32 research outputs found

    The gaseous mediator, hydrogen sulphide, inhibits in vitro motor patterns in the human, rat and mouse colon and jejunum

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    Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) has been recently proposed as a transmitter in the brain and peripheral tissues. Its role in the gastrointestinal tract is still unknown despite some data which suggest an involvement mediating smooth muscle relaxation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of this gas on intestinal segments from mouse jejunum and colon, and muscular strips from the human and rat colon. In isolated segments of mouse colon and jejunum, bath applied sodium hydrogen sulphide (NaHS) (a H2S donor) caused a concentration-dependent inhibition of spontaneous motor complexes (MCs) (IC50 121 μmol L-1 in the colon and 150 μmol L-1 in the jejunum). This inhibitory effect of NaHS on MCs was (i) unaffected by tetrodotoxin (TTX), capsaicin, pyridoxal-phosphate- 6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonate and N-nitro-l-arginine suggesting a non-neural effect and (ii) significantly reduced by apamin 3 μmol L -1. NaHS concentration-dependently inhibited the spontaneous motility in strips from human colon (IC50 261 μmol L-1) and rat colon (IC50 31 μmol L-1). The inhibitory effect of NaHS on colonic strips was (i) unaffected by the neural blocker TTX (1 μmol L-1) with IC50 183 μmol L-1 for the human colon and of 26 μmol L-1 for the rat colon and (ii) significantly reduced by glybenclamide (10 μmol L-1), apamin (3 μmol L -1) and TEA (10 mmol L-1) with IC50 values of 2464, 1307 and 2421 μmol L-1 for human strips, and 80, 167 and 674 μmol L-1 for rat strips respectively. We conclude that H 2S strongly inhibits in vitro intestinal and colonic motor patterns. This effect appears to be critically dependent on K channels particularly apamin-sensitive SK channels and glybenclamide-sensitive K (ATP) channels. © 2008 The Authors

    Painful and painless mutations of SCN9A and SCN11A voltage-gated sodium channels

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    Chronic pain is a global problem affecting up to 20% of the world’s population and has a significant economic, social and personal cost to society. Sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) detect noxious stimuli and transmit this sensory information to regions of the central nervous system (CNS) where activity is perceived as pain. DRG neurons express multiple voltage-gated sodium channels that underlie their excitability. Research over the last 20 years has provided valuable insights into the critical roles that two channels, NaV1.7 and NaV1.9, play in pain signalling in man. Gain of function mutations in NaV1.7 cause painful conditions while loss of function mutations cause complete insensitivity to pain. Only gain of function mutations have been reported for NaV1.9. However, while most NaV1.9 mutations lead to painful conditions, a few are reported to cause insensitivity to pain. The critical roles these channels play in pain along with their low expression in the CNS and heart muscle suggest they are valid targets for novel analgesic drugs

    Extrinsic primary afferent signalling in the gut

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    Visceral sensory neurons activate reflex pathways that control gut function and also give rise to important sensations, such as fullness, bloating, nausea, discomfort, urgency and pain. Sensory neurons are organised into three distinct anatomical pathways to the central nervous system (vagal, thoracolumbar and lumbosacral). Although remarkable progress has been made in characterizing the roles of many ion channels, receptors and second messengers in visceral sensory neurons, the basic aim of understanding how many classes there are, and how they differ, has proven difficult to achieve. We suggest that just five structurally distinct types of sensory endings are present in the gut wall that account for essentially all of the primary afferent neurons in the three pathways. Each of these five major structural types of endings seems to show distinctive combinations of physiological responses. These types are: 'intraganglionic laminar' endings in myenteric ganglia; 'mucosal' endings located in the subepithelial layer; 'muscular–mucosal' afferents, with mechanosensitive endings close to the muscularis mucosae; 'intramuscular' endings, with endings within the smooth muscle layers; and 'vascular' afferents, with sensitive endings primarily on blood vessels. 'Silent' afferents might be a subset of inexcitable 'vascular' afferents, which can be switched on by inflammatory mediators. Extrinsic sensory neurons comprise an attractive focus for targeted therapeutic intervention in a range of gastrointestinal disorders.Australian National Health and Medical Research Counci

    Strength properties of floor finish films

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    The Role of Hair Care Products

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