35 research outputs found

    Landscape Diversity Related to Buruli Ulcer Disease in CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    Buruli ulcer (BU) is one of the most neglected but treatable tropical diseases. The causative organism, Mycobacterium ulcerans, is from the family of bacteria that causes tuberculosis and leprosy. This severe skin disease leads to long-term functional disability if not treated. BU has been reported in over 30 countries mainly with tropical and subtropical climates, but Côte d'Ivoire is one of the most affected countries. M. ulcerans is an environmental bacterium and its mode of transmission to humans is still unclear, such that the disease is often referred to as the “mysterious disease” or the “new leprosy”. Here, we explored the relationship between environmental and socioeconomic factors and BU cases on a nationwide scale. We found that irrigated rice field cultures areas, and, to a lesser extent, banana fields as well as areas in the vicinity of dams used for irrigation and aquaculture purposes, represent high risk zones for the human population to contract BU in Côte d'Ivoire. This work identifies high-risk areas for BU in Côte d'Ivoire and deserves to be extended to different countries. We need now to obtain a global vision and understanding of the route of transmission of M. ulcerans to humans in order to better implement control strategies

    Assembling a global database of child pneumonia studies to inform WHO pneumonia management algorithm: methodology and applications

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    BACKGROUND: The existing World Health Organization (WHO) pneumonia case management guidelines rely on clinical symptoms and signs for identifying, classifying, and treating pneumonia in children up to 5 years old. We aimed to collate an individual patient-level data set from large, high-quality pre-existing studies on pneumonia in children to identify a set of signs and symptoms with greater validity in the diagnosis, prognosis, and possible treatment of childhood pneumonia for the improvement of current pneumonia case management guidelines. METHODS: Using data from a published systematic review and expert knowledge, we identified studies meeting our eligibility criteria and invited investigators to share individual-level patient data. We collected data on demographic information, general medical history, and current illness episode, including history, clinical presentation, chest radiograph findings when available, treatment, and outcome. Data were gathered separately from hospital-based and community-based cases. We performed a narrative synthesis to describe the final data set. RESULTS: Forty-one separate data sets were included in the Pneumonia Research Partnership to Assess WHO Recommendations (PREPARE) database, 26 of which were hospital-based and 15 were community-based. The PREPARE database includes 285 839 children with pneumonia (244 323 in the hospital and 41 516 in the community), with detailed descriptions of clinical presentation, clinical progression, and outcome. Of 9185 pneumonia-related deaths, 6836 (74%) occurred in children <1 year of age and 1317 (14%) in children aged 1-2 years. Of the 285 839 episodes, 280 998 occurred in children 0-59 months old, of which 129 584 (46%) were 2-11 months of age and 152 730 (54%) were males. CONCLUSIONS: This data set could identify an improved specific, sensitive set of criteria for diagnosing clinical pneumonia and help identify sick children in need of referral to a higher level of care or a change of therapy. Field studies could be designed based on insights from PREPARE analyses to validate a potential revised pneumonia algorithm. The PREPARE methodology can also act as a model for disease database assembly

    Hispanic health in the USA: a scoping review of the literature

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    Hispanics are the largest minority group in the USA. They contribute to the economy, cultural diversity, and health of the nation. Assessing their health status and health needs is key to inform health policy formulation and program implementation. To this end, we conducted a scoping review of the literature and national statistics on Hispanic health in the USA using a modified social-ecological framework that includes social determinants of health, health disparities, risk factors, and health services, as they shape the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. These social, environmental, and biological forces have modified the epidemiologic profile of Hispanics in the USA, with cancer being the leading cause of mortality, followed by cardiovascular diseases and unintentional injuries. Implementation of the Affordable Care Act has resulted in improved access to health services for Hispanics, but challenges remain due to limited cultural sensitivity, health literacy, and a shortage of Hispanic health care providers. Acculturation barriers and underinsured or uninsured status remain as major obstacles to health care access. Advantageous health outcomes from the “Hispanic Mortality Paradox” and the “Latina Birth Outcomes Paradox” persist, but health gains may be offset in the future by increasing rates of obesity and diabetes. Recommendations focus on the adoption of the Health in All Policies framework, expanding access to health care, developing cultural sensitivity in the health care workforce, and generating and disseminating research findings on Hispanic health


