407 research outputs found

    Metaplastic Carcinoma of the Left Breast with Extensive Chondroid Differentiation

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    Metaplastic breast carcinoma is very rare neoplasm which contains mixture of carcinomatous (epithelial) and sarcomatous (mesenchymal) elements in variable proportion. Metaplastic carcinoma with chondroid differentiation is even rarer. We report a case of metaplastic carcinoma with extensive chondroid differentiation as there is paucity of information regarding pathological features and clinical outcomes for these rare tumors. Tumor had characteristic definite areas of classic infiltrating duct carcinoma with abundant chondromyxoid matrix, focal areas of chondrosarcoma and cartilagenous metaplasia. Tumour cells were immunoreactive for S-100, ER, and PR. When pathologist encounter breast tumor with chondroid differentiation, careful gross sampling, histopathology and immunoreactivity for mesenchymal and epithelial component are most useful to differentiate metaplastic carcinoma from malignant phylloides tumors and malignant adenomyoepithelioma

    Embracing new-generation 'omics' tools to improve drought tolerance in cereal and food-legume crops

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    Drought stress presents a considerable threat to the global crop production. As a dominant source of vegetarian diet, cereals and grain-legumes remain crucial to meeting the growing dietary demands worldwide. Therefore, breeding cultivars of these staple crops with enhanced drought tolerance stands to be one of the most sustainable solutions to enhance food production in changing climate. Given the context, a more focused survey of environment-defined germplasm sets is imperative to comprehend such adaptive traits. In parallel, uncovering the genetic architecture and the molecular networks that collectively contribute towards drought tolerance is urgently required through rationally combining large-scale genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics data. Also, attention needs to be directed to reasonably quantify the epistatic as well as environmental influences, thereby warranting deployment of analyses like metaquantitative trait loci (QTL) that encompass multiple environments and diverse genetic backgrounds. Further, innovative techniques like genomic selection (GS) and genome wide association study (GWAS) would help to capture the quantitative variation underlying drought tolerance. Equally importantly, integration of physiological traits-based techniques with ever-evolving 'omics' technologies and the new-generation phenotyping platforms will be of immense importance in advancing our existing knowledge about the genetically-complex and poorly-understood phenomena, such as plant drought response, and a deeper understanding would likely to provide a great impetus to the progress of crop breeding for drought tolerance

    In vitro multiplication protocol for Curcuma mangga : Studies on carbon, cytokinin source and explant size

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    Mango ginger (Curcuma mangga Valeton & Zijp.) is an underutilized rhizomatous species that has been valued in tropical Asian countries as a source of vegetable, spice, salad, medicine, and essential oil. This species is hardy and requires less care for obtaining good yields. Rhizomes are the commonly used propagules for the species, which are also the economic part of the crop. Huge quantity of seed rhizomes is required to promote this crop in larger areas. An efficient in vitro multiplication protocol is one of the options to meet the planting material requirement. Effects of carbon source (glucose, fructose and sucrose) and concentration (1 and 3%, w/v), cytokinins (BAP and meta topolin) and concentration (1 mg/L and 2 mg/L), size of explants (one/ two/ three bud) and IBA treatment (0, 250, 500 and 1,000 mg/L) for concurrent ex vitro rooting cum hardening were studied. Results revealed that for facilitating efficient multiplication, the medium should be supplemented with glucose (3%) as a carbon source and meta topolin (1 mg/L) as cytokinin. Two-bud explant should be used for subculture as it promoted superior shoot proliferation. Concurrent ex vitro rooting cum hardening was possible even without auxin treatment. The present protocol could be useful for large-scale production of quality planting material of this underexploited tropical species

    Heavy rainfall episode over Mumbai on 26 July 2005: Assessment of NWP guidance

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    In the present work a qualitative assessment of guidance from NCMRWF operational global and regional Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) systems in the episode of unprecedented rainfall over Mumbai has been attempted. This also consolidates and examines the predictions that were provided by some of the leading global operational centres. Some hindcast runs were also made with different initial conditions. It reveals that the use of very high resolution global and regional models with advanced data assimilation techniques (4D Var), that optimally utilizes information from satellite observations, could significantly enhance the usefulness of NWP guidance

    Comprehensive characterization and validation of chromosome-specific highly polymorphic SSR Markers from Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cv. Tunisia Genome

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    The simple sequence repeat (SSR) survey of ‘Tunisia’ genome (296.85 Mb) identified a total of 365,279 perfect SSRs spanning eight chromosomes, with a mean marker density of 1,230.6 SSRs/Mb. We found a positive trend in chromosome length and the SSR abundance as marker density enhanced with a shorter chromosome length. The highest number of SSRs (60,708) was mined from chromosome 1 (55.56 Mb), whereas the highest marker density (1,294.62 SSRs/Mb) was recorded for the shortest chromosome 8 (27.99 Mb). Furthermore, we categorized all SSR motifs into three major classes based on their tract lengths. Across the eight chromosomes, the class III had maximum number of SSR motifs (301,684, 82.59%), followed by the class II (31,056, 8.50%) and the class I (5,003, 1.37%). Examination of the distribution of SSR motif types within a chromosome suggested the abundance of hexanucleotide repeats in each chromosome followed by dinucleotides, and these results are consistent with ‘Tunisia’ genome features as a whole. Concerning major repeat types, AT/AG was the most frequent (14.16%), followed by AAAAAT/AAAAAG (7.89%), A/C (7.54%), AAT/AAG (5.23%), AAAT/AAAG (4.37%), and AAAAT/AAAAG (1.2%) types. We designed and validated a total of 3,839 class I SSRs in the ‘Tunisia’ genome through electronic polymerase chain reaction (ePCR) and found 1,165 (30.34%) SSRs producing a single amplicon. Then, we selected 906 highly variable SSRs (> 40 nt) from the ePCR-verified class I SSRs and in silico validated across multiple draft genomes of pomegranate, which provided us a subset of 265 highly polymorphic SSRs. Of these, 235 primers were validated on six pomegranate genotypes through wet-lab experiment. We found 221 (94%) polymorphic SSRs on six genotypes, and 187 of these SSRs had ≥ 0.5 PIC values. The utility of the developed SSRs was demonstrated by analyzing genetic diversity of 30 pomegranate genotypes using 16 HvSSRs spanning eight pomegranate chromosomes. In summary, we developed a comprehensive set of highly polymorphic genome-wide SSRs. These chromosome-specific SSRs will serve as a powerful genomic tool to leverage future genetic studies, germplasm management, and genomics-assisted breeding in pomegranate

