9,571 research outputs found

    Understanding the gender and ethnicity attainment gap in UK higher education

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    In recent years the success rates of different groups of students in higher education (HE), have come under considerable scrutiny, with gender and ethnicity identified as key attributes predicting differential achievement of ‘good degrees’. A review of previous studies highlights the need for research which looks beyond ‘the deficit model’ to explain the attainment gap. This research used a mixed-methods approach to explore the academic and social experiences of students, as well as lecturers’ views on student achievement, in one UK University. Findings suggest that there are significant differences in motivation and confidence speaking English for different ethnic groups in this study, and a divergence in attendance and study time by gender – both of which may go some way to helping understand the gaps in attainment. In addition, male and BME students tended to over-estimate their likelihood of achieving a good degree outcome, compared to other groups

    Evaluation and development of satellite inferences of convective storm intensity using combined case study analysis and thunderstorm model simulations

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    Major research accomplishments which were achieved during the first year of the grant are summarized. The research concentrated in the following areas: (1) an examination of observational requirements for predicting convective storm development and intensity as suggested by recent numerical experiments; (2) interpretation of recent 3D numerical experiments with regard to the relationship between overshooting tops and surface wind gusts; (3) the development of software for emulating satellite-inferred cloud properties using 3D cloud model predicted data; and (4) the development of a conceptual/semi-quantitative model of eastward propagating, mesoscale convective complexes forming to the lee of the Rocky Mountains

    Sea breeze: Induced mesoscale systems and severe weather

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    Sea-breeze-deep convective interactions over the Florida peninsula were investigated using a cloud/mesoscale numerical model. The objective was to gain a better understanding of sea-breeze and deep convective interactions over the Florida peninsula using a high resolution convectively explicit model and to use these results to evaluate convective parameterization schemes. A 3-D numerical investigation of Florida convection was completed. The Kuo and Fritsch-Chappell parameterization schemes are summarized and evaluated

    Global unions as imperfect multilateral organizations: an international relations perspective

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    We apply an international relations framework and the notion of multilateral organizations as a means of understanding the nature of trade union internationalism, the conditions under which it operates. We argue that international trade unionism involves an imperfect multilateralism which requires close working relationships between small groups of unions in order to function, that is, a ‘minilateral’ method of working. By using this framework we attempt to highlight the intrinsic durability and adaptability of the Global Unions and also identify areas of activity that serve to strengthen them as organisations, primarily by building affiliates’ engagement and investment in them

    Differentiable Biomechanics Unlocks Opportunities for Markerless Motion Capture

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    Recent developments have created differentiable physics simulators designed for machine learning pipelines that can be accelerated on a GPU. While these can simulate biomechanical models, these opportunities have not been exploited for biomechanics research or markerless motion capture. We show that these simulators can be used to fit inverse kinematics to markerless motion capture data, including scaling the model to fit the anthropomorphic measurements of an individual. This is performed end-to-end with an implicit representation of the movement trajectory, which is propagated through the forward kinematic model to minimize the error from the 3D markers reprojected into the images. The differential optimizer yields other opportunities, such as adding bundle adjustment during trajectory optimization to refine the extrinsic camera parameters or meta-optimization to improve the base model jointly over trajectories from multiple participants. This approach improves the reprojection error from markerless motion capture over prior methods and produces accurate spatial step parameters compared to an instrumented walkway for control and clinical populations

    Studies of satellite support to weather modification in the western US region

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    The applications of meteorological satellite data to both summer and winter weather modification programs are addressed. Appraisals of the capability of satellites to assess seedability, to provide real-time operational support, and to assist in the post-experiment analysis of a seeding experiment led to the incorporation of satellite observing systems as a major component in the Bureau of Reclamations weather modification activities. Satellite observations are an integral part of the South Park Area cumulus experiment (SPACE) which aims to formulate a quantitative hypothesis for enhancing precipitation from orographically induced summertime mesoscale convective systems (orogenic mesoscale systems). Progress is reported in using satellite observations to assist in classifying the important mesoscale systems, and in defining their frequency and coverage, and potential area of effect. Satellite studies of severe storms are also covered

    Following Francis: reversing performance in the NHS from targets to teams

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    Between 400 and 1200 people died unnecessarily in just four years at the Mid Staffordshire National Health Service Foundation Trust in the UK. Two inquiries carried out by Robert Francis QC, the second one producing a report of 1700 pages with 290 recommendations, have proposed a range of changes to the regulatory framework and legal duties placed on hospitals throughout England. It proposes better warning signals, greater accountability of senior managers and NHS staff facing possible criminal prosecution for non-reporting of clinical error. The report also identifies that the model of performance management dominant in the NHS compounded the already delicate balance between available resources and quality of care such that, “quality wasn’t the organising principle of the NHS, it wasn’t the thing that was driving us during that period”(David Nicholson, NHS Chief Executive. Evidence 28th September 2011, Francis Report).Virtually no organisation emerges from the inquiry with credit except the local campaigns set up by the relatives of the victims.The NHS is now facing a major culture change in relation to performance management if it is to improve outcomes for patients

    Reversing performance in the UK National Health Service: from targets to teams

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    The UK’s 2010 and 2013 public inquiries into the Mid Staffordshire hospital scandal estimated that between 400 and 1,200 people died unnecessarily in just a four-year period. The inquiries, carried out by Robert Francis QC, identified a range of performance management problems within the National Health Service (NHS) stemming from a widespread preoccupation with nationally set targets, emphasizing an organizing principle of reducing costs rather than delivering quality patient care. The inquiries conclude that there had been a systemic failure at Mid Staffs; including a culture of bullying and secrecy regarding patient care, a focus on achieving externally set targets and budgeting, and low staff morale. This was explained, in part, by the performance culture in place where frontline staff worked within an “endemic culture of bullying” (Francis, 2010: Vol 1. B.38), forced to prioritize targets over patient welfare for fear of victimization and job loss which incentivized short cuts and “unacceptable standards of performance” (Francis, 2013: 111). Virtually no organization emerges from the inquiries with credit except the local campaign set up by the relatives of the victims. The reports provide few concrete recommendations to improve performance despite an emphasis within the Francis report on the urgent need for the NHS to reform its performance management. Although we offer no magic solutions to the structural problems across the organization, our proposal is that an important aspect of reform should be a reorientation away from targets and top-down management toward a model of inter-disciplinary and inter-organizational team working

    Going nuclear: gene family evolution and vertebrate phylogeny reconciled

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    Gene duplications have been common throughout vertebrate evolution, introducing paralogy and so complicating phylogenctic inference from nuclear genes. Reconciled trees are one method capable of dealing with paralogy, using the relationship between a gene phylogeny and the phylogeny of the organisms containing those genes to identify gene duplication events. This allows us to infer phylogenies from gene families containing both orthologous and paralogous copies. Vertebrate phylogeny is well understood from morphological and palaeontological data, but studies using mitochondrial sequence data have failed to reproduce this classical view. Reconciled tree analysis of a database of 118 vertebrate gene families supports a largely classical vertebrate phylogeny
