196 research outputs found

    Characterizing the complexity of the fleet dynamics for an effective fisheries management: The case of the Cies Islands (NW Spain)

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    We analysed the fishing fleet dynamics in the Cíes Islands, located in a National Land-Marine Park of Galicia. By interviewing fishers we identified the fleet fishing in the study area and obtained temporal data on effort and catch. Then we performed multivariate analyses of the catch profiles to identify the fishing strategies and their temporal dynamics. Our results highlight the complexity of the fishery system, composed of 565 boats that used 19 fishing gears and 33 strategies in an area of 26.6 km2. Octopus and velvet crab pots, gillnets targeting hake, trammel nets targeting European spider crab or ballan wrasse, clam rakes, and hand harvesting of gooseneck barnacles and razor shells are the strategies most used. In addition, most of the boats are generalists and use up to seven different fishing strategies throughout the year. This flexibility of the fleet to change the target species generates a wide diversity of annual fishing patterns that increases the complexity of the fisheries and the difficulty of managing them. The implementation of data collection programmes that include fleet dynamics and spatial data are key factors for developing effective management regulations consistent with the complexity of the system

    Structure and colour in triangle-free graphs

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    Motivated by a recent conjecture of the first author, we prove that every properly coloured triangle-free graph of chromatic number χ\chi contains a rainbow independent set of size 12χ\lceil\frac12\chi\rceil. This is sharp up to a factor 22. This result and its short proof have implications for the related notion of chromatic discrepancy. Drawing inspiration from both structural and extremal graph theory, we conjecture that every triangle-free graph of chromatic number χ\chi contains an induced cycle of length Ω(χlogχ)\Omega(\chi\log\chi) as χ\chi\to\infty. Even if one only demands an induced path of length Ω(χlogχ)\Omega(\chi\log\chi), the conclusion would be sharp up to a constant multiple. We prove it for regular girth 55 graphs and for girth 2121 graphs. As a common strengthening of the induced paths form of this conjecture and of Johansson's theorem (1996), we posit the existence of some c>0c >0 such that for every forest HH on DD vertices, every triangle-free and induced HH-free graph has chromatic number at most cD/logDc D/\log D. We prove this assertion with `triangle-free' replaced by `regular girth 55'.Comment: 12 pages; in v2 one section was removed due to a subtle erro

    Development of pseudorandom binary arrays for calibration of surface profile metrology tools

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    Optical Metrology tools, especially for short wavelength (EUV and X-Ray), must cover a wide range of spatial frequencies from the very low, which affects figure, to the important mid-spatial frequencies and the high spatial frequency range, which produces undesirable scattering. A major difficulty in using surface profilometers arises due to the unknown Point-Spread Function (PSF) of the instruments [1] that is responsible for distortion of the measured surface profile. Generally, the distortion due to the PSF is difficult to account because the PSF is a complex function that comes to the measurement via the convolution operation, while the measured profile is described with a real function. Accounting for instrumental PSF becomes significantly simpler if the result of measurement of a profile is presented in a spatial frequency domain as a Power Spectral Density (PSD) distribution [2]. For example, the measured PSD distributions provide a closed set of data necessary for three-dimensional calculations of scattering of light by the optical surfaces [3], [4]. The distortion of the surface PSD distribution due to the PSF can be modeled with the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), which is defined over the spatial frequency bandwidth of the instrument [1], [2]. The measured PSD distribution can be presented as a product of the squared MTF and the ideal PSD distribution inherent for the System Under Test (SUT). Therefore, the instrumental MTF can be evaluated by comparing a measured PSD distribution of a known test surface with the corresponding ideal numerically simulated PSD. The square root of the ratio of the measured and simulated PSD distributions gives the MTF of the instrument. In previous work [5], [6] the instrumental MTF of a surface profiler was precisely measured using reference test surfaces based on Binary Pseudo-Random (BPR) gratings. Here, we present results of fabricating and using two-dimensional (2D) BPR arrays that allow for a direct 2D calibration of the instrumental MTF. BPR sequences are widely used in engineering and communication applications such as Global Position System, and wireless communication protocols. The ideal BPR pattern has a flat 'white noise' response over the entire range of spatial frequencies of interest. The BPR array used here is based on the Uniformly Redundant Array prescription [7] initially used for x-ray and gamma ray astronomy applications. The URA's superior imaging capability originates from the fact that its cyclical autocorrelation function very closely approximates a delta function, which produces a flat PSD. Three different size BPR array patterns were fabricated by electron beam lithography and ICP etching of silicon. The basic size unit was 200 nm, 400 nm, and 600 nm. Two different etch processes were used, CF{sub 4}/Ar and HBr, which resulted in undercut and vertical sidewall profiles, respectively. The 2D BPR arrays were used as standard test surfaces for MTF calibration of the MicroMap{trademark}-570 interferometric microscope using all available objectives. The HBr etched two-dimensional BPR arrays have proven to be a very effective calibration standard making possible direct calibration corrections without the need of additional calculation considerations, while departures from the ideal vertical sidewall require an additional correction term for the CF{sub 4}/Ar etched samples. [8] Initial surface roughness of low cost 'prime' wafers limits low magnification calibration but should not be a limitation if better polished samples are used

