11,246 research outputs found

    Non local Andreev reflection in a carbon nanotube superconducting quantum interference device

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    We investigate a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) based on carbon nanotubes in a fork geometry [J.-P. Cleuziou {\it et al.}, Nature Nanotechnology {\bf 1}, 53 (2006)], involving tunneling of evanescent quasiparticles through a superconductor over a distance comparable to the superconducting coherence length, with therefore ``non local'' processes generalizing non local Andreev reflection and elastic cotunneling. Non local processes induce a reduction of the critical current and modify the current-phase relation. We discuss arbitrary interface transparencies. Such devices in fork geometries are candidates for probing the phase coherence of crossed Andreev reflection.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, revised versio

    Magnetoconductance of carbon nanotube p-n junctions

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    The magnetoconductance of p-n junctions formed in clean single wall carbon nanotubes is studied in the noninteracting electron approximation and perturbatively in electron-electron interaction, in the geometry where a magnetic field is along the tube axis. For long junctions the low temperature magnetoconductance is anomalously large: the relative change in the conductance becomes of order unity even when the flux through the tube is much smaller than the flux quantum. The magnetoconductance is negative for metallic tubes. For semiconducting and small gap tubes the magnetoconductance is nonmonotonic; positive at small and negative at large fields.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Growth of solid hcp \^4He off the melting curve

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    We report studies of the growth of solid hcp \4he at pressures higher than the bulk freezing pressure using a cell design that allows us to inject atoms into the solid. Near the melting curve during injection we observe random events during which the pressure recorded in the cell drops abruptly. These events are accompanied by transient increases in the temperature of the cell. We discuss these transients and conclude that they represent the solidification of meta-stable liquid regions and the associated relief of strain in the local solid. We also observe that further from the melting curve the transients are no longer recorded, but that we can continue to add atoms to the solid, increasing its density at fixed volume. We document these changes in density with respect to changes in the chemical potential as a function of temperature and discuss these in the context of recent theoretical work.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Spin resolved Andreev reflection in ferromagnet-superconductor junctions with Zeeman splitting

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    Andreev reflection in ferromagnet-superconductor junctions is derived in a regime in which Zeeman splitting dominates the response of the superconductor to an applied magnetic field. Spin-up and spin-down Andreev reflections are shown to be resolved as voltage is increased. In the metallic limit, the transition from Andreev to tunnel conductivity in the spin-up channels has a non trivial behavior when spin polarization is increased. The conductance is asymmetric in a voltage reversal.Comment: RevTex. 13 pages. 3 figures include

    On the spectrum of facet crystallization waves at the smooth 4He crystal surface

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    The wavelike processes of crystallization and melting or crystallization waves are well known to exist at the 4He crystal surface in the rough state. Much less is known about crystallization waves for the 4He crystal surface in the smooth well-faceted state below the roughening transition temperature. To meet the lack, we analyze here the spectrum of facet crystallization waves and its dependence upon the wavelength, perturbation amplitude, and the number of possible facet steps distributed somehow over the wavelength. All the distinctive features of facet crystallization waves from conventional waves at the rough surface result from a nonanalytic cusplike behavior in the angle dependence for the surface tension of smooth crystal facets.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Mass flow through solid 4He induced by the fountain effect

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    Using an apparatus that allows superfluid liquid 4He to be in contact with hcp solid \4he at pressures greater than the bulk melting pressure of the solid, we have performed experiments that show evidence for 4He mass flux through the solid and the likely presence of superfluid inside the solid. We present results that show that a thermomechanical equilibrium in quantitative agreement with the fountain effect exists between two liquid reservoirs connected to each other through two superfluid-filled Vycor rods in series with a chamber filled with solid 4He. We use the thermomechanical effect to induce flow through the solid and measure the flow rate. On cooling, mass flux appears near T = 600 mK and rises smoothly as the temperature is lowered. Near T = 75 mK a sharp drop in the flux is present. The flux increases as the temperature is reduced below 75 mK. We comment on possible causes of this flux minimum.Comment: 20 pages, 22 figures, 7 table

    Three Brane Action and The Correspondence Between N=4 Yang Mills Theory and Anti De Sitter Space

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    Recently, a relation between N=4 Super Yang Mills in 3+1 dimensions and supergravity in an AdS5AdS_5 background has been proposed. In this paper we explore the idea that the correspondence between operators in the Yang Mills theory and modes of the supergravity theory can be obtained by using the D3 brane action. Specifically, we consider two form gauge fields for this purpose. The supergravity analysis predicts that the operator which corresponds to this mode has dimension six. We show that this is indeed the leading operator in the three brane Dirac-Born-Infeld and Wess-Zumino action which couples to this mode. It is important in the analysis that the brane action is expanded around the anti de-Sitter background. Also, the Wess-Zumino term plays a crucial role in cancelling a lower dimension operator which appears in the the Dirac-Born-Infeld action.Comment: 12 pages, LaTex, no figures; error in the form of the final dimension six operator corrected, some references and comments added, main conclusions unchange

    Contribution of weak localization to non local transport at normal metal / superconductor double interfaces

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    In connection with a recent experiment [Russo {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 027002 (2005)], we investigate the effect of weak localization on non local transport in normal metal / insulator / superconductor / insulator / normal metal (NISIN) trilayers, with extended interfaces. The negative weak localization contribution to the crossed resistance can exceed in absolute value the positive elastic cotunneling contribution if the normal metal phase coherence length or the energy are large enough.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, minor modification

    Two-photon correlations as a sign of sharp transition in quark-gluon plasma

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    The photon production arising due to time variation of the medium has been considered. The Hamilton formalism for photons in time-variable medium (plasma) has been developed with application to inclusive photon production. The results have been used for calculation of the photon production in the course of transition from quark-gluon phase to hadronic phase in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The relative strength of the effect as well as specific two- photon correlations have been evaluated. It has been demonstrated that the opposite side two-photon correlations are indicative of the sharp transition from the quark-gluon phase to hadrons.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure