131 research outputs found

    Nutrient-Enhanced Decomposition Of Plant Biomass In A Freshwater Wetland

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    We studied soil decomposition in a Panicum hemitomon (Schultes)-dominated freshwater marsh located in southeastern Louisiana that was unambiguously changed by secondarily-treated municipal wastewater effluent. We used four approaches to evaluate how belowground biomass decomposition rates vary under different nutrient regimes in this marsh. The results of laboratory experiments demonstrated how nutrient enrichment enhanced the loss of soil or plant organic matter by 50%, and increased gas production. An experiment demonstrated that nitrogen, not phosphorus, limited decomposition. Cellulose decomposition at the field site was higher in the flowfield of the introduced secondarily treated sewage water, and the quality of the substrate (% N or % P) was directly related to the decomposition rates. We therefore rejected the null hypothesis that nutrient enrichment had no effect on the decomposition rates of these organic soils. In response to nutrient enrichment, plants respond through biomechanical or structural adaptations that alter the labile characteristics of plant tissue. These adaptations eventually change litter type and quality (where the marsh survives) as the % N content of plant tissue rises and is followed by even higher decomposition rates of the litter produced, creating a positive feedback loop. Marsh fragmentation will increase as a result. The assumptions and conditions underlying the use of unconstrained wastewater flow within natural wetlands, rather than controlled treatment within the confines of constructed wetlands, are revealed in the loss of previously sequestered carbon, habitat, public use, and other societal benefits. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.orgflicenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Soil Shear Strength Losses In Two Fresh Marshes With Variable Increases In N And P Loading

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    We measured soil shear strength (SSS) from 2009 to 2018 in two hydrologically distinct freshwater marshes dominated by Panicum hemitomon after nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) were applied to the surface in spring. The SSS averaged over 100-cm depth in the floating and anchored marshes declined up to 30% throughout the profiles and with no apparent differences in the effects of the low, medium, and high N + P dosing. Plots with only N or P additions exhibited significant changes in SSS at individual depths below 40 cm for the anchored marsh, but not the floating marsh. The average SSS for the anchored marsh over the entire 100 cm profile declined when N and P were added separately or together. At the floating marsh, however, the SSS decreased when N and P were added in combination, or P alone, but not for the N addition. Increasing nutrient availability to these freshwater marsh soils makes them weaker, and perhaps lost if eroded or uplifted by buoyant forces during storms. These results are consistent with results from multi-year experiments demonstrating higher decomposition rates, greenhouse gas emissions, and carbon losses in wetlands following increased nutrient availability

    The Belowground Intersection Of Nutrients And Buoyancy In A Freshwater Marsh

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    ! An oligotrophic coastal freshwater marsh converted to open water within months after receiving partially-treated sewage water in fall 2006. Rafts of the upper 60 cm of marsh soil were found throughout the area within two years, as parts of the 1100 year-old marsh were re-distributed in the open water. We examined the marsh soils from 2009 to 2012 to determine some of the cause-and-effect consequences of their decomposition to the formation of these floating mats. There was a lack of herbivory damage in April 2009 where the outer boundary of the soil profile was weakened at 50-60 cm depth, and eventually converted to open water. A 2012 storm event flooded the area by 1.5 m, resulting in new marsh mat \u27pop-ups\u27 whose bottom underside was coincidental with the layer of maximum decline in soil strength in the sewage treated area. We conclude that the addition of partially-treated sewage weakened the soil structure during this high water event and others to allow for the vertical separation of the marsh as the buoyancy forces exceeded the marsh\u27s anchor strength, thereby exposing the softer older peats to decomposition, and smothering marsh underneath the mat\u27s new location. A chronic effect of eutrophication on these marshes was, therefore, revealed in a dramatic flooding event. A bottom up (nutrient addition), not top-down stress (herbivory) contributed to wetland loss in the area, and is a potentially significant chronic stressor for other eutrophied marshes with significant aboveground flooding

    Diversifikationsstrategien für das Management der Kraut-und Knollenfäule der Kartoffel

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    Fazit: Die bisherigen Ergebnisse deuten auf eine extreme Sortenabhängigkeit in den epidemiologischen Effekten von Diversifikationsstrategien hin. Außerdem spielt die Variabilität des Befallsdruckes selbst innerhalb eines Feldes eine kritische Rolle. Für die Auswertung von Daten muß deshalb die räumliche Verteilung des Befalles viel stärker mit entsprechenden statistischen Modellen in Betracht gezogen werden. Die Ergebnisse aus den Streifenexperimenten sind analog den Ergebnissen aus den Sortenmischungen und deuten darauf hin, daß Kartoffeln extrem empfindlich auf Konkurrenz sowohl verschiedener Sorten als auch Arten reagieren. Um Diversifikationsstrategien sinnvoll einsetzen zu können, sollten als erstes die Reaktionen von Sorten auf andere Sorten und Arten quantifiziert werden, um geeignete Sorten zu identifizieren. Es könnte auch ein Zuchtziel für die ökologische Landwirtschaft werden, die Konkurrenzfähigkeit mehr in den Vordergrund zu stellen. Dies wäre auch in Bezug auf Unkrautunterdrückung unter Umständen von Interesse. Um ein Streifenexperiment sinnvoll auszuwerten, muß der Ertrag und Befall der Außen- und Innenreihen von Parzellen getrennt erfaßt werden. Für die Beurteilung des Gesamtergebnisses kann dann nicht einfach auf Hektarerträge hochgerechnet werden sondern es muß das Gesamtsystem in Betracht gezogen werden. Insgesamt können Diversifikationsstrategien den Krankheitsdruck reduzieren. Dies belegen auch Beobachtungen aus China, wo der Streifenanbau von Kartoffeln und Mais zu bis zu 40% Reduktion im Befall mit P. infestans und damit zu einer Reduktion im Fungizideinsatz geführt hat (Z. Youyong, 2002, pers. Mitteilung)

    Epidemiology of Malaria in an Area Prepared for Clinical Trials in Korogwe, North-eastern Tanzania.

