889 research outputs found

    The Development of a Legend: Stonewall Jackson as a Southern Hero

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    Throughout history, most individuals have lived their lives, and then faded into oblivion with little to remember them by. Relatively few receive credit for significantly affecting the course of human history and obtain appropriate remembrance in accounts of the past. For those whose memories endure, due to the unrepeatable nature of past events, history remains vulnerable to the corrupting influence of myths and legends that distort historical realities. Confederate Lieutenant General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (1824-1863) serves as a prime example of an historical figure, who, though deserving of his place in history, has been subsequently distorted by biographers and memory. The following discussion largely passes over the general’s already well-analyzed military career, and explores other factors that contributed to his incredible rise in fame to the exalted position of southern hero. Topics include Jackson’s well-documented eccentricities, the manner of his death, the social climate of the post-war South, and his subsequent treatment by early biographers. All will contribute to the answer of the question, “what made Jackson into a legend?

    Stratigraphic and Structural Framework of the Carboniferous Rocks of the Central Appalachian Basin in Kentucky

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    A series of seven cross sections across the Central Appalachian Basin in Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Ohio was constructed in order to determine a stratigraphic and structural framework of the Carboniferous rocks for the basin. Oil and gas well logs, coal-company core descriptions, measured sections, and mapping of surface geology were used to construct these sections. New surface and subsurface faults, folds, and flexures were identified. New, formal and informal lithostratigraphic nomenclature was introduced to clarify the stratigraphic framework. Formalized nomenclatural changes are (1) elevating Breathitt Formation to Breathitt Group, (2) dropping the Lee Formation, (3) elevating four quartzose sandstone bodies (formerly members of the Lee Formation) to formation status (i.e., Warren Point, Sewanee, Bee Rock, and Corbin Sandstones), (4) including the Rockcastle Sandstone and Livingston Conglomerate of Kentucky as members of the Bee Rock Sandstone Formation, (5) formally replacing the Middlesboro, Chadwell, and White Rocks Members of the Lee Formation with the Sewanee-Warren Point Sandstones, (6) moving the Hensley and Dark Ridge Members of the Lee Formation to the Breathitt Group, and (7) subdividing the Breathitt into five formal (in Kentucky) and two informal (outside Kentucky) formations. The five formal formations are, in ascending order, the Grundy, Pikeville, Hyden, Four Corners, and Princess. The two informal formations, the Bottom Creek and Alvy Creek, occur largely in Virginia and West Virginia. In addition, the Pennington Group is subdivided into the Bluefield, Hinton, Princeton, and Bluestone Formations, which are projected informally into Kentucky from Virginia and West Virginia. The Paragon Formation, restricted to the western belt of outcrop in Kentucky (Ettensohn and others, 1984), is included in the Pennington Group and is largely equivalent to the Bluefield Formation throughout the rest of the basin. The Pinnacle Overlook Sandstone Member of the Lee Formation becomes the Pinnacle Overlook Sandstone of the Pennington Group. The stratigraphic and structural framework developed in this study will be useful in assessing subsurface coal resources and coal-bed methane potential. Belts of quartzose sandstones (Corbin, Bee Rock, Sewanee, and Warren Point Sandstones) occur at the expense of the coal-bearing rocks of the Breathitt Group; therefore, the distribution of these quartzose sandstones determined in this study can be used to locate areas with greater subsurface resource potential. In addition, the structural framework can be used to explain the distribution of subsurface coal resources. More coal-bearing units are preserved from erosion in synclines and more are eroded at monoclines and anticlines. Basin subsidence also affected coal resources; little coal accumulated in northeastern Kentucky because of reduced subsidence, whereas a greater quantity of coal is present in southeastern Kentucky where greater subsidence occurred

    Geologic Highway Cross Section: Kentucky Highway 80, Hazard to Prestonburg

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    Highway roadcuts along Kentucky Highway 80 from Hazard to Prestonsburg are scientifically significant exposures of the Pennsylvanian coal-bearing rocks of the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field, and provide an excellent educational opportunity. The coals exposed along this road are the most economically important of the coal field, and the roadcut exposures offer easy access and stratigraphic variety. They are ideal for high school, university, and professional geology field trips (Cobb and others, 1981). Several national and international field trips and many out-of-state university field trips have examined these exposures. In addition, studies in coal geology and petrography, paleontology, biostratigraphy, and elastic sedimentology have been undertaken along this road

