124 research outputs found

    Informal credit intermediation and monetary policy in DSGE model

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    This study expanded the hitherto DSGE model with bank intermediation to include informal credit intermediation. The modeling strategy assumed that both formal and informal banks operate in a common credit market performing the same activities, thus existing parallel to each other. Formal banks participate in the wholesale credit market whiles informal banks do not. The purpose of this modeling approach is to investigate the effect of the parallel activities of these banks on monetary transmission mechanism. The study found that the presences of informal intermediation affect how interest rate react to monetary policy shocks. The effect however, depends on the relationship between formal and informal bank in the intermediation process. The study established that interest rates become very responsive to monetary policy if formal banks serves as lender of last resort to informal banks in the credit creation process. The contrast happens if informal banks are independent of formal banks in the credit creation process

    Monetary Policy in a Markov-Switching Vecm : Implications for the Cost of Disinflation in Ghana

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    Monetary policy assessment in Ghana has been conducted using vector auto-regression. This however, presumes stability of long run outcomes and particularly ignores monetary policy regime changes that has characterized the economy overtime. This study thus introduced the possibility of switches in the long run equilibrium in co-integrated vector auto-regression by allowing both the covariance and weighting matrix in the error-correction term to switch. The study did not find any significant difference in monetary response in the different states. However, significant difference was obtained for the cost of disinflation across states. Though, disinflation cost has declined as the Bank of Ghana shifts from monetary targeting to inflation-targeting regime, overall cost is still high. This has implication on disinflation policy given the development agenda pursue by the country

    Protecting wellbeing and resilience in BAME families and communities during a public health emergency (Hindi)

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    Ignoring race, gender and class when tackling a pandemic can undermine not only wellbeing across Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families and communities (BAME FC) but also their levels of trust in government. A framework to protect wellbeing and resilience in BAME FC during public health emergencies was developed by Co-POWeR to ensure that laws and guidance adopted are culturally competent

    Protecting wellbeing and resilience in BAME families and communities during a public health emergency (Punjabi)

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    Ignoring race, gender and class when tackling a pandemic can undermine not only wellbeing across Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families and communities (BAME FC) but also their levels of trust in government. A framework to protect wellbeing and resilience in BAME FC during public health emergencies was developed by Co-POWeR to ensure that laws and guidance adopted are culturally competent

    Protecting wellbeing and resilience in BAME families and communities during a public health emergency (Bangla)

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    Ignoring race, gender and class when tackling a pandemic can undermine not only wellbeing across Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families and communities (BAME FC) but also their levels of trust in government. A framework to protect wellbeing and resilience in BAME FC during public health emergencies was developed by Co-POWeR to ensure that laws and guidance adopted are culturally competent

    Protecting wellbeing and resilience in BAME families and communities during a public health emergency (Urdu)

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    Ignoring race, gender and class when tackling a pandemic can undermine not only wellbeing across Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families and communities (BAME FC) but also their levels of trust in government. A framework to protect wellbeing and resilience in BAME FC during public health emergencies was developed by Co-POWeR to ensure that laws and guidance adopted are culturally competent

    Protecting wellbeing and resilience in BAME families and communities during a public health emergency (Tamil)

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    Ignoring race, gender and class when tackling a pandemic can undermine not only wellbeing across Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families and communities (BAME FC) but also their levels of trust in government. A framework to protect wellbeing and resilience in BAME FC during public health emergencies was developed by Co-POWeR to ensure that laws and guidance adopted are culturally competent

    Protecting wellbeing and resilience in BAME families and communities during a public health emergency (Welsh)

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    Ignoring race, gender and class when tackling a pandemic can undermine not only wellbeing across Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families and communities (BAME FC) but also their levels of trust in government. A framework to protect wellbeing and resilience in BAME FC during public health emergencies was developed by Co-POWeR to ensure that laws and guidance adopted are culturally competent

    Protecting wellbeing and resilience in BAME families and communities during a public health emergency (Gujurati)

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    Ignoring race, gender and class when tackling a pandemic can undermine not only wellbeing across Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic families and communities (BAME FC) but also their levels of trust in government. A framework to protect wellbeing and resilience in BAME FC during public health emergencies was developed by Co-POWeR to ensure that laws and guidance adopted are culturally competent