443 research outputs found

    A superconducting quenchgun for delivering lunar derived oxygen to lunar orbit

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    The development of a parametric model for a superconducting quenchgun for launching lunar derived liquid oxygen to lunar orbit is detailed. An overview is presented of the quenchgun geometry and operating principles, a definition of the required support systems, and the methods used to size the quenchgun launcher and support systems. An analysis assessing the impact of a lunar quenchgun on the OEXP Lunar Evolution Case Study is included

    A trajectory generation and system characterization model for cislunar low-thrust spacecraft. Volume 2: Technical manual

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    The documentation of the Trajectory Generation and System Characterization Model for the Cislunar Low-Thrust Spacecraft is presented in Technical and User's Manuals. The system characteristics and trajectories of low thrust nuclear electric propulsion spacecraft can be generated through the use of multiple system technology models coupled with a high fidelity trajectory generation routine. The Earth to Moon trajectories utilize near Earth orbital plane alignment, midcourse control dependent upon the spacecraft's Jacobian constant, and capture to target orbit utilizing velocity matching algorithms. The trajectory generation is performed in a perturbed two-body equinoctial formulation and the restricted three-body formulation. A single control is determined by the user for the interactive midcourse portion of the trajectory. The full spacecraft system characteristics and trajectory are provided as output

    Ab initio parametrised model of strain-dependent solubility of H in alpha-iron

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    The calculated effects of interstitial hydrogen on the elastic properties of alpha-iron from our earlier work are used to describe the H interactions with homogeneous strain fields using ab initio methods. In particular we calculate the H solublility in Fe subject to hydrostatic, uniaxial, and shear strain. For comparison, these interactions are parametrised successfully using a simple model with parameters entirely derived from ab initio methods. The results are used to predict the solubility of H in spatially-varying elastic strain fields, representative of realistic dislocations outside their core. We find a strong directional dependence of the H-dislocation interaction, leading to strong attraction of H by the axial strain components of edge dislocations and by screw dislocations oriented along the critical slip direction. We further find a H concentration enhancement around dislocation cores, consistent with experimental observations.Comment: part 2/2 from splitting of 1009.3784 (first part was 1102.0187), minor changes from previous version

    Rendimento e composição química do óleo essencial de Calyptranthes sp. (Myrtaceae).

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    A AmazĂŽnia Ă© a regiĂŁo com a maior biodiversidade vegetal do planeta. A ocorrĂȘncia, na AmazĂŽnia, de espĂ©cies aromĂĄticas contendo substĂąncias de valor medicinal e comercial normalmente encontradas no Ăłleo essencial de espĂ©cies exĂłticas cultivadas, requer a caracterização quĂ­mica. Algumas destas espĂ©cies, ainda selvagens, como Calyptranthes sp. (Myrtaceae), apresentam potencial de cultivo para a obtenção destas substĂąncias. Calyptranthes sp., conhecida como laranjarana, limorana, Ă© um arbusto de ocorrĂȘncia em ĂĄrea de igapĂł na AmazĂŽnia e atualmente sem valor comercial. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar o rendimento e a composição quĂ­mica do Ăłleo essencial desta espĂ©cie. Folhas frescas foram coletadas no municĂ­pio de Coari - AM e enviadas para Manaus - AM.TambĂ©m em: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ÓLEOS ESSENCIAIS, 4., 2007, Fortaleza. Anais... Fortaleza: Padetec, 2007. p. 21

    Regge Calculus in Teleparallel Gravity

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    In the context of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, the Weitzenbock manifold is considered as the limit of a suitable sequence of discrete lattices composed of an increasing number of smaller an smaller simplices, where the interior of each simplex (Delaunay lattice) is assumed to be flat. The link lengths between any pair of vertices serve as independent variables, so that torsion turns out to be localized in the two dimensional hypersurfaces (dislocation triangle, or hinge) of the lattice. Assuming that a vector undergoes a dislocation in relation to its initial position as it is parallel transported along the perimeter of the dual lattice (Voronoi polygon), we obtain the discrete analogue of the teleparallel action, as well as the corresponding simplicial vacuum field equations.Comment: Latex, 10 pages, 2 eps figures, to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Gauge theory of disclinations on fluctuating elastic surfaces

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    A variant of a gauge theory is formulated to describe disclinations on Riemannian surfaces that may change both the Gaussian (intrinsic) and mean (extrinsic) curvatures, which implies that both internal strains and a location of the surface in R^3 may vary. Besides, originally distributed disclinations are taken into account. For the flat surface, an extended variant of the Edelen-Kadic gauge theory is obtained. Within the linear scheme our model recovers the von Karman equations for membranes, with a disclination-induced source being generated by gauge fields. For a single disclination on an arbitrary elastic surface a covariant generalization of the von Karman equations is derived.Comment: 13 page

    Torsion Degrees of Freedom in the Regge Calculus as Dislocations on the Simplicial Lattice

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    Using the notion of a general conical defect, the Regge Calculus is generalized by allowing for dislocations on the simplicial lattice in addition to the usual disclinations. Since disclinations and dislocations correspond to curvature and torsion singularities, respectively, the method we propose provides a natural way of discretizing gravitational theories with torsion degrees of freedom like the Einstein-Cartan theory. A discrete version of the Einstein-Cartan action is given and field equations are derived, demanding stationarity of the action with respect to the discrete variables of the theory

    Nonholonomic Mapping Principle for Classical Mechanics in Spaces with Curvature and Torsion. New Covariant Conservation Law for Energy-Momentum Tensor

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    The lecture explains the geometric basis for the recently-discovered nonholonomic mapping principle which specifies certain laws of nature in spacetimes with curvature and torsion from those in flat spacetime, thus replacing and extending Einstein's equivalence principle. An important consequence is a new action principle for determining the equation of motion of a free spinless point particle in such spacetimes. Surprisingly, this equation contains a torsion force, although the action involves only the metric. This force changes geodesic into autoparallel trajectories, which are a direct manifestation of inertia. The geometric origin of the torsion force is a closure failure of parallelograms. The torsion force changes the covariant conservation law of the energy-momentum tensor whose new form is derived.Comment: Corrected typos. Author Information under http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/institution.html . Paper also at http://www.physik.fu-berlin.de/~kleinert/kleiner_re261/preprint.htm

    Gravitational Geometric Phase in the Presence of Torsion

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    We investigate the relativistic and non-relativistic quantum dynamics of a neutral spin-1/2 particle submitted an external electromagnetic field in the presence of a cosmic dislocation. We analyze the explicit contribution of the torsion in the geometric phase acquired in the dynamic of this neutral spinorial particle. We discuss the influence of the torsion in the relativistic geometric phase. Using the Foldy-Wouthuysen approximation, the non-relativistic quantum dynamics are studied and the influence of the torsion in the Aharonov-Casher and He-McKellar-Wilkens effects are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, no figur
