714 research outputs found

    Ethical approach and professional responsibility in workplace drug testing: An update on the eff ectiveness of the Italian current legislation

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    Introduction: The Italian legislation on workplace drug testing (WDT), applied to “at-risk workers” since October 2008, calls for mandatory procedures about screening tests on urine performed by occupational health specialists and confirmation tests by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry performed by forensic laboratories. Aim: Evaluating the impact of the current law on WDT on trends of drug use in workers and discuss some ethical implications and professional responsibility connected to the management of the toxicological controls. Materials and Methods: The toxicological analyses performed from 2001 to 2014 on 73,656 workers (aged between 19 and 65 years; 92% males and 8% females), mainly employed in transports were selected for the present study. Confirmation analysis has been requested on urine samples (n = 3934) previously identified as positive for one or more drugs by immunoassay screening tests for opiates, methadone, cannabinoids, cocaine, buprenorphine, amphetamines, and analogues. Results: Relevant differences were observed, both in the incidence and in the type of drugs used, before and after the mandatory law application. At screening the positive urine were n = 2455 during 2001-2008 and n = 1479 since 2009. Among those of this second period, only 14.6% were confirmed as true positive versus the 74% of urine confirmed during 2001-2008. Moreover, the polydrug use, since 2009, decrease from 32% to 8% of cases. Cannabis and cocaine were most frequently used, alone or together with other drugs. The use of opiates, methadone and amphetamines has been observed for <5% of the workers without significant differences before and after 2009. Conclusion: To explain the decrease of our epidemiological data, two factors were considered as the prevailing ones: The deterrent effect of the mandatory nature of the drug tests and the behavior often adopted by the occupational physicians in order to avoid professional liability or disputes by workers representatives. The ethical principles, that occupational health physicians and toxicologists need to employ, to avoid the violation of the workers’ rights were discussed

    Application of laser microdissection to identify the mycorrhizal fungi that establish arbuscules inside root cells.

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    Obligate symbiotic fungi that form arbuscular mycorrhizae (AMF; belonging to the Glomeromycota phylum) are some of the most important soil microorganisms. AMFs facilitate mineral nutrient uptake from the soil, in exchange for plant-assimilated carbon, and promote water-stress tolerance and resistance to certain diseases. AMFs colonize the root by producing inter- and intra-cellular hyphae. When the fungus penetrates the inner cortical cells, it produces a complex ramified structure called arbuscule, which is considered the preferential site for nutrient exchange. Direct DNA extraction from the whole root and sequencing of ribosomal gene regions are commonly carried out to investigate intraradical AMF communities. Nevertheless, this protocol cannot discriminate between the AMFs that actively produce arbuscules and those that do not. To solve this issue, the authors have characterized the AMF community of arbusculated cells (AC) through a laser microdissection (LMD) approach, combined with sequencing-based taxa identification. The results were then compared with the AMF community that was found from whole root DNA extraction. The AMF communities originating from the LMD samples and the whole root samples differed remarkably. Five taxa were involved in the production of arbuscules, while two taxa were retrieved inside the root but not in the AC. Unexpectedly, one taxon was found in the AC, but its detection was not possible when extracting from the whole root. Thus, the LMD technique can be considered a powerful tool to obtain more precise knowledge on the symbiotically active intraradical AMF community

    Innate immune modulation by GM-CSF and IL-3 in health and disease

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    Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and inteleukin-3 (IL-3) have long been known as mediators of emergency myelopoiesis, but recent evidence has highlighted their critical role in modulating innate immune effector functions in mice and humans. This new wealth of knowledge has uncovered novel aspects of the pathogenesis of a range of disorders, including infectious, neoplastic, autoimmune, allergic and cardiovascular diseases. Consequently, GM-CSF and IL-3 are now being investigated as therapeutic targets for some of these disorders, and some phase I/II clinical trials are already showing promising results. There is also pre-clinical and clinical evidence that GM-CSF can be an effective immunostimulatory agent when being combined with anti-cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (anti-CTLA-4) in patients with metastatic melanoma as well as in novel cancer immunotherapy approaches. Finally, GM-CSF and to a lesser extent IL-3 play a critical role in experimental models of trained immunity by acting not only on bone marrow precursors but also directly on mature myeloid cells. Altogether, characterizing GM-CSF and IL-3 as central mediators of innate immune activation is poised to open new therapeutic avenues for several immune-mediated disorders and define their potential in the context of immunotherapies

    Different non-structural carbohydrates/crude proteins (NCS/CP) ratios in diet shape the gastrointestinal microbiota of water buffalo

