1,425 research outputs found

    Ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1/CD39 affects the response to ADP of female rat platelets

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    There is evidence that an imbalance of extracellular purine levels may be associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Platelets play a pivotal role in vascular homeostasis and thrombosis and are important source of purine nucleotides and nucleosides. Hydrolysis of nucleotides ATP and ADP is regulated by two ectonucleotidases, triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1 (NTPDase-1/CD39) and ecto-5’-nucleotidase (ecto-5’-NT/CD73). CD39 enzyme is expressed on the endothelium, circulating blood cells, and smooth muscle cells; there is evidence that changes in CD39 expression and activity affects the potential thrombogenic of a tissue. Gender difference in the cardiovascular risk has been extensively observed; however, while the age-dependent difference in the prevalence of cardiovascular events between men and women has been attributed to the loss of the protective effect of estrogens in the postmenopausal period, the physiological mechanism behind gender disparity is still unclear. Here, we evaluated comparatively male and female rat platelet reactivity and considered the possible role of CD39 at the basis of difference observed. We found a reduced in vitro response to ADP (1–30 µM) of female compared to male platelets, associated to increased platelet CD39 expression and activity. Platelet response to ADP was strongly increased by incubation (10 min) with the CD39 inhibitor, ARL67156 (100 µM), while male platelet response was unaffected. Rat treatment with clopidogrel (30 mg/kg, per os) inhibited ex vivo platelet aggregation. Bleeding time was prolonged in female compared to male. Taken together, our results suggest that platelet ATPase and ADPase activity might be a reliable predictor of platelet reactivity

    Polycrystalline diamond films grown by MWPECVD technique and application in photocathodes

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    Diamond is an extremely interesting material for photoemission applications, due to the negative electron affinity which can be obtained after suitable surface treatments. In the present work, two sets of polycrystalline diamond films, characterized by dif-ferent thickness and deposition conditions, are ana-lyzed. In particular, the relationship among the grain size, the amount of non-diamond carbon (sp2) located at the grain boundaries and the film sensitivity as a photocathode has been found and carefully investi-gated. The photoemission yield in the UV range has been evaluated for all the samples, before and after hydrogenation process, and after air exposure. The critical parameter for the photocathode performances has been found not to be the film thickness, but the properties of polycrystalline diamond films, tunable with the plasma modulation and the methane percent-age in the gas mixture

    Mechanical properties of MWPECVD diamond coatings on Si substrate via nanoindentation

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    The mechanical properties of polycrystalline diamond coatings with thickness varying from 0.92 to 44.65 μm have been analysed. The tested samples have been grown on silicon substrates via microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition from highly diluted gas mixtures CH4–H2 (1% CH4 in H2). Reliable hardness and elastic modulus values have been assessed on lightly polished surface of polycrystalline diamond films. The effect of the coating thickness on mechanical, morphological and chemical-structural properties is presented and discussed. In particular, the hardness increases from a value of about 52 to 95 GPa and the elastic modulus from 438 to 768 GPa by varying the coating thickness from 0.92 to 4.85 μm, while the values closer to those of natural diamond (H=103 GPa and E=1200 GPa) are reached for thicker films (N5 μm). Additionally, the different thickness of the diamond coatings permits to select the significance of results and to highlight when the soft silicon substrate may affect the measured mechanical data. Thus, the nanoindentation experiments were made within the range from 0.65% to 10% of the film thickness by varying the maximum load from 3 to 80 mN. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserve

    Tribological testing of self-mated nanocrystalline diamond coatings on Si3N 4 ceramics

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    Due to their much lower surface roughness compared to that of microcrystalline diamond, nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) films are promising candidates for tribological applications in particular when deposited on hard ceramic materials such as silicon nitride (Si3N4). In the present work, microwave plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition of NCD is achieved using Ar/H2/CH4 gas mixtures on plates and ball-shaped Si3N4 specimens either by a conventional continuous mode or a recently developed pulsed regime. The microstructure, morphology, topography and purity of the deposited films show typical NCD features for the two kinds of substrate shapes. Besides, tribological characterisation of the NCD/Si3N4 samples is carried out using self-mated pairs without lubrication in order to assess their friction and wear response. Worn surfaces were studied by SEM and AFM topography measurements in order to identify the prevalent wear mechanisms. Friction values reached a steady-state minimum of approximately 0.03 following a short running-in period where the main feature is a sharp peak which attained a maximum around 0.45. Up to the critical load of 35 N, corresponding to film delamination, the equilibrium friction values are similar, irrespective of the applied load. The calculated wear coefficient values denoted a very mild regime (K ~ 1x10-8 mm3N-1m-1) for the self-mated NCD coatings. The predominant wear mechanism was identified as self-polishing by micro-abrasion

    Autism spectrum disorder in Italy: demand for an integrated epidemiological surveillance system.