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    The current–voltage characteristics of the bulk metal chalcogenide glassy semiconductor Cu 1(AsSe 1.4I 0.2) 99 are obtained by Tektronix 576 Curve Tracer. It was found that this glass has current-controlled negative resistance (CCNR) and switching characteristic with memory. Experimental results have shown a strong decrease in electrical resistivity and threshold voltage due to the presence of the metallic element copper and change of ambient temperature. Also, photomicrographs of the sample surface are presented and the impact of electrical switching on forming crystalline conductive channels on the surface of the investigated amorphous semiconductor is discussed. In the group of non-crystalline semiconducting materials a special place is occupied by chalcogenide amorphous semiconductors, i.e. the materials that contain one or more chalcogen elements: sulphur, selenium and tellurium [1]. They can be obtained in the form of glasses either as bulk amorphous samples, or in the form of thin films

    Political Dynamics of Muhammadiyah and Its Relevance to the Concept of the State in Islam

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    This study describes the political dynamics of Muhammadiyah and its relevance to the constitutional concept from Islamic political perspective. This research uses descriptive, and historical approach. The results of the study finds out: First, the characteristics of an Islamic state are applying God's law, adopting a form of leadership, being universal, not totalitarian, and applying a humane leadership pattern. This character is supported by a leadership system based on basic principles in the Islamic state (al-mabda 'al-asāsč fi dawlah al-Islamiyyah) which includes: trustworthiness (al-amānah), deliberation (al-syōrā), equality (al- musāwā), justice (al-'adālah), and plurality (al-ta 'addudiyya). Second, the Muhammadiyah doctrine originates from the al-Qur'an and al-Hadith and contains a system of beliefs, thoughts, and actions which, as a whole, is accumulated into the ideology and values of the Muhammadiyah movement. This doctrine is then outlined in Muhammadiyah's statute and Bylaws (AD/ART) and covers all steps and strategies for the struggle, personality, beliefs and way of life of Muhammadiyah. Third, political theology and universal and fundamental religious understanding serve as guidelines, and at the same time, as the blueprint for Muhammadiyah's political midset which is implemented through political and cultural channels in the realm of high, allocative politics

    Strahlenschutz und Umgebungsueberwachung im Bereich der Schachtanlage Asse Jahresbericht 2000

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    Die Strahlenschutzmessungen im Bergwerk und in der Umgebung der Schachtanlage Asse wurden wie in den vergangenen Jahren fortgesetzt. In den Programmen zur Abluft- und Umgebungsueberwachung sind im wesentlichen die bisherigen Ueberwachungsmassnahmen und die im Rahmen des betrieblichen Strahlenschutzes durchgefuehrten Messungen zusammengefasst. In der Abluft des Salzbergwerkes wurden wie in den vergangenen Jahren geringe Mengen der Nuklide H 3, C 14, Pb 210 und Rn 222 einschliesslich Rn 220 sowie die kurzlebigen Folgeprodukte des Radons nachgewiesen. Die aus den ermittelten Jahresabgabewerten errechneten Konzentrationen in der Umgebung der Schachtanlage lagen teilweise unter den mittleren natuerlich vorkommenden Konzentrationen dieser Nuklide. Die durch die Emission bedingte Strahlenexposition an der unguenstigsten Einwirkungsstelle in der Umgebung lag weit unter den Grenzwerten der Strahlenschutzverordnung. Die mit der Lagerung von radioaktiven Abfaellen und der Durchfuehrung von Forschungsaufgaben im Salzbergwerk Asse zusammenhaengende Strahlenexposition lieferte fuer die Belegschaft und die Bevoelkerung der umliegenden Ortschaften im Vergleich zur natuerlichen und zivilisatorischen Strahlenbelastung einen unbedeutenden Beitrag. (orig.)The measuring activities for radiological monitoring in the mine and the surrounding area have been continued as usual, in compliance with the relevant programmes. As in previous years, low amounts of the nuclides H 3, C 14, Pb 210 and Rn 222, including Rn 220, and the short-life radon daughter products have been detected. In some cases, the nuclide-specific concentrations in ambient air derived from the annual average were below the mean natural concentrations of those nuclides. The relevant exposure data at the most affected measuring points remained far below the maximum permissible doses given in the Radiation Protection Ordinance. As compared to the natural and anthropogenic ambient radiation levels, the radiation exposure of the population in the area and the personnel on site, emanating from radioactive waste storage and performance of research projects in the Asse mine, represent an unsignificant contribution. (orig./CB)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RO 2674(6/01) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Strahlenschutz und Umgebungsueberwachung im Bereich der Schachtanlage Asse Jahresbericht 1999

