1,150 research outputs found

    Perceptions of Self-concept and Self-presentation by Procrastinators: Further Evidence

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    Two samples of university students completed self-report measures of chronic procrastination and either self-concept variables (Sample 1, n = 233) or self-presentational styles (Sample 2, n = 210). Results indicated that procrastination was significantly related to a self-concept of oneself as dominated by issues related to task performance, and to self presentation strategies that reflected a person as continually justifying and excusing task delays and being “needy” of others’ approval. It seems that men and women procrastinate in order to improve their social standing by making their accomplishments seem greater than they really are.Dos muestras de estudiantes universitarios completaron auto-informes de procrastinación crónica y de variables de auto concepto (Muestra 1, n = 233) o de estilos de autopresentación (Muestra 2, n = 210). Los resultados indicaron que la procrastinación se relaciona significativamente con el auto-concepto de una persona que se siente dominada por los asuntos relacionados con la ejecución de tareas, y con estrategias de autopresentación que reflejan una persona que constantemente justifica y excusa los retrasos en las tareas y necesita la aprobación de los demás. Parece que los hombres y las mujeres procrastinan para mejorar su estatus social haciendo que sus logros parezcan más importantes de lo que realmente son

    Wannier-Stark ladders in one-dimensional elastic systems

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    The optical analogues of Bloch oscillations and their associated Wannier-Stark ladders have been recently analyzed. In this paper we propose an elastic realization of these ladders, employing for this purpose the torsional vibrations of specially designed one-dimensional elastic systems. We have measured, for the first time, the ladder wave amplitudes, which are not directly accessible either in the quantum mechanical or optical cases. The wave amplitudes are spatially localized and coincide rather well with theoretically predicted amplitudes. The rods we analyze can be used to localize different frequencies in different parts of the elastic systems and viceversa.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    QoSatAr: a cross-layer architecture for E2E QoS provisioning over DVB-S2 broadband satellite systems

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    This article presents QoSatAr, a cross-layer architecture developed to provide end-to-end quality of service (QoS) guarantees for Internet protocol (IP) traffic over the Digital Video Broadcasting-Second generation (DVB-S2) satellite systems. The architecture design is based on a cross-layer optimization between the physical layer and the network layer to provide QoS provisioning based on the bandwidth availability present in the DVB-S2 satellite channel. Our design is developed at the satellite-independent layers, being in compliance with the ETSI-BSM-QoS standards. The architecture is set up inside the gateway, it includes a Re-Queuing Mechanism (RQM) to enhance the goodput of the EF and AF traffic classes and an adaptive IP scheduler to guarantee the high-priority traffic classes taking into account the channel conditions affected by rain events. One of the most important aspect of the architecture design is that QoSatAr is able to guarantee the QoS requirements for specific traffic flows considering a single parameter: the bandwidth availability which is set at the physical layer (considering adaptive code and modulation adaptation) and sent to the network layer by means of a cross-layer optimization. The architecture has been evaluated using the NS-2 simulator. In this article, we present evaluation metrics, extensive simulations results and conclusions about the performance of the proposed QoSatAr when it is evaluated over a DVB-S2 satellite scenario. The key results show that the implementation of this architecture enables to keep control of the satellite system load while guaranteeing the QoS levels for the high-priority traffic classes even when bandwidth variations due to rain events are experienced. Moreover, using the RQM mechanism the user’s quality of experience is improved while keeping lower delay and jitter values for the high-priority traffic classes. In particular, the AF goodput is enhanced around 33% over the drop tail scheme (on average)

    Regulation of Arabidopsis gene expression by low fluence rate UV-B independently of UVR8 and stress signaling

