85 research outputs found

    KEBIJAKAN PENYELESAIAN KONFLIK SENGKETA HAK ATAS TANAH BERBASIS NILAI KEADILAN SOSIAL (Studi Tentang Pencekalan Sertipikat oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat Terhadap Tanah Warga Ampera di Kota Cirebon)

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    Pokok gagasan dalam sistem pendaftaran adalah mencatat hak-hak atas tanah, kemudian mengembalikan bukti kepemilikan atas pemberian hak atas tanahnya. Prinsip pendaftaran tanah harus mencerminkan suatu ketelitian mengenai kepemilikan dari tanah dan hak-hak pihak ketiga yang mempengaruhinya. Prinsip jaminan pendaftaran tanah adalah status hak memberikan jaminan dari ketelitian suatu daftar. Pengakuan kepemilikan tanah dikonkretkan dengan adanya sertipikat tanah. Sertipikat hak hak atas tanah berlaku sebagai alat bukti yang kuat sebagaimana ditegaskan dalam Pasal 19 ayat (2) huruf c Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria (UUPA) dan Pasal 32 ayat (1) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah Tahun 1993 Badan Pertanahan (BPN) Kota Cirebon menerbitkan 117 sertipikat hak milik atas tanah yang terletak di di Jalan Ampera Blok Gunungsari Kelurahan Pekiringan Kecamatan Kesambi Kota Cirebon, dengan luas sekitar 6,3 hektare. Penerbitan sertipikat didasarkan atas surat keterangan Kepala Kelurahan Pekiringan No. 04/PHAT/PKR/IX/93, No 05/PHAT/PKR/IX/93, No. 05/PHAT/PKR/IX/93, tanggal 17 September 1993. Tahun 2002 Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat (Pemprov Jabar) mempertanyakan mengenai keabsahan dari sertipikat-sertipikat tanah yang diterbitkan oleh BPN Kota Cirebon pasalnya tanah yang saat ini dimiliki pribadi oleh warga merupakan tanah negara yang telah menjadi aset Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan Socio Legal. Penelitian menggunakan kaedah hukum yaitu peraturan-peraturan tertulis yang terkait dengan Pendaftaran Tanah dan Kewenangan Pemerintah direalisasikan pada penelitian terhadap hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan penerbitan sertipikat tanah aset milik Pemerintah Provinsi. Hasil penelitian mengenai pencekalan sertipikat oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat yaitu dengan memberikan alternatif penyelesaian yang dapat menimbulkan keadilan bagi pihak-pihak yang terlibat, masyarakat pada khususnya. Model penyelesaian yang dapat dilakukan yaitu model penyelesaian secara normatif, sosial dan progresif. Penyelesaian mengenai kasus pencekalan tanah milik warga Ampera ini seharusnya dapat segera dilakukan karena apabila semakin berlarut maka dapat lebih menimbulkan kerugian bagi pihak warga Ampera

    Assessing the regional impact of Indonesian biomass burning emissions based on organic molecular tracers and chemical mass balance modeling

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    Biomass burning activities commonly occur in Southeast Asia (SEA), and are particularly intense in Indonesia during the dry seasons. The effect of biomass smoke emissions on air quality in the city state of Singapore was investigated during a haze episode in October 2006. Substantially increased levels of airborne particulate matter (PM) and associated chemical species were observed during the haze period. Specifically, the enhancement in the concentration of molecular tracers for biomass combustion such as levoglucosan by as much as two orders of magnitude and the diagnostic ratios of individual organic compounds indicated that biomass burning emissions caused a regional smoke haze episode due to their long-range transport by prevailing winds. With the aid of air mass backward trajectories and chemical mass balance modeling, large-scale forest and peat fires in Sumatra and Kalimantan were identified as the sources of the smoke aerosol, exerting a significant impact on air quality in downwind areas, such as Singapore