    Phase-plate electron microscopy: a novel imaging tool to reveal close-to-life nano-structures

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    After slow progress in the efforts to develop phase plates for electron microscopes, functional phase plate using thin carbon film has been reported recently. It permits collecting high-contrast images of close-to-life biological structures with cryo-fixation and without staining. This report reviews the state of the art for phase plates and what is innovated with them in biological electron microscopy. The extension of thin-film phase plates to the material-less type using electrostatic field or magnetic field is also addressed

    279 Development of Pseudo-random Binary Arrays for Calibration of Surface Profile Metrology Tools

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    Abstract Optical Metrology tools, especially for short wavelength (EUV and X-Ray), must cover a wide range of spatial frequencies from the very low, which affects figure, to the important mid-spatial frequencies and the high spatial frequency range, which produces undesirable scattering. A major difficulty in using surface profilometers arises due to the unknown Point-Spread Function (PSF) of the instruments [1] that is responsible for distortion of the measured surface profile. Generally, the distortion due to the PSF is difficult to account because the PSF is a complex function that comes to the measurement via the convolution operation, while the measured profile is described with a rea

    Calibration of the modulation transfer function of surface profilometers with binary pseudo-random test standards: expanding the application range

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    A modulation transfer function (MTF) calibration method based on binary pseudo-random (BPR) gratings and arrays [Proc. SPIE 7077-7 (2007), Opt. Eng. 47, 073602 (2008)] has been proven to be an effective MTF calibration method for a number of interferometric microscopes and a scatterometer [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A616, 172 (2010)]. Here we report on a further expansion of the application range of the method. We describe the MTF calibration of a 6 inch phase shifting Fizeau interferometer. Beyond providing a direct measurement of the interferometer's MTF, tests with a BPR array surface have revealed an asymmetry in the instrument's data processing algorithm that fundamentally limits its bandwidth. Moreover, the tests have illustrated the effects of the instrument's detrending and filtering procedures on power spectral density measurements. The details of the development of a BPR test sample suitable for calibration of scanning and transmission electron microscopes are also presented. Such a test sample is realized as a multilayer structure with the layer thicknesses of two materials corresponding to BPR sequence. The investigations confirm the universal character of the method that makes it applicable to a large variety of metrology instrumentation with spatial wavelength bandwidths from a few nanometers to hundreds of millimeters

    Validation of a chloroquine-induced cell death mechanism for clinical use against malaria

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    An alternative antimalarial pathway of an ‘outdated’ drug, chloroquine (CQ), may facilitate its return to the shrinking list of effective antimalarials. Conventionally, CQ is believed to interfere with hemozoin formation at nanomolar concentrations, but resistant parasites are able to efflux this drug from the digestive vacuole (DV). However, we show that the DV membrane of both resistant and sensitive laboratory and field parasites is compromised after exposure to micromolar concentrations of CQ, leading to an extrusion of DV proteases. Furthermore, only a short period of exposure is required to compromise the viability of late-stage parasites. To study the feasibility of this strategy, mice malaria models were used to demonstrate that high doses of CQ also triggered DV permeabilization in vivo and reduced reinvasion efficiency. We suggest that a time-release oral formulation of CQ may sustain elevated blood CQ levels sufficiently to clear even CQ-resistant parasites

    Simulations studies for the Mini-EUSO detector

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    Mini-EUSO is a mission of the JEM-EUSO program flying onboard the International Space Station since August 2019. Since the first data acquisition in October 2019, more than 35 sessions have been performed for a total of 52 hours of observations. The detector has been observing Earth at night-time in the UV range and detected a wide variety of transient sources all of which have been modelled through Monte Carlo simulations. Mini-EUSO is also capable of detecting meteors and potentially space debris and we performed simulations for such events to estimate their impact on future missions for cosmic ray science from space. We show here examples of the simulation work done in this framework to analyse the Mini-EUSO data. The expected response of Mini-EUSO with respect to ultra high energy cosmic ray showers has been studied. The efficiency curve of Mini-EUSO as a function of primary energy has been estimated and the energy threshold for Cosmic Rays has been placed to be above 10^{21} eV. We compared the morphology of several transient events detected during the mission with cosmic ray simulations and excluded that they can be due to cosmic ray showers. To validate the energy threshold of the detector, a system of ground based flashers is being used for end-to-end calibration purposes. We therefore implemented a parameterisation of such flashers into the JEM-EUSO simulation framework and studied the response of the detector with respect to such sources