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental syndrome of emerging public health concern, according to a documented significant increase of diagnosed cases of ASD in Europe and USA. In Italy, actually, it is not possible to estimate at national level a reliable ASD occurrence by using existing health and scholastic data flows. The lack of information has implications on social and healthcare services dedicated to subjects affected by ADS. The database of the Italian institute in charge of social and security assistance was accessed at the provincial level to investigate the ASD cases occurred in the Palermo province. The official reports of all subjects visited in 2013 by INPS physicians were analyzed by using an automatic software and diagnosis consistent with ASD were ex- tracted and flagged. Our findings support the choice of alternative use of INPS administrative database in order to define a reliable ASD occurrence estimate as first step to develop an integrated epidemiological surveillance system on AS

    Inhibition of CD73 improves B cell-mediated anti-tumor immunity in a mouse model of melanoma.

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    CD73 is a cell surface enzyme that suppresses T cell-mediated immune responses by producing extracellular adenosine. Growing evidence suggests that targeting CD73 in cancer may be useful for an effective therapeutic outcome. In this study, we demonstrate that administration of a specific CD73 inhibitor, adenosine 5'-(α,β-methylene)diphosphate (APCP), to melanoma-bearing mice induced a significant tumor regression by promoting the release of Th1- and Th17-associated cytokines in the tumor microenvironment. CD8+ T cells were increased in melanoma tissue of APCP-treated mice. Accordingly, in nude mice APCP failed to reduce tumor growth. Importantly, we observed that after APCP administration, the presence of B cells in the melanoma tissue was greater than that observed in control mice. This was associated with production of IgG2b within the melanoma. Depletion of CD20+ B cells partially blocked the anti-tumor effect of APCP and significantly reduced the production of IgG2b induced by APCP, implying a critical role for B cells in the anti-tumor activity of APCP. Our results also suggest that APCP could influence B cell activity to produce IgG through IL-17A, which significantly increased in the tumor tissue of APCP-treated mice. In support of this, we found that in melanoma-bearing mice receiving anti-IL-17A mAb, the anti-tumor effect of APCP was ablated. This correlated with a reduced capacity of APCP-treated mice to mount an effective immune response against melanoma, as neutralization of this cytokine significantly affected both the CD8+ T cell- and B cell-mediated responses. In conclusion, we demonstrate that both T cells and B cells play a pivotal role in the APCP-induced anti-tumor immune response

    Arctium lappa contributes to the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus by regulating glucose homeostasis and improving oxidative stress: A critical review of in vitro and in vivo animal-based studies

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    Diabetes is a metabolic disease highly widespread worldwide, and the most common form is the type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). A large number of synthetic drugs are currently available for the treatment of diabetes; however, they present various side effects and, for this reason, people are increasingly inclined to search natural alternative treatments. Among these, Arctium lappa (A. lappa) has interesting anti-diabetic activities, exerted by improving glucose homeostasis and reducing insulin-resistance. In addition, A. lappa exerts a marked antioxidant activity, an effect known to play a pivotal role in the treatment of T2DM. The purpose of this review is to analyse scientific evidence in order to evaluate the role of A. lappa and its bioactive compounds in management of T2DM. The literature search performed provided only in vitro and animal-based studies. No clinical studies have been conducted in order to investigate the effect of A. lappa on T2DM patients. However, available literature provides evidence for further clinical trials in order to confirm these claimed activities on humans

    Bombesin peptide antagonist for target-selective delivery of liposomal doxorubicin on cancer cells

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    Purpose: This study addresses novel peptide modified liposomal doxorubicin to specifically target tissues overexpressing bombesin (BN) receptors. Methods: DOTA-(AEEA)2-peptides containing the [7–14]bombesin and the new BN-AA1 sequence have been synthesized to compare their binding properties and in serum stabilities. The amphiphilic peptide derivative (MonYBN- AA1) containing BN-AA1, a hydrophobic moiety, polyethylenglycole (PEG), and diethylenetriaminepentaacetate (DTPA), has been synthesized. Liposomes have been obtained by mixing of MonY-BN-AA1 with 1,2-distearoylsn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC). Results: Both 111In labeled peptide derivatives present nanomolar Kd to PC-3 cells. 177Lu labeled peptide DOTA- (AEEA)2-BN-AA1 is very stable (half-life 414.1 h), while DOTA-(AEEA)2-BN, shows a half-life of 15.5 h. In vivo studies on the therapeutic efficacy of DSPC/MonY-BN-AA1/Dox in comparison to DSPC/MonY-BN/Dox, were performed in PC-3 xenograft bearing mice. Both formulations showed similar tumor growth inhibition (TGI) compared to control animals treated with non-targeted DSPC/Dox liposomes or saline solution. For DSPC/MonY-BN-AA1/Dox the maximum effect was observed 19 days after treatment. Conclusions: DSPC/MonY-BN-AA1/Dox nanovectors confirm the ability to selectively target and provide therapeutic efficacy in mice. The lack of receptor activation and possible acute biological side effects provided by using the AA1 antagonist bombesin sequence should provide safe working conditions for further development of this class of drug delivery vehicles