    Substantial Seasonal Contribution of Observed Biogenic Sulfate Particles to Cloud Condensation Nuclei

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    Biogenic sources contribute to cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in the clean marine atmosphere, but few measurements exist to constrain climate model simulations of their importance. The chemical composition of individual atmospheric aerosol particles showed two types of sulfate-containing particles in clean marine air masses in addition to mass-based Estimated Salt particles. Both types of sulfate particles lack combustion tracers and correlate, for some conditions, to atmospheric or seawater dimethyl sulfide (DMS) concentrations, which means their source was largely biogenic. The first type is identified as New Sulfate because their large sulfate mass fraction (63% sulfate) and association with entrainment conditions means they could have formed by nucleation in the free troposphere. The second type is Added Sulfate particles (38% sulfate), because they are preexisting particles onto which additional sulfate condensed. New Sulfate particles accounted for 31% (7 cm−3) and 33% (36 cm−3) CCN at 0.1% supersaturation in late-autumn and late-spring, respectively, whereas sea spray provided 55% (13 cm−3) in late-autumn but only 4% (4 cm−3) in late-spring. Our results show a clear seasonal difference in the marine CCN budget, which illustrates how important phytoplankton-produced DMS emissions are for CCN in the North Atlantic

    Preclinical Assessment of the Treatment of Second-Stage African Trypanosomiasis with Cordycepin and Deoxycoformycin

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    There is an urgent need to substitute the highly toxic arsenic compounds still in use for treatment of the encephalitic stage of African trypanosomiasis, a disease caused by infection with Trypanosoma brucei. We exploited the inability of trypanosomes to engage in de novo purine synthesis as a therapeutic target. Cordycepin was selected from a trypanocidal screen of a 2200-compound library. When administered together with the adenosine deaminase inhibitor deoxycoformycin, cordycepin cured mice inoculated with the human pathogenic subspecies T. brucei rhodesiense or T. brucei gambiense even after parasites had penetrated into the brain. Successful treatment was achieved by intraperitoneal, oral or subcutaneous administration of the compounds. Treatment with the doublet also diminished infection-induced cerebral inflammation. Cordycepin induced programmed cell death of the parasites. Although parasites grown in vitro with low doses of cordycepin gradually developed resistance, the resistant parasites lost virulence and showed no cross-resistance to trypanocidal drugs in clinical use. Our data strongly support testing cordycepin and deoxycoformycin as an alternative for treatment of second-stage and/or melarsoprol-resistant HAT

    Effect of Operating and Sampling Conditions on the Exhaust Gas Composition of Small-Scale Power Generators

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    Small stationary diesel engines, like in generator sets, have limited emission control measures and are therefore responsible for 44% of the particulate matter (PM) emissions in the United States. The diesel exhaust composition depends on operating conditions of the combustion engine. Furthermore, the measurements are influenced by the used sampling method. This study examines the effect of engine loading and exhaust gas dilution on the composition of small-scale power generators. These generators are used in different operating conditions than road-transport vehicles, resulting in different emission characteristics. Experimental data were obtained for gaseous volatile organic compounds (VOC) and PM mass concentration, elemental composition and nitrate content. The exhaust composition depends on load condition because of its effect on fuel consumption, engine wear and combustion temperature. Higher load conditions result in lower PM concentration and sharper edged particles with larger aerodynamic diameters. A positive correlation with load condition was found for K, Ca, Sr, Mn, Cu, Zn and Pb adsorbed on PM, elements that originate from lubricating oil or engine corrosion. The nitrate concentration decreases at higher load conditions, due to enhanced nitrate dissociation to gaseous NO at higher engine temperatures. Dilution on the other hand decreases PM and nitrate concentration and increases gaseous VOC and adsorbed metal content. In conclusion, these data show that operating and sampling conditions have a major effect on the exhaust gas composition of small-scale diesel generators. Therefore, care must be taken when designing new experiments or comparing literature results