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    The microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are crucial for host health and production efficiency in ruminants. Its microbial composition can be influenced by several endogenous and exogenous factors. In the beef and dairy industry, the possibility to manipulate gut microbiota by diet and management can have important health and economic implications. The aims of this study were to characterize the different GIT site microbiota in water buffalo and evaluate the influence of diet on GIT microbiota in this animal species. We characterized and compared the microbiota of the rumen, large intestine and feces of water buffaloes fed two different diets with different non-structural carbohydrates/crude proteins (NSC/CP) ratios. Our results indicated that Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were the most abundant phyla in all the GIT sites, with significant differences in microbiota composition between body sites both within and between groups. This result was particularly evident in the large intestine, where beta diversity analysis displayed clear clustering of samples depending on the diet. Moreover, we found a difference in diet digestibility linked to microbiota modification at the GIT level conditioned by NSC/CP levels. Diet strongly influences GIT microbiota and can therefore modulate specific GIT microorganisms able to affect the health status and performance efficiency of adult animals

    Antibiotic activity of a Paraphaeosphaeria sporulosa-produced diketopiperazine against Salmonella enterica

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    A diketopiperazine has been purified from a culture filtrate of the endophytic fungus Paraphaeosphaeria sporulosa, isolated from healthy tissues of strawberry plants in a survey of microbes as sources of anti-bacterial metabolites. Its structure has been determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) analyses and was found to be identical to cyclo(L-Pro-L-Phe) purified from species of other fungal genera. This secondary metabolite has been selected following bioguided-assay fractionation against two strains of Salmonella enterica, the causal agent of bovine gastroenteritis. The diketopiperazine cyclo(L-Pro-L-Phe), isolated for the first time from Paraphaeosphaeria species, showed minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of 71.3 and 78.6 μg/mL against the two S. enterica strains. This finding may be significant in limiting the use of synthetic antibiotics in animal husbandry and reducing the emergence of bacterial multidrug resistance. Further in vivo experiments of P. sporulosa diketopiperazines are important for the future application of these metabolites

    Il Sito Web accessibile dell’Osservatorio Vesuviano

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    Il sito web dell’Osservatorio Vesuviano (OV) nasce nel 1997. Lo scopo era quello di fornire informazioni sullo stato di attività dei vulcani della Campania, per i quali l’Osservatorio Vesuviano gestisce le reti strumentali di monitoraggio, nonché di far conoscere le attività scientifiche e i dati prodotti dall’ente. Nel 2002 il sito ha subito una sostanziale riorganizzazione, a seguito di una ristrutturazione dell’Osservatorio Vesuviano, che insieme ad altri istituzioni scientifiche affini era confluito, all’inizio del 2001, nell’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) diventandone la Sezione di Napoli. La nuova versione ha tenuto conto della più complessa articolazione delle attività dell’Osservatorio Vesuviano, che negli anni aveva visto aumentare il numero dei propri ricercatori e tecnici e aveva ulteriormente differenziato e specializzato le proprie attività. Inoltre la nuova strutturazione come sezione dell’INGV consentiva un’organizzazione in Unità Funzionali e Servizi. In occasione della realizzazione della seconda versione del sito è stata effettuata un’analisi sistematica dell’utenza basata prevalentemente sulla posta elettronica ricevuta all’indirizzo dedicato alle richieste di informazioni da parte del pubblico. Questo ha consentito di individuare diverse tipologie di utenza. In funzione delle crescenti richieste di informazioni è stato inoltre organizzato un gruppo per curare il servizio “info”, basato su richieste di informazione via mail, che ha dato modo di meglio delineare gli argomenti di maggior interesse da parte dei visitatori (Giudicepietro et al., 2006). Questa attività ha fatto nascere anche una sezione dedicata alle domande frequenti che, soprattutto nei periodi di maggior attenzione per le tematiche del rischio vulcanico, è risultata un utile supporto alla richiesta di informazioni da parte del pubblico. Negli ultimi anni in Italia, come in molti altri paesi del mondo, si è sviluppata una normativa in materia di web che ha dettato le linee guida per lo sviluppo dei siti delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni (Circolare Funzione Pubblica 13 marzo 2001, n. 3/2001 “Linee guida per l'organizzazione, l'usabilità e l'accessibilità dei siti web delle pubbliche amministrazioni”) nonché ha richiamato l’attenzione sull’accessibilità. La normativa italiana relativa all’accessibilità ha lo scopo principale di garantire la fruizione delle informazioni diffuse sul web e dei relativi servizi informatici anche alle persone disabili in ottemperanza al principio di uguaglianza ai sensi dell'articolo 3 della Costituzione. In particolare la Legge del 9 gennaio 2004 n. 4 (pubblicata in G.U. 13 del 17.01.2004) definisce l’accessibilità delle fonti di informazione e servizi informatici come “la capacità dei sistemi informatici, nelle forme e nei limiti consentiti dalle conoscenze tecnologiche, di erogare servizi e fornire informazioni fruibili, senza discriminazioni, anche da parte di coloro che a causa di disabilità necessitano di tecnologie assistive o configurazioni particolari”. Le tecnologie assistive sono definite nella stessa legge come “gli strumenti e le soluzioni tecniche, hardware e software, che permettono alla persona disabile, superando o riducendo le condizioni di svantaggio, di accedere alle informazioni e ai servizi erogati dai sistemi informatici”. Un esempio di tecnologia 4 assistiva può essere uno screen reader, ovvero un lettore di schermo, strumento utilizzato dai non vedenti per usare il computer. In attuazione della legge del 9 gennaio 2004 n. 4, il Decreto Ministeriale dell'8 luglio 2005 "Requisiti tecnici e i diversi livelli per l'accessibilità agli strumenti informatici", definisce 22 requisiti per l’accessibilità che i siti delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni devono soddisfare. La seconda versione del sito dell’Osservatorio Vesuviano non era conforme ai requisiti richiesti da questo decreto, pertanto si è resa necessaria una nuova ristrutturazione del sito che consentisse l’adeguamento alla normativa vigente (www.w3.org, www.governo.it, www.pubbliaccesso.it, www.cnipa.gov.it)

