350 research outputs found

    A place to share: Some thoughts about the meaning of territory and boundaries in our thinking about God and humanity

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    This article proffers some thoughts in reply to the following question: how can we think about God in a theology that takes into account the concept of place in such a way that we are able to live together in a salvific way with others, sharing a place as equals? Concepts such as “territory” and “territoriality” are helpful, because they can be linked with “identity” and the need to feel safe. Boundaries and boundary markers such as walls play an important role in conflicts. The possibility of a “liminal space” at a boundary where eye-to-eye relationships may be possible helps to make “the other”, the stranger, a human being with her/his own needs and vulnerability. Using the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as an example, images of God and their impact on the possibility of sharing the land are explored. Hagar, herself a stranger, experiences God\'s lifesaving attention and names God “God of seeing”. HTS Theological Studies Vol. 64 (1) 2008: pp. 141-15

    Mise en Ă©vidence des prostaglandines PGE2 par immunofluorescence au sein de la paroi des kystes radiculo-dentaires

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    The present study gives the first evidence, through immunofluorescence, of the prostaglandins PGE2 in radicular cysts. The results are in agreement with literature. In addition, the immunofluorescence technique has also demonstrated the localization of prostaglandins inside the cyst cavity. In opposition to previous data, the present study also shows that epithelial cells seem to synthesize more PGE2 than fibroblasts and mononuclear components of the external connective tissue.Pour la premiÚre fois cette étude met en évidence par immunofluorescence les prostaglandines PGE2 dans les kystes radiculo-dentaires. La localisation de ces prostaglandines confirme les données de la littérature; de plus elle a permis leur mise en évidence dans la cavité kystique. Par ailleurs, contrairement aux travaux antérieurs, cette étude montre que les cellules épithéliales semblent synthétiser plus de PGE2 que les fibroblastes et les éléments mononucléés du tissu conjonctif de la couche externe

    Mise en place d’une mĂ©thodologie d’identification et d’analyse des stĂ©rols oxygĂ©nĂ©s prĂ©sents dans les kystes radiculo-dentaires

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    Our work has two main aims: to identify oxygenated sterols that accompany cholesterol in dental cyst and to develop effective methods for «profile» analyses of these sterols. Attention as focused on a family of products derived from cholesterol, characterized by the presence of one or more oxygenated functions.More than fifty of these oxysterols are known and find most of time in differents parts of the body. In the procedure, lipids are isolated from dental cyst, the fraction is trimethylsilylated and analysed by capillary gas chromatography. Sterols are identified by comparison with reference compounds. However, two sterols of particular interest, viz cholesterol α and ÎČ epoxides, are so easily produced from cholesterol (even when rigorous precautions are taken) that indirect methods of analysis are strongly advisable. An adequate degree of quantification is possible for sterols such as 26-Hydroxycholesterol (26OHCL), which do not arise significantly as artefacts. Even to verify the fraction which seems to be 26OHCL we used thin layer chromatography coupled with mass spectrometer.La prĂ©sence de cristaux de cholestĂ©rol dans la majoritĂ© des kystes radiculo-dentaires (KRD) permet de penser qu’ils s’accompagnent d’oxystĂ©rols (OS). Ces substances agissent sur de nombreux mĂ©canismes biologiques tels: la rĂ©gulation physiologique du cholestĂ©rol, la multiplication cellulaire ou le mĂ©tabolisme de l’acide arachidonique. Notre travail a pour but de mettre au point une technique de mise en Ă©vidence et de dosage des OS au sein des KRD. Les techniques utilisĂ©es sont des techniques de chromatographie en phase vapeur et de spectromĂ©trie de masse. Cinq oxystĂ©rols sont isolĂ©s: 7OXO, 7ÎČOH, 26OHCL, triol et Ă©poxydes α et ÎČ. L’activitĂ© biologique de certains de ces oxystĂ©rols semble favoriser le dĂ©veloppement des kystes radiculo-dentaires, alors que d’autres semblent limiter leur extension

    Teletext reception in a mobile channel for a broadcast tele-information system

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    Analysis and implementation of error correcting double bundle Reed Solomon codes for UK teletext

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