other assays where aqueous extracts exhibited higher activity followed by methanolic, ethyl acetate and petroleum ether extracts. Significant positive linear correlations were observed between the radical scavenging/antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts and their content of phenolic/flavonoid compounds. The identification of phenolic compounds such as coumarin, quercetin, and ferulic acid confirm the antioxidative nature of the plant. Overall, rich macromolecule and mineral contents, as well as higher radical scavenging/antioxidant activities in aqueous extracts of U. hyperborea revealed that the plant has significant potential to be utilized as a phytofood source in harsh environmental conditions

    Phytotoxic potential of Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. I. Comparative contribution of different parts

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    The aqueous leachates prepared from different parts of Populus deltoides retard the germination and growth of mung bean (Phaseolus anrenus) However, the impact varied depending upon concentration and tree part used. The leachates prepared from leaves exhibited strong inhibitory potential compared to other parts. viz. bark. buds. root and stem. Since diflerent parts possess different water contents. The leachates prepared from fresh tree parts were equalized on the basis of dry weights. The content of organic component of leachable allelochemics (aglycones) depict a great variability with maximum amount being extracted from leaves and least from Stem. The relative allelopathic potentiality of each part was concomitant with respective amounts of aglycones in each part

    Chemical composition and inhibitory activity of essential oil from decaying leaves of Eucalyptus citriodora

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    A study was undertaken to explore the content and composition of volatile oil from decaying leaves of lemon-scented eucalypt (Eucalyptus citriodora Hook.) not analyzed earlier. GC and GC-MS analysis of the oil (yield 0.6%) revealed the monoterpenoid nature with citronellal (52.2%), citronellol (12.3%) and isoisopulegol (11.9%) as the major constituents. Overall, 17 components were identified that accounted for over 94% of the decaying leaf oil. Surprisingly, the decaying leaf oil contained nearly 1.8% of trans-rose oxide, which is generally absent in eucalypt essential oil. Decaying leaf oil and its major 2 components (citronellal and citronellol) inhibited the germination and root elongation of two weeds Ð Cassia occidentalis (broad-leaved) and Echinochloa crus-galli (grassy weed). Based on the dose-response studies, I 50 values were determined for decaying leaf oil and the effect was more on germination only of broad-leaved weed (C. occidentalis), whereas that of citronellal and citronellol were on germination as well as root length of E. crus-galli (grassy weed). Based on I 50 values it was observed that citronellal was more phytotoxic and germination inhibiting in nature, whereas citronellol was a more potent root inhibitor, thereby indicating a possible different mode of action. The study concludes that decaying leaf oil hold a good commercial value for exploitation as weed management agent

    Nanobio Silver: Its Interactions with Peptides and Bacteria, and Its Uses in Medicine

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