    Guidelines and Recommendations on the Use of Higher OrderFinite Elements for Bending Analysis of Plates

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    This paper compares and evaluates various plate finite elements to analyse the static response of thick and thin plates subjected to different loading and boundary conditions. Plate elements are based on different assumptions for the displacement distribution along the thickness direction. Classical (Kirchhoff and Reissner-Mindlin), refined (Reddy and Kant), and other higher-order displacement fields are implemented up to fourth-order expansion. The Unified Formulation UF by the first author is used to derive finite element matrices in terms of fundamental nuclei which consist of 3 Ă— 3 arrays. The MITC4 shear-locking free type formulation is used for the FE approximation. Accuracy of a given plate element is established in terms of the error vs. thickness-to-length parameter. A significant number of finite elements for plates are implemented and compared using displacement and stress variables for various plate problems. Reduced models that are able to detect the 3D solution are built and a Best Plate Diagram (BPD) is introduced to give guidelines for the construction of plate theories based on a given accuracy and number of terms. It is concluded that the UF is a valuable tool to establish, for a given plate problem, the most accurate FE able to furnish results within a certain accuracy range. This allows us to obtain guidelines and recommendations in building refined elements in the bending analysis of plates for various geometries, loadings, and boundary conditions

    HIV-1 envelope, integrins and co-receptor use in mucosal transmission of HIV

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    It is well established that HIV-1 infection typically involves an interaction between the viral envelope protein gp120/41 and the CD4 molecule followed by a second interaction with a chemokine receptor, usually CCR5 or CXCR4. In the early stages of an HIV-1 infection CCR5 using viruses (R5 viruses) predominate. In some viral subtypes there is a propensity to switch to CXCR4 usage (X4 viruses). The receptor switch occurs in ~ 40% of the infected individuals and is associated with faster disease progression. This holds for subtypes B and D, but occurs less frequently in subtypes A and C. There are several hypotheses to explain the preferential transmission of R5 viruses and the mechanisms that lead to switching of co-receptor usage; however, there is no definitive explanation for either. One important consideration regarding transmission is that signaling by R5 gp120 may facilitate transmission of R5 viruses by inducing a permissive environment for HIV replication. In the case of sexual transmission, infection by HIV requires the virus to breach the mucosal barrier to gain access to the immune cell targets that it infects; however, the immediate events that follow HIV exposure at genital mucosal sites are not well understood. Upon transmission, the HIV quasispecies that is replicating in an infected donor contracts through a “genetic bottleneck”, and often infection results from a single infectious event. Many details surrounding this initial infection remain unresolved. In mucosal tissues, CD4+ T cells express high levels of CCR5, and a subset of these CD4+/CCR5high cells express the integrin α4β7, the gut homing receptor. CD4+/CCR5high/ α4β7high T cells are highly susceptible to infection by HIV-1 and are ideal targets for an efficient productive infection at the point of transmission. In this context we have demonstrated that the HIV-1 envelope protein gp120 binds to α4β7 on CD4+ T cells. On CD4+/CCR5high/ α4β7high T cells, α4β7 is closely associated with CD4 and CCR5. Furthermore, α4β7 is ~3 times the size of CD4 on the cell surface, that makes it a prominent receptor for an efficient virus capture. gp120-α4β7 interactions mediate the activation of the adhesion-associated integrin LFA-1. LFA-1 facilitates the formation of virological synapses and cell-to-cell spread of HIV-1. gp120 binding to α4β7 is mediated by a tripeptide located in the V1/V2 domain of gp120. Of note, the V1/V2 domain of gp120 has been linked to variations in transmission fitness among viral isolates raising the intriguing possibility that gp120-α4β7 interactions may be linked to transmission fitness. Although many details remain unresolved, we hypothesize that gp120-α4β7 interactions play an important role in the very early events following sexual transmission of HIV and may have important implication in the design of vaccine strategies for the prevention of acquisition of HIV infectio
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