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    UV-B exposure of plants regulates expression of numerous genes concerned with various responses. Sudden exposure of non-acclimated plants to high fluence rate, short wavelength UV-B induces expression via stress-related signaling pathways that are not specific to the UV-B stimulus, whereas low fluence rates of UV-B can regulate expression via the UV-B photoreceptor UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8 (UVR8). However, there is little information about whether non-stressful, low fluence rate UV-B treatments can activate gene expression independently of UVR8. Here, transcriptomic analysis of wild-type and uvr8 mutant Arabidopsis exposed to low fluence rate UV-B showed that numerous genes were regulated independently of UVR8. Moreover, nearly all of these genes were distinct to those induced by stress treatments. A small number of genes were expressed at all UV-B fluence rates employed and may be concerned with activation of eustress responses that facilitate acclimation to changing conditions. Expression of the gene encoding the transcription factor ARABIDOPSIS NAC DOMAIN CONTAINING PROTEIN 13 (ANAC13) was studied to characterise a low fluence rate, UVR8-independent response. ANAC13 is induced by as little as 0.1 μmol m−2 s−1 UV-B and its regulation is independent of components of the canonical UVR8 signaling pathway COP1 and HY5/HYH. Furthermore, UV-B induced expression of ANAC13 is independent of the photoreceptors CRY1, CRY2, PHOT1 and PHOT2 and phytochromes A, B, D and E. ANAC13 expression is induced over a range of UV-B wavelengths at low doses, with maximum response at 310 nm. This study provides a basis for further investigation of UVR8 and stress independent, low fluence rate UV-B signaling pathway(s)

    Lack of Transit Timing Variations of OGLE-TR-111b: A re-analysis with six new epochs

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    We present six new transits of the exoplanet OGLE-TR-111b observed with the Magellan Telescopes in Chile between April 2008 and March 2009. We combine these new transits with five previously published transit epochs for this planet between 2005 and 2006 to extend the analysis of transit timing variations reported for this system. We derive a new planetary radius value of 1.019 +/- 0.026 R_J, which is intermediate to the previously reported radii of 1.067 +/- 0.054 R_J (Winn et al. 2007) and 0.922 +/- 0.057 R_J (Diaz et al. 2008). We also examine the transit timing variation and duration change claims of Diaz et al. (2008). Our analysis of all eleven transit epochs does not reveal any points with deviations larger than 2 sigma, and most points are well within 1 sigma. Although the transit duration nominally decreases over the four year span of the data, systematic errors in the photometry can account for this result. Therefore, there is no compelling evidence for either a timing or a duration variation in this system. Numerical integrations place an upper limit of about 1 M_E on the mass of a potential second planet in a 2:1 mean-motion resonance with OGLE-TR-111b.Comment: 28 pages, 7 tables, 6 figures. Accepted by Ap

    Organophilic clays: characteristics, preparation methods, intercalation compounds and characterization techniques

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    As argilas são materiais muito usados e que atualmente apresentam inúmeras aplicações devido as interessantes propriedades que apresentam. A modificação superficial de argilas é uma área que tem recebido bastante atenção dos pesquisadores porque por meio dos diversos tipos de modificação é possível a preparação de novos materiais e novas aplicações. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre argilas organofílicas, especialmente as obtidas a partir de bentonitas e de sais quaternários de amônio. Diversos estudos vêm sendo realizados baseados em diferentes técnicas e parâmetros de síntese desses materiais, incluindo argilas de diferentes regiões e diferentes agentes de modificação, bem como as diferentes aplicações que são propostas.Clays are materials used since historical periods and nowadays have several applications due to their interesting properties. The surface modification of clays is one area that has received enough attention from researchers because through modification it is possible to prepare new materials and find applications. The purpose of this paper is to present a review on the use of clays for obtaining organophilic clays, especially those used in polymeric nanocomposites. Several studies have been done based on different techniques and process conditions of these materials. The review includes clays of different regions, different modification agents and applications.54330213226CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQsem informaçã

    Development of a prototype test system for certification of curved fuselage panels

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    Volume 1024, Issue 1 Article number 012081A prototype test system with capacity to reproduce combined loads representative of real loading cases of a curved fuselage panel has been developed. This prototype test system allows the structural validation of curved fuselage panels to be accomplished. The developed system is able to apply combined mechanical and pressurization loading states under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions. It has been designed using CAD models and calculated with the aid of Finite Element models to ensure its integrity. A data acquisition system synchronized with a control system enables real time monitoring of test parameters.Horizonte 2020 (Unión Europea) CS2-AIR-GAM-2014-2015-0

    Mielitis focal equina :descripción de un caso y revisión de literatura.

