70 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic relationships in solanum section Androceras (Solanaceae)

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    Journal ArticleThe Leptostemonum clade of Solanum contains approximately 350-450 species, including the cultivated eggplant, S. melongena. This clade is characterized by the presence of prickles and apically attenuate anthers. Solanum section Androceras, the focus of this study, is a group of ca. 12 species belonging to the Leptostemonum clade. This section is unusual in the genus because of its mostly north temperate distribution and distinctive zygomorphic, heterantherous, and enantiostylous flowers. We infer phylogenetic relationships among 43 Solanum taxa, including 11 species and all varieties of sect. Androceras , using DNA sequence data from two nuclear regions (ITS and the granule-bound starch synthase gene [GBSSI or waxy ]) and the chloroplast region trnT-F . The combined phylogenetic tree supports sect. Androceras as a monophyletic group sister to Solanum sect. Crinitum. Only one of the three series proposed by previous taxonomists, ser. Pacificum , is supported as monophyletic. Solanum tenuipes from the northern Chihuahua Desert is sister to the remaining species in sect. Androceras . Species-level relationships were also examined and it was found that two species, S. heterodoxum and S. citrullifolium, are not monophyletic. The ancestral flower color in sect. Androceras appears to be violet, with white and yellow flowers restricted to more derived clades. Characters formerly used to diagnose ser. Androceras, such as exclusively branched hairs and lack of complex foliar flavonoids, appear to have evolved more than once in the section

    Nonuniform sampling of urodynamic signals: a comparison of different methods

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    Several different techniques for urodynamic signal compression have been proposed in the last few years. Using these techniques it is possible to reduce the requirements for digital storage or transmission. There are a number of applications where it is essential to use such techniques in diagnostic and ambulatory urodynamics. The purpose of this study is to compare different techniques of urodynamic data compression. The so-called FAN, voltage triggered, two point projection and second difference methods. The comparison between the methods is based on 65 pressure, 46 uroflow and 18 surface electromyogram signals. The reduction ratio achieved for different allowable errors between the original and compressed signals is calculated and compared for the different techniques. Results show that it is possible to store urodynamic signals accurately at a low sampling rate, where FAN and voltage triggered methods seem to be superior to the rest

    The impact of an extreme climatic disturbance and different fertilization treatments on plant development, phenology, and yield of two cultivar groups of Solanum betaceum Cav

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    [EN] Changing climatic conditions impose a challenge both to biodiversity and food security. The effects of climate change affect different aspects of the plant or crop, such as morphological and phenological aspects, as well as yield. The effects of greenhouse conditions might be comparable in some cases to a permanent extreme disturbance in climate and weather, thus, contributing to our knowledge on climate change impacts on plant species. We have investigated the differences for 23 traits in two cultivar groups of an Andean traditional crop, Solanum betaceum, under two different environmental conditions that correspond to the traditional practices in the open field and three cultural managements under greenhouse conditions (no fertilization or control, organic, and mineral). We found that traditional practices in the open field are the less productive. Moreover, in warmer and drier conditions the treatment with organic fertilization was the most productive. Greenhouse conditions, however, delay production. We further identified traits that differentiate both cultivar groups and traits that are linked to either the new climate conditions or the fertilization treatments. Fruit characteristics were quite homogeneous between the two cultivar groups. Overall, our results provide insight on the consequences that climate change effects might exert on crops such as tree tomato, reveal that greenhouses can be a robust alternative for tree tomato production, and highlight the need to understand how different managements are linked to different solutions to fulfil the farmers' demands.M.X.R.-G. was funded by Secretaria Nacional de Educacion Superior, Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion (SENESCYT: www.educacionsuperior.gob.ec/) with a Prometeo Fellowship. This research was co-financed by Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, http://www.upm.es/ (Ayudas para proyectos semilla de investigacion PID para Latinoamerica, proyecto AL14-PID-09: http://www.upm.es/sfs/Rectorado/Vicerrectarode%20de%20Relaciones%,20Internacionales/America%20Latina/AyudaLA_Adjud13.pdf) and Universidad Tecnica Tecnica Paticular de Loja, https://www.utpl.edu.ec/ (proyecto PROY_FIN_CCAA_ 0016). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Tandazo-Yunga, J.; Ruíz-González, MJ.; Rojas, J.; Capa-Mora, E.; Prohens Tomás, J.; Alejandro, J.; Acosta-Quezada, P. (2017). The impact of an extreme climatic disturbance and different fertilization treatments on plant development, phenology, and yield of two cultivar groups of Solanum betaceum Cav. PLoS ONE. 12(12). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0190316Se0190316121

    Keeping it simple: Flowering plants tend to retain, and revert to, simple leaves

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    • A wide range of factors (developmental, physiological, ecological) with unpredictable interactions control variation in leaf form. Here, we examined the distribution of leaf morphologies (simple and complex forms) across angiosperms in a phylogenetic context to detect patterns in the directions of changes in leaf shape. • Seven datasets (diverse angiosperms and six nested clades, Sapindales, Apiales, Papaveraceae, Fabaceae, Lepidium, Solanum) were analysed using maximum likelihood and parsimony methods to estimate asymmetries in rates of change among character states. • Simple leaves are most frequent among angiosperm lineages today, were inferred to be ancestral in angiosperms and tended to be retained in evolution (stasis). Complex leaves slowly originated (‘gains’) and quickly reverted to simple leaves (‘losses’) multiple times, with a significantly greater rate of losses than gains. Lobed leaves may be a labile intermediate step between different forms. The nested clades showed mixed trends; Solanum, like the angiosperms in general, had higher rates of losses than gains, but the other clades had higher rates of gains than losses. • The angiosperm-wide pattern could be taken as a null model to test leaf evolution patterns in particular clades, in which patterns of variation suggest clade-specific processes that have yet to be investigated fully

    Taxonomic synopsis and analytical key for the genera of Solanaceae from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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