28,017 research outputs found

    Eight-channel telephone telemetry system

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    Portable telemetry system uses conventional telephone link which eliminates mailing or messenger service between physician and analyst. Transmitter is used by physician; receiver is used by analyst. Each unit is inductively coupled to its respective telephone set, transmitter converting EEG into audio frequency and receiver converting this frequency back to EEG

    Dipolar coordinates

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    Derivation of dipolar coordinates and basic vector formulas in dipolar coordinate system - application to magnetohydrodynamic problem

    Tracking and Orbit-Determination Program of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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    The lunar-probe tracking program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory has two prime objectives: (1) provide real-time predictions of the direction of the probe from various observation stations; (2) establish a reliable trajectory corresponding to the actual flight path of the probe. The tracking program, although developed for use with lunar probes, can be used for interplanetary probes if certain modifications are made. The program, as developed for the IBM 704 digital computer, has two distinct phases. First, the equations of motion and the variational equations are integrated to each observation time where the elements of the equation A (sub u) equals b [linearization of the maximum likelihood equations] are computed. The second phase is concerned with the solution of a specified subset of A (sub u) equals b. Flexibility and ease of operation have been major objectives in writing the 704 program. The number of data points and tracking stations that may be used is limited only by computing time and core storage. Input formats and operating instructions are presented for utilizing the various computational options available in the program

    An interferometric technique for B/A measurement

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    An isentropic phase method is described for measuringin vitro the acoustic nonlinearity parameterB/A of several aqueous buffers, protein solutions, lipid oils, and emulsions. The technique relies upon the use of an acoustic interferometer to measure the small changes in sound speed that accompany a rapid hydrostaticpressure change of between one and two atmospheres. Average accuracies of 0.85% are attainable with this method

    Persistence of black holes through a cosmological bounce

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    We discuss whether black holes could persist in a universe which recollapses and then bounces into a new expansion phase. Whether the bounce is of classical or quantum gravitational origin, such cosmological models are of great current interest. In particular, we investigate the mass range in which black holes might survive a bounce and ways of differentiating observationally between black holes formed just after and just before the last bounce. We also discuss the consequences of the universe going through a sequence of dimensional changes as it passes through a bounce.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    The Role of Money Supply Shocks in the Short-Run Demand for Money

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    Previous models of the demand for money are either inconsistent with contemporaneous adjustment of the price level to expected changes in the nominal money supply or imply implausible fluctuations in interest rates in response to unexpected changes in the nominal money supply. This paper proposes a shock-absorber model of money demand in which money supply shocks affect the synchronization of purchases and sales of assets and so engender a temporary desire to hold more or less money than would otherwise be the case. Expected changes in nominal money do not cause fluctuations in real money inventories. The model is simultaneously estimated for the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Netherlands using the postwar quarterly data set and instruments used in the Mark III International Transmission Model. The shock-absorber variables significantly improve the estimated short-run money demand functions in every case.

    Measurement of pressure and assessment of cavitation for a 22.5-kHz intra-arterial angioplasty device

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    This study was performed to understand better the mechanisms of action of an (22.5 kHz) ultrasonic wire catheter device used to remove atheromatous plaque in diseased blood vessels (ultrasonic angioplasty). During a clinical procedure, the wire acts as an acoustic waveguide to transfer acoustic energy from a generator outside the body to the ball tip of the wire, which is inserted in the blood vessel. The acoustic field radiated by the vibrating ball tip (1.5- to 3.0-mm diameter), was mapped in a relatively large (600 L) water tank and compared to the field from a well-characterized simple source. A dipolelike radiation pattern due to the translating ball tip was observed. At low power settings, standing wave effects in a smaller cylindrical volume (200-mm diameter, 350-mm height), which was used to simulate anthropometric dimensions, increase relative to the larger tank measurements. The standing wave ratio is dependent upon the pc characteristics of the medium and the dimensions of the volume, rather than on the absorption at this frequency. At high power-settings of the device, cavitation at the tip of the wire was measured using a 20-MHz passive cavitation detection scheme

    Volcanic features of Hawaii. A basis for comparison with Mars

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    Despite the difference in size Martian and Hawaiian volcanoes have numerous characteristics in common. Specific features such as lava channels, collapsed lava tubes, levees and flow fronts, all very common in Hawaii, are also abundant on the flanks of some of the Martian volcanoes. Striking differences also exist, such as the apparent lack of radial rift zones on some Martian volcanoes and the paucity of cinder and spatter cones. Some of the best photographs of Martian and Hawaiian volcanic features are presented. Descriptive legends are provided for each picture. An overview of the geological processes and structures depicted is included
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