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    Site preparation is a pre-requesite in conducting malaria vaccines trials. This study was conducted in 12 villages to determine malariometric indices and associated risk factors, during long and short rainy seasons, in an area with varying malaria transmission intensities in Korogwe district, Tanzania. Four villages had passive case detection (PCD) of fever system using village health workers. Four malariometric cross-sectional surveys were conducted between November 2005 and May 2007 among individuals aged 0-19 years, living in lowland urban, lowland rural and highland strata. A total of 10,766 blood samples were collected for malaria parasite diagnosis and anaemia estimation. Blood smears were stained with Giemsa while haemoglobin level was measured by HaemoCue. Socio-economic data were collected between Jan-Apr 2006. Adjusting for the effect of age, the risk of Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia was significantly lower in both lowland urban, (OR = 0.26; 95%CI: 0.23-0.29, p < 0.001) and highlands, (OR = 0.21; 95%CI: 0.17-0.25, p < 0.001) compared to lowland rural. Individuals aged 6-9 years in the lowland rural and 4-19 years in both lowland urban and highlands had the highest parasite prevalence, whilst children below five years in all strata had the highest parasite density. Prevalence of splenomegaly and gametocyte were also lower in both lowland urban and highlands than in lowland rural. Anaemia (Hb <11 g/dl) prevalence was lowest in the lowland urban. Availability of PCD and higher socio-economic status (SES) were associated with reduced malaria and anaemia prevalence. Higher SES and use of bed nets in the lowland urban could be the important factors for low malaria infections in this stratum. Results obtained here were used together with those from PCD and DSS in selecting a village for Phase 1b MSP3 vaccine trial, which was conducted in the study area in year 2008

    Cooling rate effects on the structure of 45S5 bioglass: Insights from experiments and simulations

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    Due to its ability to bond with living tissues upon dissolution, 45S5 bioglass and related compositions materials are extensively used for the replacement, regeneration, and repair of hard tissues in the human body. However, the details of its atomic structure remain debated. This is partially due to the non-equilibrium nature of glasses, as their non-crystalline structure is highly dependent on their thermal history, namely, the cooling rate used during quenching. Herein, combining molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with cooling rates ranging over several orders of magnitude and experimental studies using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), we investigate the structure of the nominal 45S5 bioglass composition. These results suggest that the MD simulation results when extrapolated to experimental cooling rates can provide a reasonable estimate of the structure of 45S5 bioglass. Finally, based on these results, we suggest the propensity of the phosphate group to form isolated orthophosphate species. Overall, these results reconcile the simulation and experimental results on the structure of 45S5 bioglass, and particularly on the speciation of the phosphate group, which may be key in controlling the bioactivity of 45S5 bioglass

    Carbon Nanotubes by a CVD Method. Part II: Formation of Nanotubes from (Mg, Fe)O Catalysts

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    The aim of this paper is to study the formation of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) from different Fe/MgO oxide powders that were prepared by combustion synthesis and characterized in detail in a companion paper. Depending on the synthesis conditions, several iron species are present in the starting oxides including Fe2+ ions, octahedral Fe3+ ions, Fe3+ clusters, and MgFe2O4-like nanoparticles. Upon reduction during heating at 5 °C/min up to 1000 °C in H2/CH4 of the oxide powders, the octahedral Fe3+ ions tend to form Fe2+ ions, which are not likely to be reduced to metallic iron whereas the MgFe2O4-like particles are directly reduced to metallic iron. The reduced phases are R-Fe, Fe3C, and ç-Fe-C. Fe3C appears as the postreaction phase involved in the formation of carbon filaments (CNTs and thick carbon nanofibers). Thick carbon nanofibers are formed from catalyst particles originating from poorly dispersed species (Fe3+ clusters and MgFe2O4-like particles). The nanofiber outer diameter is determined by the particle size. The reduction of the iron ions and clusters that are well dispersed in the MgO lattice leads to small catalytic particles (<5 nm), which tend to form SWNTS and DWNTs with an inner diameter close to 2 nm. Well-dispersed MgFe2O4-like particles can also be reduced to small metal particles with a narrow size distribution, producing SWNTs and DWNTs. The present results will help in tailoring oxide precursors for the controlled formation of CNTs

    High-throughput screening of tick-borne pathogens in Europe

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    Due to increased travel, climatic, and environmental changes, the incidence of tick-borne disease in both humans and animals is increasing throughout Europe. Therefore, extended surveillance tools are desirable. To accurately screen tick-borne pathogens (TBPs), a large scale epidemiological study was conducted on 7050 Ixodes ricinus nymphs collected from France, Denmark, and the Netherlands using a powerful new high-throughput approach. This advanced methodology permitted the simultaneous detection of 25 bacterial, and 12 parasitic species (including; Borrelia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Rickettsia, Bartonella, Candidatus Neoehrlichia, Coxiella, Francisella, Babesia, and Theileria genus) across 94 samples. We successfully determined the prevalence of expected (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Rickettsia helvetica, Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis, Babesia divergens, Babesia venatorum), unexpected (Borrelia miyamotoi), and rare (Bartonella henselae) pathogens in the three European countries. Moreover we detected Borrelia spielmanii, Borrelia miyamotoi, Babesia divergens, and Babesia venatorum for the first time in Danish ticks. This surveillance method represents a major improvement in epidemiological studies, able to facilitate comprehensive testing of TBPs, and which can also be customized to monitor emerging diseases
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