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    Se hace la descripción clínica e histopatológica de un caso de mielitis focal equina, en un potro pura sangre inglesa de 2 años de edad y se establece la comparación con entidades parecidas descritas en la literatura extranjera. El animal presentaba ataxia locomotriz del tren posterior, la cual progresivamente pasó a las extremidades anteriores. Se observó enflaquecimiento progresivo y depresión constante hasta su muerte, 8 meses después de admitido en la clínica de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria en Bogotá. A la necropsia, el exámen externo reveló piel sin brillo, mal estado de carnes, párpados edematosos, hemorragias y heridas en la piel encima de las crestas faciales y apófisis supraorbitarias. Al exámen interno se encontró congestión pulmonar, enteritis hemorrágica y un trombo a nivel de la arteria mesentérica anterior. El exámen microscópico de los tejidos reveló lesiones significativas en la médula toraco-lumbar, caracterizadas por gliosis en la sustancia gris, severa desmielinización e infiltración perivascular en los cordones laterales, distensión de los espacios axonales con degeneración de axones y numerosos macrófagos con el citoplasma cargado de lípidos, ocupando espacios axonales vacios. Las leptomeninges se encontraron ligeramente infiltradas por linfovitos y células plasmáticasEquinos-Caballo - caballo

    Tumor testicular de saco vitelino con metástasis a pleura: primer caso reportado en la literatura

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    ResumenEl cáncer testicular es el tumor urológico maligno más común en hombres jóvenes. Más del 90% corresponden a tumores de células germinales. El objetivo del estudio es el reporte del primer caso de cáncer testicular de tumores de células germinales con metástasis a pleura.Paciente masculino de 21 años, inicia su padecimiento con dolor en hemitórax derecho; la radiografía de tórax presenta una radioopacidad en lóbulo medio de pulmón derecho y la tomografía de tórax detecta una masa intratorácica y extrapulmonar. La biopsia torácica guiada por ultrasonido muestra una masa sólida adosada a la pared torácica, con efecto de desplazamiento sobre la pleura, conocido como «efecto en cola de cometa». La biopsia fue positiva para lesión neoplásica maligna poco diferenciada de la pleura. A la exploración encontramos testículo derecho con tumoración en polo inferior el cual se corrobora por ultrasonido. Los marcadores tumorales solo con elevación de alfa-fetoproteína 295.87ng/dL y deshidrogenasa láctica en 2,380UI/L. En la tomografía de abdomen se identificó actividad ganglionar interaortocava. Realizamos orquiectomía radical derecha. Reporte patológico: tumor testicular de saco vitelino, pT1N2M1S2.En este caso se pudo comprobar que las metástasis fueron a nivel pleural, que lo ubica como una forma de diseminación excepcional.AbstractTesticular cancer is the most common malignant urologic tumor in young men. More than 90% are germ cell tumors. The aim of this study was to report the first case of germ cell tumor testicular cancer with metastasis to the pleura.A 21-year-old man had disease onset with pain in the right hemithorax. The chest x-ray showed radio-opacity in the middle lobe of the right lung. A chest tomography scan detected an intrathoracic and extrapulmonary mass. Ultrasound-guided thoracic biopsy revealed a solid mass attached to the thoracic wall, displaced over the pleura, known as the “comet tail effect”. The biopsy was positive for a poorly differentiated malignant neoplastic lesion of the pleura. Upon physical examination we encountered a right testis with a tumor at the lower pole; this was corroborated through ultrasound. In relation to tumor markers, only alpha-fetoprotein was elevated at 295.87ng/dl and lactate dehydrogenase at 2,380 IU/l. An abdominal tomography scan identified interaortocaval lymph node activity. We performed a right radical orchiectomy and the pathology report was testicular yolk sac tumor, pT1N2M1S2.In our patient, metastasis at the level of the pleura was confirmed, making this a case with an exceptional form of spread