    Is the United States Claims Court Constitutional?

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    This article will deal with two major constitutional problems that have resulted from the creation of the Claims Court. The first issue is the constitutionality of the appointment of existing Court of Claims Commissioners to be judges on the Claims Court during a four-year transition period. By legislatively designating the persons who are to serve as judges on the new court, Congress has usurped the presidential appointment power. The second issue relates to the constitutional status of the Claims Court. The Court of Claims which it replaces was created under article III of the Constitution, and the judges on it were therefore entitled to life tenure and salaries that could not be reduced during their terms in office. The new Claims Court, on the other hand, is designated by Congress as an article I court; the judges are to be appointed for only fifteen year terms, and their salaries are subject to control by Congress. The new court exercises full judicial authority, however, and has jurisdiction over cases of national importance in which the government of the United States has a great financial stake. Although the analysis of this issue is far from simple, this author concludes that Congress has exceeded its constitutional authority by failing to comply with the requirements of article III of the Constitution in establishing the Claims Court

    WiFi data transmission system for monitoring volcanic areas: an example application on Mt. Vesuvius

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    The Seismic Monitoring Network of Mt.Vesuvius, managed by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sezione di Napoli, Osservatorio Vesuviano (INGV-OV), currently consists of 13 analog short period stations (9 single component and 4 triaxial), 2 digital broadband stations and a permanent seismic array (composed of 16 triaxial sensors). Moreover 2 dilatometers are installed in the area, that are integrated in the seismic monitoring system. The distance among the station and between each station and the data acquisition center varies from hundreds of meters to some kilometers. Part of the data is collected in local Data Acquisition Centers (CAD) and then centralized at theMonitoring Center of INGV-OV. In recent years, information technology has become fundamental in seismic networks and geophysical instrumentation, this includes also the data transmission systems. In this context, the new standards for wireless networks has proved to be a useful tool for the transmission of geophysical data. This is the reason why we have chosen to adopt the Wireless Fidelity transmission system, based on available frequencies typical of the IEEE 802.11h standard, which allows high capacity data traffic. We have realized different local area networks based on WiFi technology. They can offer a coverage to high density traffic with extensions varying from a few dozen of meters to kilometers. Each network can be connected through a concentrator device, called access points, and a base station, through a high-capacity system of geographic connectivity, which will be responsible for the liaison to the Monitoring Center of INGV-OV, where seismic data are centralized. There the data are acquired and analyzed by automated systems, that produces parametric information in real time. The architecture of local networks and the backbone for data transmission has been designed to allow a modular development that is well suited for the needs of continuous improvement of the network and the introduction of new systems for geophysical and geochemical volcano monitoring. Currently the infrastructure manages a total of 79 channels with a 24-bit at 100 cps sampling, but the network has a much greater potential. So the future transition of the seismic network from analog to a fully digital equipment will be supported by this data transmission system
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