    Carboniferous Stratigraphy in the Vicinity of the Daniel Boone National Forest

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    Middle Carboniferous strata on the western margin of the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field crop out along a north-northeast-trending belt sometimes referred to as the western belt of outcrop of the central Appalachian Basin. This belt also coincides with the Daniel Boone National Forest. These rocks are important because they contain coal, oil, and groundwater, and helped create the ruggedly beautiful canyons, rapids, falls, and arches in the national forest and nearby state parks. This report describes the general stratigraphy of these Carboniferous rocks, and is designed to assist stratigraphers, coal geologists, forest managers, science educators, and geology students. Two cross sections were constructed using two different types of information. Information for the western cross section (A-A\u27) came from outcrop descriptions (measured sections) and geologic maps, and was supplemented with sparse subsurface data (borehole descriptions and drillers\u27 logs and geophysical logs from oil and gas wells). The eastern cross section (B-B\u27) was designed to make the best use of subsurface data such as the numerous records from oil and gas wells that penetrated the middle Carboniferous rocks at depth; few outcrop data were available for the eastern section. Sea level was the datum for both cross sections. Because of the rugged topography and the forest cover, much of the study area is difficult to access. Cross sections of some important outcrops in state parks and other scenic areas are shown in insets. The locations of these outcrops are shown on the cross sections and on the location map

    Geologic Highway Cross Sections: Interstate Highway 75 Conway, Kentucky, to Jellico, Tennessee

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    Highway roadcuts along Interstate Highway 75 from Conway, Kentucky, to Jellico, Tennessee, expose Mississippian and Pennsylvanian rocks in south-central Kentucky (Fig. 1). The roadcut exposures offer easy access and stratigraphic variety for educational purposes, and are ideal for high school, university, and professional geology field trips. Several national and international field trips, and many out-of-State university field trips have examined these exposures. In addition, scientific studies involving elastic and carbonate sedimentology, coal geology, paleontology, biostratigraphy, and karst (cave) development have been undertaken along this road

    Geologic Highway Cross Sections: Interstate Highway 64 Farmers to Catlettsburg, Kentucky

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    Highway roadcuts along Interstate Highway 64 from Farmers to Catlettsburg, Kentucky, provide scientifically significant exposures of rocks of Devonian, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian ages in northeastern Kentucky. The roadcut exposures offer easy access to a variety of stratigraphic units and are ideal for educational field trips. However, Kentucky law prohibits vehicles from stopping on the shoulders of limited- access highways except in case of emergency, so any planned field trips must be coordinated with State authorities. Several national and international field trips, as well as many out-of-State university field trips, have examined these exposures. In addition, scientific studies involving carbonate sedimentology, clay mineralogy, coal geology; paleontology, biostratigraphy, elastic sedimentology, and basin analysis have been undertaken along this highway

    Paleontological Survey of the Pennsylvanian Rocks of the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field: Part 1, Invertebrates

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    Morse (1931) conducted the last paleontological survey of the Eastern Kentucky Coal Field almost 60 years ago. Substantial new information generated by mapping, as well as sedimentological, stratigraphic, and paleontological studies, now justify a new paleontological survey of these rocks. This survey is a compilation of both the new and old information. Lithologic analysis reveals at least 41 marine zones in the coal field. Paleontological analysis shows that a variety of faunal communities existed, and many of the marine zones contain abundant and diverse faunal assembleges. However, the biostratigraphic resolution of invertebrate fossils is apparently very poor compared to the lithostratigraphic resolution of the coal-bearing beds


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    Este artigo traz algumas considerações retiradas de uma pesquisa mais ampla sobre as razões do aumento da popularidade do culto à Santa Morte no México e nos Estados Unidos, desde o início dos anos 2000. De uma prática oculta, desconhecida de boa parte dos mexicanos, transformou-se em um crescente culto público que contabiliza milhões de devotos nos dois países. O texto analisa a evolução do culto, do período colonial hispânico até os dias atuais, e, por meio de entrevistas, mídia impressa e pesquisa de campo, explora os diferentes atributos conferidos à santa por uma grande gama de devotos, de donas de casa a traficantes, em meio a um contexto conturbado de crescente recessão econômica e violência urbana
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