Phytotoxic potential of Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. I. Comparative contribution of different parts


The aqueous leachates prepared from different parts of Populus deltoides retard the germination and growth of mung bean (Phaseolus anrenus) However, the impact varied depending upon concentration and tree part used. The leachates prepared from leaves exhibited strong inhibitory potential compared to other parts. viz. bark. buds. root and stem. Since diflerent parts possess different water contents. The leachates prepared from fresh tree parts were equalized on the basis of dry weights. The content of organic component of leachable allelochemics (aglycones) depict a great variability with maximum amount being extracted from leaves and least from Stem. The relative allelopathic potentiality of each part was concomitant with respective amounts of aglycones in each part

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