559 research outputs found

    Adapting to the digital age: a narrative approach

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    The article adopts a narrative inquiry approach to foreground informal learning and exposes a collection of stories from tutors about how they adapted comfortably to the digital age. We were concerned that despite substantial evidence that bringing about changes in pedagogic practices can be difficult, there is a gap in convincing approaches to help in this respect. In this context, this project takes a “bottom-up” approach and synthesises several life-stories into a single persuasive narrative to support the process of adapting to digital change. The project foregrounds the small, every-day motivating moments, cultural features and environmental factors in people's diverse lives which may have contributed to their positive dispositions towards change in relation to technology enhanced learning. We expect that such narrative approaches could serve to support colleagues in other institutions to warm up to ever-changing technological advances

    Democratic cultural policy : democratic forms and policy consequences

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    The forms that are adopted to give practical meaning to democracy are assessed to identify what their implications are for the production of public policies in general and cultural policies in particular. A comparison of direct, representative, democratic elitist and deliberative versions of democracy identifies clear differences between them in terms of policy form and democratic practice. Further elaboration of these differences and their consequences are identified as areas for further research

    Researching trust in the police and trust in justice: a UK perspective

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    This paper describes the immediate and more distant origins of a programme of comparative research that is examining cross-national variations in public trust in justice and in the police. The programme is built around a module of the fifth European Social Survey, and evolved from a study funded by the European Commission. The paper describes the conceptual framework within which we are operating – developed in large measure from theories of procedural justice. It reviews some of the methodological issues raised by the use of sample surveys to research issues of public trust in the police, public perceptions of institutional legitimacy and compliance with the law. Finally it gives a flavour of some of the early findings emerging from the programme

    Characterization of DNA Sequences that Confer Complement Resistance in \u3ci\u3eLeishmania chagasi\u3c/i\u3e

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    Serial passage of axenically cultured Leishmania chagasi promastigotes results in a progressive diminution in resistance to complement-mediated lysis (CML), whereas high CML resistance is seen in infectious metacyclic promastigotes from the sandfly vector as well as metacyclic-like promastigotes within low-passage cultures at stationary growth phase. As we previously reported, in a screen seeking to identify novel genes involved in CML resistance: (1) a genomic cosmid library derived from DNA of CML-resistant L. chagasi promastigotes was transfected into highpassage (constitutively CML-sensitive) L. chagasi promastigotes; (2) transformants were screened for acquisition of CML-resistance; (3) multiple cosmid-transfectants exhibited partial CML resistance; and (4) the sequence for one of the cosmids (Cosmid 51) was determined. This report extends the analysis of Cosmid 51, and identifies by deletion analysis a subregion of the cosmid insert that is critical to the CML-resistance phenotype of Cosmid 51 transformants. We also report the sequence determination and initial CML-resistance activity of another cosmid that also confers partial resistance to CML