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    Die Strahlenschutzmessungen im Bergwerk und in der Umgebung der Schachtanlage Asse wurden wie in den vergangenen Jahren fortgesetzt. In den Programmen zur Abluft- und Umgebungsueberwachung sind im wesentlichen die bisherigen Ueberwachungsmassnahmen und die im Rahmen des betrieblichen Strahlenschutzes durchgefuehrten Messungen zusammengefasst. In der Abluft des Salzbergwerkes wurden wie in den vergangenen Jahren geringe Mengen der Nuklide H 3, C 14, Pb 210 und Rn 222 einschliesslich Rn 220 sowie die kurzlebigen Folgeprodukte des Radons nachgewiesen. Die aus den ermittelten Jahresabgabewerten errechneten Konzentrationen in der Umgebung der Schachtanlage lagen teilweise unter den mittleren natuerlich vorkommenden Konzentrationen dieser Nuklide. Die durch die Emission bedingte Strahlenexposition an der unguenstigsten Einwirkungsstelle in der Umgebung lag weit unter den Grenzwerten der Strahlenschutzverordnung. Die mit der Lagerung von radioaktiven Abfaellen und der Durchfuehrung von Forschungsaufgaben im Salzbergwerk Asse zusammenhaengende Strahlenexposition lieferte fuer die Belegschaft und die Bevoelkerung der umliegenden Ortschaften im Vergleich zur natuerlichen und zivilisatorischen Strahlenbelastung einen unbedeutenden Beitrag. (orig.)The measuring activities for radiological monitoring in the mine and the surrounding area have been continued as usual, in compliance with the relevant programmes. As in previous years, low amounts of the nuclides H 3, C 14, Pb 210 and Rn 222, including Rn 220, and the short-life radon daughter products have been detected. In some cases, the nuclide-specific concentrations in ambient air derived from the annual average were below the mean natural concentrations of those nuclides. The relevant exposure data at the most affected measuring points remained far below the maximum permissible doses given in the Radiation Protection Ordinance. As compared to the natural and anthropogenic ambient radiation levels, the radiation exposure of the population in the area and the personnel on site, emanating from radioactive waste storage and performance of research projects in the Asse mine, represent an unsignificant contribution. (orig./CB)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RO 2674(6/00) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Strahlenschutz und Umgebungsueberwachung im Bereich der Schachtanlage Asse Jahresbericht 1997

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    Die Anzahl der jaehrlichen innerhalb des betreibereigenen Programms zur Umgebungsueberwachung vorgenommenen Probenahmen und Messungen blieb mit 364 gegenueber dem Vorjahr unveraendert. Alle Messungen lieferten Werte im Bereich der natuerlichen Umweltradioaktivitaet. In einigen Faellen waren auch die langfristigen Auswirkungen frueherer Kernwaffenversuche sowie des sowjetischen Reaktorungluecks von Tschernobyl nachweisbar. Die Mitarbeiter wurden entsprechend der Strahlenschutzverordnung laufend ueberwacht. Ebenso erfolgte die Messung der Ortsdosis, der Ortsdosisleistung sowie der Aktivitaet der Grubenluft im Rahmen des betrieblichen Strahlenschutzes. Eine Ueberschreitung der zugelassenen Personendosen und Aktivitaetswerte fuer beruflich strahlenexponierte Personen konnte nicht festgestellt werden. In der Abluft des Salzbergwerkes wurden wie in den vergangenen Jahren geringe Mengen der Nuklide H 3, C 14, Pb 210 und der kurzlebigen Folgeprodukte von Rn 222 und Rn 220 nachgewiesen. Die aus den ermittelten Jahresabgabewerten errechneten Konzentrationen in der Umgebung der Schachtanlage lagen teilweise unter den mittleren natuerlich vorkommenden Konzentrationen dieser Nuklide. Die durch die Emission bedingte Strahlenexposition an der unguenstigsten Einwirkungsstelle in der Umgebung lag weit unter den Grenzwerten der Strahlenschutzverordnung. (orig.)The number of annual sampling and measurements performed in compliance with the operator's monitoring duties have been the same as last year: 364. All measured radioactivity values were at the level of natural environmental radioactivity. Some samples and measurements reflected the fallout from former atmospheric nuclear weapons tests and the accident at the Chernobyl reactor. Personnel dosimetry was performed according to legal requirements of the Radiation Protection Ordinance, as were measurements for the monitoring of ambient doses, dose rates and radioactivity levels in the air of the mine structures. All measured values were below the maximum permissible personal doses and occupational dose limits. Ambient air measurements in the salt mine as in the preceding years detected low amounts of the nuclides H 3, C 14, Pb 210, and the short-lived daughter products of Rn 222 and Rn 220. The calculated radioactivity concentrations in the vicinity of the mine, derived from averaged annual effluents, to some part were below the average natural concentrations of the nuclides. The effluent-induced radiation dose at the most affected location was far below the limits set by the Radiation Protection Ordinance. (orig./CB)Available from TIB Hannover: RO 2674(1998,13) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman