468 research outputs found

    A strong-coupling analysis of two-dimensional O(N) sigma models with N≄3N\geq 3 on square, triangular and honeycomb lattices

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    Recently-generated long strong-coupling series for the two-point Green's functions of asymptotically free O(N){\rm O}(N) lattice σ\sigma models are analyzed, focusing on the evaluation of dimensionless renormalization-group invariant ratios of physical quantities and applying resummation techniques to series in the inverse temperature ÎČ\beta and in the energy EE. Square, triangular, and honeycomb lattices are considered, as a test of universality and in order to estimate systematic errors. Large-NN solutions are carefully studied in order to establish benchmarks for series coefficients and resummations. Scaling and universality are verified. All invariant ratios related to the large-distance properties of the two-point functions vary monotonically with NN, departing from their large-NN values only by a few per mille even down to N=3N=3.Comment: 53 pages (incl. 5 figures), tar/gzip/uuencode, REVTEX + psfi

    Eliminating leading corrections to scaling in the 3-dimensional O(N)-symmetric phi^4 model: N=3 and 4

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    We study corrections to scaling in the O(3)- and O(4)-symmetric phi^4 model on the three-dimensional simple cubic lattice with nearest neighbour interactions. For this purpose, we use Monte Carlo simulations in connection with a finite size scaling method. We find that there exists a finite value of the coupling lambda^*, for both values of N, where leading corrections to scaling vanish. As a first application, we compute the critical exponents nu=0.710(2) and eta=0.0380(10) for N=3 and nu=0.749(2) and eta=0.0365(10) for N=4.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Topological Density and Instantons on a Lattice

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    We present an update on the study of topological structure of QCD. Issues addressed include a comparison between the plaquette and the geometric methods of calculating the topological density. We show that the improved gauge action based on sqrt(3) blocking transformation suppresses the formation of topologically charged dislocations with low action. Using a cooling method we identify the instantons' location, estimate their size and density, and calculate the renormalization constant Z_Q for the plaquette method.Comment: 3 Pages, submitted to Proceedings of XII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 94, Bielefeld). uuencoded tar file includes figures as TeXDraw (.tex) file

    Renormalization and topological susceptibility on the lattice: SU(2) Yang-Mills theory

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    The renormalization functions involved in the determination of the topological susceptibility in the SU(2) lattice gauge theory are extracted by direct measurements, without relying on perturbation theory. The determination exploits the phenomenon of critical slowing down to allow the separation of perturbative and non-perturbative effects. The results are in good agreement with perturbative computations.Comment: 12 pages + 4 figures (PostScript); report no. IFUP-TH 10/9

    Entanglement and particle correlations of Fermi gases in harmonic traps

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    We investigate quantum correlations in the ground state of noninteracting Fermi gases of N particles trapped by an external space-dependent harmonic potential, in any dimension. For this purpose, we compute one-particle correlations, particle fluctuations and bipartite entanglement entropies of extended space regions, and study their large-N scaling behaviors. The half-space von Neumann entanglement entropy is computed for any dimension, obtaining S_HS = c_l N^(d-1)/d ln N, analogously to homogenous systems, with c_l=1/6, 1/(6\sqrt{2}), 1/(6\sqrt{6}) in one, two and three dimensions respectively. We show that the asymptotic large-N relation S_A\approx \pi^2 V_A/3, between the von Neumann entanglement entropy S_A and particle variance V_A of an extended space region A, holds for any subsystem A and in any dimension, analogously to homogeneous noninteracting Fermi gases.Comment: 15 pages, 22 fig

    Topology in 2D CP**(N-1) models on the lattice: a critical comparison of different cooling techniques

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    Two-dimensional CP**(N-1) models are used to compare the behavior of different cooling techniques on the lattice. Cooling is one of the most frequently used tools to study on the lattice the topological properties of the vacuum of a field theory. We show that different cooling methods behave in an equivalent way. To see this we apply the cooling methods on classical instantonic configurations and on configurations of the thermal equilibrium ensemble. We also calculate the topological susceptibility by using the cooling technique.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures (from 16 eps files

    Large-N phase transition in lattice 2-d principal chiral models

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    We investigate the large-N critical behavior of 2-d lattice chiral models by Monte Carlo simulations of U(N) and SU(N) groups at large N. Numerical results confirm strong coupling analyses, i.e. the existence of a large-N second order phase transition at a finite ÎČc\beta_c.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, 8 uuencoded postscript figure

    Geometric Measurement of Topological Susceptibility on Large Lattices

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    The topological susceptibility of the quenched QCD vacuum is measured on large lattices for three ÎČ\beta values from 6.06.0 to 6.46.4. Charges possibly induced by O(a)O(a) dislocations are identified and shown to have little effect on the measured susceptibility. As ÎČ\beta increases, fewer such questionable charges are found. Scaling is checked by examining the ratios of the susceptibility to previously existing values of the rho mass, string tension, F-pi, and lambda-lattice.Comment: LaTeX article, 3 pages, uuencoded compressed tar file, 2 figures included as tex files using axismacros, DVIPS driver required to show figures. Talk presented by Jeffrey Grandy at Lattice 93, Dallas, Texas. Los Alamos Preprint number pendin

    Gauged O(n) spin models in one dimension

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    We consider a gauged O(n) spin model, n >= 2, in one dimension which contains both the pure O(n) and RP(n-1) models and which interpolates between them. We show that this model is equivalent to the non-interacting sum of the O(n) and Ising models. We derive the mass spectrum that scales in the continuum limit, and demonstrate that there are two universality classes, one of which contains the O(n) and RP(n-1) models and the other which has a tuneable parameter but which is degenerate in the sense that it arises from the direct sum of the O(n) and Ising models.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, LaTeX sourc