    Transcription factors and plants response to drought stress: Current understanding and future directions

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    Increasing vulnerability of plants to a variety of stresses such as drought, salt and extreme temperatures poses a global threat to sustained growth and productivity of major crops. Of these stresses, drought represents a considerable threat to plant growth and development. In view of this, developing staple food cultivars with improved drought tolerance emerges as the most sustainable solution toward improving crop productivity in a scenario of climate change. In parallel, unraveling the genetic architecture and the targeted identification of molecular networks using modern “OMICS” analyses, that can underpin drought tolerance mechanisms, is urgently required. Importantly, integrated studies intending to elucidate complex mechanisms can bridge the gap existing in our current knowledge about drought stress tolerance in plants. It is now well established that drought tolerance is regulated by several genes, including transcription factors (TFs) that enable plants to withstand unfavorable conditions, and these remain potential genomic candidates for their wide application in crop breeding. These TFs represent the key molecular switches orchestrating the regulation of plant developmental processes in response to a variety of stresses. The current review aims to offer a deeper understanding of TFs engaged in regulating plant’s response under drought stress and to devise potential strategies to improve plant tolerance against drought

    Genomic interventions for sustainable agriculture

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    Agricultural production faces a Herculean challenge to feed the increasing global population. Food production systems need to deliver more with finite land and water resources while exerting the least negative influence on the ecosystem. The unpredictability of climate change and consequent changes in pests/pathogens dynamics aggravate the enormity of the challenge. Crop improvement has made significant contributions towards food security, and breeding climate-smart cultivars are considered the most sustainable way to accelerate food production. However, a fundamental change is needed in the conventional breeding framework in order to respond adequately to the growing food demands. Progress in genomics has provided new concepts and tools that hold promise to make plant breeding procedures more precise and efficient. For instance, reference genome assemblies in combination with germplasm sequencing delineate breeding targets that could contribute to securing future food supply. In this review, we highlight key breakthroughs in plant genome sequencing and explain how the presence of these genome resources in combination with gene editing techniques has revolutionized the procedures of trait discovery and manipulation. Adoption of new approaches such as speed breeding, genomic selection and haplotype-based breeding could overcome several limitations of conventional breeding. We advocate that strengthening varietal release and seed distribution systems will play a more determining role in delivering genetic gains at farmer’s field. A holistic approach outlined here would be crucial to deliver steady stream of climate-smart crop cultivars for sustainable agriculture

    Interior Weyl-type Solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell Field Equations

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    Static solutions of the electro-gravitational field equations exhibiting a functional relationship between the electric and gravitational potentials are studied. General results for these metrics are presented which extend previous work of Majumdar. In particular, it is shown that for any solution of the field equations exhibiting such a Weyl-type relationship, there exists a relationship between the matter density, the electric field density and the charge density. It is also found that the Majumdar condition can hold for a bounded perfect fluid only if the matter pressure vanishes (that is, charged dust). By restricting to spherically symmetric distributions of charged matter, a number of exact solutions are presented in closed form which generalise the Schwarzschild interior solution. Some of these solutions exhibit functional relations between the electric and gravitational potentials different to the quadratic one of Weyl. All the non-dust solutions are well-behaved and, by matching them to the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m solution, all of the constants of integration are identified in terms of the total mass, total charge and radius of the source. This is done in detail for a number of specific examples. These are also shown to satisfy the weak and strong energy conditions and many other regularity and energy conditions that may be required of any physically reasonable matter distribution.Comment: 21 pages, RevTex, to appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Deployment of genetic and genomic tools toward gaining a better understanding of Rice-Xanthomonasoryzae pv. oryzae interactions for development of durable bacterial blight resistant rice

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    Rice is the most important food crop worldwide and sustainable rice production is important for ensuring global food security. Biotic stresses limit rice production significantly and among them, bacterial blight (BB) disease caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is very important. BB reduces rice yields severely in the highly productive irrigated and rainfed lowland ecosystems and in recent years; the disease is spreading fast to other rice growing ecosystems as well. Being a vascular pathogen, Xoo interferes with a range of physiological and biochemical exchange processes in rice. The response of rice to Xoo involves specific interactions between resistance (R) genes of rice and avirulence (Avr) genes of Xoo, covering most of the resistance genes except the recessive ones. The genetic basis of resistance to BB in rice has been studied intensively, and at least 44 genes conferring resistance to BB have been identified, and many resistant rice cultivars and hybrids have been developed and released worldwide. However, the existence and emergence of new virulent isolates of Xoo in the realm of a rapidly changing climate necessitates identification of novel broad-spectrum resistance genes and intensification of gene-deployment strategies. This review discusses about the origin and occurrence of BB in rice, interactions between Xoo and rice, the important roles of resistance genes in plant’s defense response, the contribution of rice resistance genes toward development of disease resistance varieties, identification and characterization of novel, and broad-spectrum BB resistance genes from wild species of Oryza and also presents a perspective on potential strategies to achieve the goal of sustainable disease management